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add scan level info





the MSnbase mzml data object


data.frame, see Details


returns a data.frame with:

  • scanIndex: the indices of the scans

  • scan: the number of the scan by number. This will be used to name scans.

  • polarity: +1 or -1 depending on if the scan is positive or negative

  • rtime: the retention time or injection time of the scan for for direct-injection data

  • tic: the total intensity of the scan

  • rtime_lag: how long between this scan and previous scan

  • rtime_lead: how long between this scan and next scan

After running predict_frequency(), the following fields are added from the information returned from frequency conversion:

  • mad: mean absolute deviation of residuals

  • frequency model coefficients: the coefficients from the fit frequency, named whatever you named them

  • mz model coefficients: similar, but for the m/z model