Reporting ========= To allow users some flexibility in report creation a unique system for specifying how to build reports was created. This system is described here. The key framework to keep in mind is that there are 3 different reports and 2 ways to build each one. The specifications also slightly differ between each other and between author_search and reference_search. The 3 reports are summary_report, project_report, and collaborator_report. Each report can be specified using a formatted text string or using a dictionary to specify rows and columns. To specify a report using a formatted string include the "template" attribute for the report. To specify a report using rows and columns include the "columns" attribute for the report. "columns" should be a dictionary where the keys are column names and values are what should be in each row of the column. Typically, the values will be keywords. If specifying the report with the "columns" attribute there are other attributes that can be used in conjuction. "file_format" allows you to specify whether the report should be a CSV or Excel file. The 2 allowed values are "csv" and "xlsx". "sort" allows you to specify how to sort the table. It should be a list of column names. Similarly, "column_order" allows you to specify the order of the columns of the table. The order of the columns should be the same as the order given in "columns", but just in case "column_order" is provided to manually set the order. "separator" allows you to specify the separator character for CSV files. It must be one character in length and defaults to a comma. "filename" allows you to specify the filename of the report regardless of whether "columns" or "template" are used to specify the report, but if the "file_format" is "xlsx" and the filename extension is not xlsx then ".xlsx" will be added to the filename. To email a report as an attachment simply include the email related attributes in the report section. If the email attributes are missing then no email is sent. Example Config JSON Excerpt --------------------------- .. code-block:: console "summary_report" : {"template":"This is a header\n:\n:\n</pub_loop></author_loop></project_loop>", "columns":{"Project":"<project_name>", "Author":"<author_first>; <author_last>", "Publication":"<title>"}, "column_order":["Project", "Author", "Publication"], "sort":["Project", "Author"], "file_format":"csv", "separator":"\t", "filename":"summary_report.txt", "email_body":"Please see attached summary_report.", "email_subject":"Summary of Publications", "to_email":[""], "from_email":"", "cc_email":[""]} Note that "template" takes precedent over "columns" so if both are specified "template" is used. This example is just trying to give a full example. Summary Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using the summary_report section of the configuration JSON a custom summary report can be created. Academic Tracker will read the template or columns attribute of this section and certain keywords (described below) will be replaced with information collected during the run. The keywords and inherent nature of how the report is built differs between author_search and reference_search. If the summary_report section is missing then no summary report will be made. If the template and columns attributes are not in the summary_report section then a default template will be used (described below). Summary reports are saved in the tracker directory under summary_report.txt by default. Author Search ------------- The report for the author_search is built by looping over each project, each author associated with the project, each publication associated with the author, and each author on the publication. The template for author_search has 5 sections, 1 for each loop (project_loop, author_loop, pub_loop, pub_author_loop, and reference_loop). Tags denote the beginning and end of each loop. The section determines when keywords in the template are replaced. Keywords inside the pub_author_loop section are replaced for each author on the publication. Keywords inside the reference loop section are replaced for each reference on the publication. Keywords inside the pub_loop section are replaced for each publication associated with the author. Keywords inside the author_loop are replaced for each author associated with the project. Keywords inside the project loop section are replaced for each project. The sections are expected to be nested inside of each other, so the pub_author_loop and reference_loop tags should be inside the pub_loop tags, the pub_loop tags should be inside the author_loop tags, and the author_loop tags should be inside the project_loop tags. The pub_author_loop and reference_loop are on the same level and should not be nested within each other. Any incorrect nesting will most likely cause the report not to look as expected. If specifying a tabular report using the "columns" attribute the loops are determined by what keywords are present. If there are keywords from the pub_author_loop in "columns" then a new row will be created for each publication author, but if there are only keywords from the author_loop then a new row will be created for each author. Reference Search ---------------- The report for the reference_search is built by looping over each publication matched in the reference, and each author on the publication. The template has 3 sections, 1 for each loop (pub_loop, pub_author_loop, and reference_loop). Tags denote the beginning and end of each loop. The section determines when keywords in the template are replaced. Keywords inside the pub_author_loop section are replaced for each author on the publication. Keywords inside the reference loop section are replaced for each reference on the publication. Keywords inside the pub_loop section are replaced for each publication. The sections are expected to be nested inside of each other, so the pub_author_loop and reference_loop tags should be inside the pub_loop tags. The pub_author_loop and reference_loop are on the same level and should not be nested within each other. Any incorrect nesting will most likely cause the report not to look as expected. Project Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Project reports are only created for author_search. There is no conception of them in reference_search. To create project reports for a project include the project_report attribute for the project in the config JSON. The project report works similar to the summary report but is isolated to one project so lacks the project loop. If the project_report attribute is missing then no project report will be made. If the template and columns attributes are not in the project_report section then a default template will be used (described below). If from_email is absent then 1 report that loops over each author and publication in the project will be generated and no emails sent. If from_email is provided and to_email is provided then the report is emailed. If to_email is not provided then a report is generated for each author individually and emailed to each author. Project reports are saved in the tracker directory under projectname_project_report.txt or projectname_authorname_project_report.txt by default. Keywords ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console <project_loop> </project_loop> - Denotes the beginning and end of the project_loop section. <author_loop> </author_loop> - Denotes the beginning and end of the author_loop section. <pub_loop> </pub_loop> - Denotes the beginning and end of the pub_loop section. <pub_author_loop> </pub_author_loop> - Deontes the beginning and end of the pub_author_loop section. Project Keywords - Pulled from the project_descriptions section of the configuration JSON file. <project_name> Publication Keywords - Pulled from the data that will be in the publication.json file output. Any missing data will be either blank or None in the report. <abstract> <conclusions> <copyrights> <DOI> <journal> <keywords> <methods> <PMID> <results> <title> <PMCID> <publication_year> <publication_month> <publication_day> <first_author> <last_author> <authors> Will be replaced with a comma separated list of author names of all authors. <grants> Will be replaced with a comma separated list of grants associated with the publication. <queried_sources> Will be replaced with a comma separated list of the sources where information was found for the publication. Pub Author Keywords - Pulled from the authors section of each publication in the publications.json file. <pub_author_first> <pub_author_last> <pub_author_initials> <pub_author_collective> Some authors are a collective and have a special field for the name instead of first and last. <pub_author_affiliations> <pub_author_ORCID> <pub_author_id> Author Keywords - Pulled from the Authors section of the configuration JSON file. <author_first> <author_last> <author_collective> Some authors are a collective and have a special field for the name instead of first and last. <author_name_search> <author_email> Publication References Keywords <reference_citation> The full citation for the reference if available. <reference_title> The reference title if available. <reference_PMID> The reference PMID if available. <reference_PMCID> The reference PMCID if available. <reference_DOI> The reference DOI if available. Reference Search Specific Keywords <ref_line> The line from the reference file used to find the publication. <tok_title> The title parsed (tokenized) from the reference line. <tok_DOI> The DOI parsed (tokenized) from the reference line. <tok_PMID> The PMID parsed (tokenized) from the reference line. <tok_authors> The authors parsed (tokenized) from the reference line. Will be a comma separated list. <is_in_comparison_file> If the publication is in the comparison file True otherwise False. Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console Summary Report Author Search Example: <project_loop><project_name> <author_loop> <author_first> <author_last>: <pub_loop> <title> <authors> <grants> </pub_loop></author_loop></project_loop> Output: Core A Administrative Core Kelly Pennell: Appalachian Environmental Health Literacy: Building Knowledge and Skills to Protect Health. Anna G Hoover, Annie Koempel, W Jay Christian, Kimberly I Tumlin, Kelly G Pennell, Steven Evans, Malissa McAlister, Lindell E Ormsbee, Dawn Brewer G08 LM013185, P30 ES026529, P42 ES007380, R01 ES032396 Direct injection analysis of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface and drinking water by sample filtration and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Kelly Pennell, Andrew Morris None Found Core B BEAC Jianzhong Chen: Rubusoside-assisted solubilization of poorly soluble C6-Ceramide for a pilot pharmacokinetic study Jianzhong Chen None Found Tris(1,3‐Dichloro‐2‐Propyl)Phosphate Is an Endocrine Disrupting Compound Causing Sex‐Specific Changes in Body Composition and Insulin Sensitivity Cetewayo Rashid, Sara Tenlep, Jianzhong Chen, Andrew Morris None Found Pioglitazone does not synergize with mirabegron to increase beige fat or further improve glucose metabolism Jianzhong Chen, Andrew Morris None Found The β3-adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron improves glucose homeostasis in obese humans Jianzhong Chen, Andrew Morris None Found Summary Report Reference Search Example: <pub_loop>Reference Line: <ref_line> Tokenized Reference: Authors: <tok_authors> Title: <tok_title> PMID: <tok_PMID> DOI: <tok_DOI> Queried Information: DOI: <DOI> PMID: <PMID> PMCID: <PMCID> Grants: <grants> </pub_loop> Output: Reference Line: Baran M, Huang Y, Moseley H, Montelione G. Automated Analysis of Protein NMR Assignments and Structures. ChemInform. 2004 November; 35(45):-. doi: 10.1002/chin.200445293. Tokenized Reference: Authors: Baran M, Huang Y, Moseley H, Montelione G. Title: Automated Analysis of Protein NMR Assignments and Structures. PMID: DOI: 10.1002/chin.200445293 Queried Information: DOI: 10.1002/chin.200445293 PMID: None PMCID: None Grants: None Reference Line: Lane AN, Arumugam S, Lorkiewicz PK, Higashi RM, Laulhé S, Nantz MH, Moseley HN, Fan TW. Chemoselective detection and discrimination of carbonyl-containing compounds in metabolite mixtures by 1H-detected 15N nuclear magnetic resonance. Magn Reson Chem. 2015 May;53(5):337-43. doi: 10.1002/mrc.4199. Epub 2015 Jan 23. PubMed PMID: 25616249; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4409496. Tokenized Reference: Authors: Lane AN, Arumugam S, Lorkiewicz PK, Higashi RM, Laulhé S, Nantz MH, Moseley HN, Fan TW. Title: Chemoselective detection and discrimination of carbonyl-containing compounds in metabolite mixtures by 1H-detected 15N nuclear magnetic resonance. PMID: 25616249 DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4199 Queried Information: DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4199 PMID: 25616249 PMCID: PMC4409496 Grants: R01ES022191-01, R01 ES022191, 1 U24 DK097215-01A1, P01CA163223-01A1, P01 CA163223, P30 CA177558, U24 DK097215 Summary Report Tabular Example: {"columns": {"Project":"<project_name>"", "Author":"<author_first>", "Publication":"<title>"}, "sort":["Project", "Author"]} Output: Project Author Publication Project 1 Jerika Durham Differential Fuel Requirements of Human NK Cells and Human CD8 T Cells: Glutamine Regulates Glucose Uptake in Strongly Activated CD8 T Cells Project 2 Pan Deng Nutritional modulation of the toxicity of environmental pollutants: Implications in atherosclerosis Project 2 Pan Deng SSIF: Subsumption-based sub-term inference framework to audit gene ontology Project 2 Pan Deng MEScan: a powerful statistical framework for genome-scale mutual exclusivity analysis of cancer mutations Project Report Individual Report Example: Hey <author_first>,\n\nThese are the publications I was able to find on PubMed. Are any missing?\n\n<author_loop><pub_loop>\t<title> <authors> <grants>\n</pub_loop></author_loop>\n\nKind regards,\n\nThis email was sent by an automated service. If you have any questions or concerns please email my creator" Output: Hey Angela, These are the publications I was able to find on PubMed. Are any missing? Hydrogels and Hydrogel Nanocomposites: Enhancing Healthcare Through Human and Environmental Treatment Angela M. Gutierrez, E. Molly Frazar, Victoria Klaus, Pranto Paul, J. Z. Hilt None Found Synthesis of magnetic nanocomposite microparticles for binding of chlorinated organics in contaminated water sources Angela M. Gutierrez, Rohit Bhandari, Jiaying Weng, Arnold Stromberg, Thomas D. Dziubla, J. Zach Hilt P42ES007380 Project Report Example: <author_loop><author_first> <author_last>:\n<pub_loop>\t<title> <authors> <grants>\n</pub_loop></author_loop>\n\nKind regards,\n\n Output: Jerika Durham: Differential Fuel Requirements of Human NK Cells and Human CD8 T Cells: Glutamine Regulates Glucose Uptake in Strongly Activated CD8 T Cells Jerika Durham None Found Pan Deng: Nutritional modulation of the toxicity of environmental pollutants: Implications in atherosclerosis Pan Deng None Found SSIF: Subsumption-based sub-term inference framework to audit gene ontology Hunter Moseley None Found MEScan: a powerful statistical framework for genome-scale mutual exclusivity analysis of cancer mutations Hunter Moseley None Found Project Report Tabular Example: {"columns": {"Author":"<author_first>", "Publication":"<title>"}, "sort":["Author"]} Output: Author Publication Jerika Durham Differential Fuel Requirements of Human NK Cells and Human CD8 T Cells: Glutamine Regulates Glucose Uptake in Strongly Activated CD8 T Cells Pan Deng Nutritional modulation of the toxicity of environmental pollutants: Implications in atherosclerosis Pan Deng SSIF: Subsumption-based sub-term inference framework to audit gene ontology Pan Deng MEScan: a powerful statistical framework for genome-scale mutual exclusivity analysis of cancer mutations Default Template Strings ------------------------ Author Search ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary +++++++ .. code-block:: console <project_loop><project_name>\n<author_loop>\t<author_first> <author_last>:<pub_loop>\n\t\tTitle: <title> \n\t\tAuthors: <authors> \n\t\tJournal: <journal> \n\t\tDOI: <DOI> \n\t\tPMID: <PMID> \n\t\tPMCID: <PMCID> \n\t\tGrants: <grants>\n</pub_loop>\n</author_loop></project_loop> Project +++++++ .. code-block:: console <author_loop><author_first> <author_last>:<pub_loop>\n\tTitle: <title> \n\tAuthors: <authors> \n\tJournal: <journal> \n\tDOI: <DOI> \n\tPMID: <PMID> \n\tPMCID: <PMCID> \n\tGrants: <grants>\n</pub_loop>\n</author_loop> Author ++++++ .. code-block:: console <author_loop><author_first> <author_last>:<pub_loop>\n\tTitle: <title> \n\tAuthors: <authors> \n\tJournal: <journal> \n\tDOI: <DOI> \n\tPMID: <PMID> \n\tPMCID: <PMCID> \n\tGrants: <grants>\n</pub_loop>\n</author_loop> Reference Search ---------------- .. code-block:: console <pub_loop>Reference Line:\n\t<ref_line>\nTokenized Reference:\n\tAuthors: <tok_authors>\n\tTitle: <tok_title>\n\tPMID: <tok_PMID>\n\tDOI: <tok_DOI>\nQueried Information:\n\tDOI: <DOI>\n\tPMID: <PMID>\n\tPMCID: <PMCID>\n\tGrants: <grants>\n\n</pub_loop> Collaborator Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creating a collaborator report for an author is actually a unique use case from a typical author_search run, but since all of the steps are the same it is included as a report in author_search rather than being its own command. The idea is to be able to go through an author's publications and build a report that contains all of the other authors they have worked with. This type of report is required by some funding providers. Collaborator reports are only created for author_search. There is no conception of them in reference_search. To create a collaborator report for an author include the collaborator_report attribute for the author in the config JSON. Although a collaborator report is done on a per author basis it can be included in a project of the config JSON as a convenience. If it is included in a project then a collaborator report will be created for each author associated with the project. The report is built by looping over each publication for the author and each author on the publication. Unlike the project report though only the pub_author_loop is available for the collaborator report. Tags denote the beginning and end of the loop. The collaborator report is a little unique compared to the sumary and project reports because it defaults to a tabular file using the "columns" attribute rather than using the "template" attribute. If the collaborator_report attribute is missing then no collaborator report will be made. If the template and columns attributes are not in the collaborator_report section then a default columns and sort will be used (described below). If from_email is absent then no emails will be sent. If from_email is provided and to_email is provided then the report is sent to the to_email address, otherwise it is sent to the author's email. Collaborator reports are saved in the tracker directory under author_id_collaborators.csv by default. Keywords ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console <pub_author_first> - Collaborator's first name. <pub_author_last> - Collaborator's last name. <pub_author_initials> - Collaborator's initials. <pub_author_affiliations> - Collaborator's affiliations. <pub_author_ORCID> - Collaborator's ORCID. <pub_author_id> - Collaborator's ID. Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console Collaborator Report Attributes: columns = ["Name", "Affiliations"] values = ["<last_name>, <first_name>", "<affiliations>"] sort = ["Name"] Output CSV: Name Affiliations Brewer, Dawn University of Kentucky Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition. Christian, W Jay University of Kentucky College of Public Health. Evans, Steven Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute. Default Values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console columns : {"Name":"<last_name>, <first_name>", "Affiliations":"<affiliations>"} column_order : ["Name", "Affiliations"] sort : ["Name"] separator : ","