JSON Schema

Academic Tracker uses and produces several JSON files in its execution. This document describes their structure and gives examples. JSON Schema is used here to describe the structure and used in the program to validate inputs.

Configuration JSON

The configuration JSON is required for any command used in Academic Tracker. It contains all the information necessary to run a command. Not every command will use every section of the configuration JSON, and those sections are not required for those commands.



This section contains information about the funding projects your authors are apart of. Some of the information in this section is used during search and some is only used when constructing reports.

The grants, cutoff_year, and affiliatons attributes are all used during search. grants is used to specifically look for the given grant strings to see if the queried publication is associated with them. cutoff_year is used to filter out publications that were published before the given year. affiliations is used when matching the author under search with the queried author. Each of these can be set for authors individually, but are presented here for convenience.

The authors attribute is used to specify which authors belong to the project. If the attribute is not present then it assumes that all authors are associated with the project. Entries for this attribute must match an entry in the Authors section of the configuration JSON.

project_report is used to specify that creating a project report is desired and how to construct and email it. If project_report is missing then no report is created for that project. Additional attributes within the project_report attribute specify how to construct the report and whether to email it. Details about reporting are in the Reporting section.

The from_email attribute within project_report is used to specify what email address the email with the report attached should be sent from. If this attribute is missing then no email will be sent. The to_email attribute is used to specify which emails to send the report to. If it is missing, but from_email is not then reports are made for each author associated with the project rather than one report for the whole project. Similarly, cc_email is used to specify which emails to cc the report to. email_body is used to specify what should be in the body of the email, and email_subject is used to specify what should be in the subject of the email.

collaborator_report is used to specify that creating a collaborator report is desired and how to construct and email it. If collaborator_report is missing then no report is created for the authors of that project. Additional attributes within the collaborator_report attribute specify how to construct the report and whether to email it. Details about reporting are in the Reporting section.

The from_email attribute within collaborator_report is used to specify what email address the email with the report attached should be sent from. If this attribute is missing then no email will be sent. The to_email attribute is used to specify which emails to send the report to. If it is missing, but from_email is not then the author’s email attribute is used instead. Similarly, cc_email is used to specify which emails to cc the report to. email_body is used to specify what should be in the body of the email, and email_subject is used to specify what should be in the subject of the email.

Commands Requiring This Section:




summary_report is used to specify that creating a summary report is desired and how to construct and email it. If summary_report is missing then no report is created for that run. Additional attributes within the summary_report attribute specify how to construct the report and whether to email it. Details about reporting are in the Reporting section.

The from_email attribute within summary_report is used to specify what email address the email with the report attached should be sent from. If this attribute is missing then no email will be sent. The to_email attribute is used to specify which emails to send the report to. Similarly, cc_email is used to specify which emails to cc the report to. email_body is used to specify what should be in the body of the email, and email_subject is used to specify what should be in the subject of the email.


The Authors section is where all of the information about the authors you want to search for goes. Every author in this section will be queried during author_search.

The first_name and last_name attributes are for the author’s first and last names respectively, and are used to validate that the author under search is the same as the queried author. There is a special type of author known as collective authors. These are not individuals, but are instead a collective and are published that way. Use the collective_name attribute to indicate that an author is a collective. This attribute takes priority, so if it is present the author will be treated as a collective author even if they have first_name and last_name attributes.

pubmed_name_search is used as the query string when querying sources. This is so the user can specify exactly what to query rather than simply querying the first and last name.

email is used to send individual project reports and collaborator reports to authors about their publications if the user chooses to do so.

ORCID is the ORCID ID of the author and is required to search an author’s publications in ORCID’s database. If this is not present then the author will be skipped when searching ORCID.

The grants, cutoff_year, affiliations, project_report, and collaborator_report attributes from the project_description section can also be included individually for an author. They are in the project_description section so it is easier to specify these fields en masse, but it can be done on an individual level as well.

Commands Requiring This Section:






Validating Schema

config_schema = \
 "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
 "title": "Configuration JSON",
 "description": "Input file that contains information for how the program should run.",

 "type": "object",
 "properties": {
         "project_descriptions" : {
             "type": "object",
             "minProperties": 1,
             "additionalProperties": {
                             "grants": {"type": "array", "minItems":1, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1}},
                             "cutoff_year": {"type": "integer", "minimum":1000, "maximum":9999},
                             "affiliations": {"type": "array", "minItems":1, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1}},
                             "project_report": {"type": "object",
                                                        "columns": {"type": "object",
                                                                    "additionalProperties": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                                                        "sort": {"type": "array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                        "separator":{"type":"string", "maxLength":1, "minLength":1},
                                                        "column_order":{"type":"array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                        "file_format":{"type":"string", "enum":["csv", "xlsx"]},
                                                        "filename":{"type":"string", "minLength":1},
                                                        "template": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                        "from_email": {"type": "string", "format": "email"},
                                                        "cc_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                        "to_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                        "email_body": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                        "email_subject": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},},
                                                        "from_email": ["email_body", "email_subject"],
                                                        "to_email": ["from_email", "email_body", "email_subject"]}},
                             "collaborator_report": {"type": "object",
                                                             "columns": {"type": "object",
                                                                         "additionalProperties": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                                                             "sort": {"type": "array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                             "separator":{"type":"string", "maxLength":1, "minLength":1},
                                                             "column_order":{"type":"array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                             "file_format":{"type":"string", "enum":["csv", "xlsx"]},
                                                             "filename":{"type":"string", "minLength":1},
                                                             "template": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                             "from_email": {"type": "string", "format": "email"},
                                                             "cc_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                             "to_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                             "email_body": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                             "email_subject": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},},
                                                             "from_email": ["email_body", "email_subject"],
                                                             "to_email": ["from_email", "email_body", "email_subject"]},},
                             "authors": {"type": "array", "minItems":1, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1}},
                     "required": ["grants", "affiliations"]
        "ORCID_search" : {"type":"object",
                          "properties": {
                                  "ORCID_key": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                  "ORCID_secret": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                          "required": ["ORCID_key", "ORCID_secret"]},
        "PubMed_search" : {"type":"object",
                          "properties": {
                                  "PubMed_email": {"type": "string", "format":"email"}},
        "Crossref_search" : {"type":"object",
                          "properties": {
                                  "mailto_email": {"type": "string", "format":"email"}},
        "summary_report" : {"type": "object",
                                  "columns": {"type": "object",
                                              "additionalProperties": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                                  "sort": {"type": "array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                  "separator":{"type":"string", "maxLength":1, "minLength":1},
                                  "column_order":{"type":"array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                  "file_format":{"type":"string", "enum":["csv", "xlsx"]},
                                  "filename":{"type":"string", "minLength":1},
                                  "template": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                  "from_email": {"type": "string", "format": "email"},
                                  "cc_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                  "to_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                  "email_body": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                  "email_subject": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},},
                                  "from_email": ["email_body", "email_subject", "to_email"]}},
        "Authors" :  { "type": "object",
                     "minProperties": 1,
                     "additionalProperties": {
                             "type": "object",
                                     "pubmed_name_search": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                     "email":{"type": "string", "format":"email"},
                                     "ORCID":{"type": "string", "pattern":"^\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{3}[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,X]$"},
                                     "grants": {"type": "array", "minItems":1, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1}},
                                     "cutoff_year": {"type": "integer", "minimum":1000, "maximum":9999},
                                     "scholar_id": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                     "project_report": {"type": "object",
                                                        "columns": {"type": "object",
                                                                    "additionalProperties": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                                                        "sort": {"type": "array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                        "separator":{"type":"string", "maxLength":1, "minLength":1},
                                                        "column_order":{"type":"array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                        "file_format":{"type":"string", "enum":["csv", "xlsx"]},
                                                        "filename":{"type":"string", "minLength":1},
                                                        "template": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                        "from_email": {"type": "string", "format": "email"},
                                                        "cc_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                        "to_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                        "email_body": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                        "email_subject": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},},
                                                        "from_email": ["email_body", "email_subject"],
                                                        "to_email": ["from_email", "email_body", "email_subject"]}},
                                    "collaborator_report": {"type": "object",
                                                             "columns": {"type": "object",
                                                                         "additionalProperties": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                                                             "sort": {"type": "array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                             "separator":{"type":"string", "maxLength":1, "minLength":1},
                                                             "column_order":{"type":"array", "uniqueItems":True, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength":1}, "minItems":1},
                                                             "file_format":{"type":"string", "enum":["csv", "xlsx"]},
                                                             "filename":{"type":"string", "minLength":1},
                                                             "template": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                             "from_email": {"type": "string", "format": "email"},
                                                             "cc_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                             "to_email": {"type": "array",  "items": {"type": "string", "format": "email"}},
                                                             "email_body": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                                             "email_subject": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},},
                                                             "from_email": ["email_body", "email_subject"],
                                                             "to_email": ["from_email", "email_body", "email_subject"]},},
                             "if": {
                                 "properties":{"collective_name":{"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                                 "properties":{"collective_name":{"type": "string", "minLength":1}},
                                 "properties": {
                                         "affiliations": {"type": "array", "minItems":1, "items": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1}},
                                         "first_name": {"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                         "last_name":{"type": "string", "minLength":1},
                                   "required": ["first_name", "last_name"]},
                             "required" : ["pubmed_name_search"]
 "required": ["project_descriptions", "ORCID_search", "PubMed_search", "Crossref_search", "Authors"]


  "project_descriptions" : {
      "<project-name>" : {
         "grants" : [ "P42ES007380", "P42 ES007380" ],
         "cutoff_year" : 2019, # optional
         "affiliations" : [ "kentucky" ],
         "project_report" : { # optional
                 "template": "<formatted_string>", #optional
                 "to_email": [],    #optional
                 "cc_email": []    #optional
                 "from_email": "<email>",  #optional
                 "email_body": "<body>",    #optional
                 "email_subject": "<subject>",   #optional
         "authors" : [], # optional
      "ORCID_search" : {
         "ORCID_key": "<ORCID_key>",
         "ORCID_secret": "<ORCID_secret>"
      "PubMed_search": {
         "PubMed_email": "<PubMed_email>"
      "Crossref_search": {
         "mailto_email": "<mailto_email>"
      "summary_report" : { # optional
          "template": "<formatted_string>", #optional
          "to_email": [],    #optional
          "cc_email": []    #optional
          "from_email": "<email>",  #optional
          "email_body": "<body>",    #optional
          "email_subject": "<subject>",   #optional
      "Authors" : {
         "Author 1": {
                  "first_name" : "<first-name>",
                  "last_name" : "<last-name>",
                  "pubmed_name_search" : "<search-str>",
                  "email": "email@uky.edu", #optional
                  "ORCID": "<orcid>" #optional
                  "affiliations" : ["<affiliation1>", "<affiliation2>"] #optional

         "Author 2": {
                  "first_name" : "<first-name>",
                  "last_name" : "<last-name>",
                  "pubmed_name_search" : "<search-str>",
                  "email": "email@uky.edu", #optional
                  "ORCID": "<orcid>" #optional
                  "affiliations" : ["<affiliation1>", "<affiliation2>"] #optional

Publications JSON

The publications JSON is one of the outputs of the program. It is based on the default JSON created by the pymed package from the PubMed XML. PubMed is the most data rich source that is queried so publications from other sources have their information conformed to this. Therefore publications from other sources will have mostly empty fields.

The keys for each publication will either be a DOI web address, a PMID, or an external URL to the publication. When deciding which type of key to use for a publication when querying the preference is DOI, PMID, then URL. So if the DOI is unavailable then the PMID is used, and if the DOI and PMID are unavailable the URL is used.

Validating Schema

 "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
 "title": "Publications JSON",
 "description": "Input file that contains information about publications previously found by Academic Tracker.",

 "type": "object",
 "additionalProperties": {
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
                "abstract": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                "authors": {"type":"array",
                            "items": {"type": "object",
                                      "properties": {
                                              "affiliation": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                                              "firstname": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                                              "initials": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                                              "lastname": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                                              "author_id" : {"type": "string"}  # optional, only put in if author detected and validated
                                        "required": ["affiliation", "firstname", "lastname", "initials"]
                "conclusions": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "copyrights": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "doi": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "journal": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "keywords": {"type": ["array", "null"], "items":{"type": ["string", "null"]}},
                "methods": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "publication_date": {"type": "object",
                                     "properties":{"year": {"type": ["integer", "null"]},
                                                   "month": {"type": ["integer", "null"]},
                                                   "day": {"type": ["integer", "null"]}},
                                     "required":["year", "month", "day"]},
                "pubmed_id": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "results": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "title": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
                "grants": {"type": ["array", "null"], "items":{"type": ["string", "null"]}},
                "PMCID": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
         "required" : ["abstract", "authors", "conclusions", "copyrights", "doi", "journal", "keywords", "methods", "publication_date", "pubmed_id", "results", "title"]


   "<DOI, URL, or PMID>": {
        "abstract": "<publication abstract>",
        "authors": [
              "affiliation": "<comma separated list of affiliations>",
              "firstname": "<author first name>",
              "initials": "<author initials>",
              "lastname": "<author last name>",
              "author_id" : "<author-id>"  # optional, only put it if author detected and validated
        "conclusions": "<publication conclusions>",
        "copyrights": "<copyrights>",
        "doi": "DOI string",
        "journal": "<journal name>",
        "keywords": ["keyword 1", "keyword 2"],
        "methods": "<publication methods>",
        "publication_date": {"year":yyyy, "month":mm, "day":dd},
        "pubmed_id": "<pubmed id>",
        "results": "<publication results>",
        "title": "<publication title>",
        "grants": ["grant1", "grant2"],
        "PMCID": "<PMCID>"

Email JSON

The email JSON is an output of the program. It is provided purely as a record and is not used as input for any commands. Since it is not an input there is no associated JSON schema to validate it. The top level has 2 keys “creation_date” and “emails”. creation_date is a simple timestamp for when the JSON was created. emails is a list of emails broken into thier parts. Each part is a string.


"creation_date" : "<date-time-stamp>",
"emails" : [
               "body" : "<email body>",
               "cc" : "<comma separated list of email addresses>",
               "from" : "<from email address>",
               "subject": "<email subject>",
               "to": "<author email address>",
               "author" : "<author name>"        #only present if email is for a specific author from author_search

               "body" : "<email body>",
               "cc" : "<comma separated list of email addresses>",
               "from" : "<from email address>",
               "subject": "<email subject>",
               "to": "<author email address>",
               "author" : "<author name>"        #only present if email is for a specific author from author_search

Tokenized References JSON

The tokenized references JSON is an output of the program when working with references. It can also be an input, so a schema is needed for validation. It is simply a list of references where each reference is an object with attributes for its tokens and other properties. It is largely an output for the purpose of troubleshooting. The most important thing to understand about the information in this JSON is that the information in it is Academic Tracker’s best attempt at parsing and tokenizing the references, so some information may be incorrect.

The “authors” property is a list of authors where each author is an object that has attributes for thier first, middle, and last names as well as initials. Only the last name is required though since common citation styles vary on how to name authors.

The “title” property is what was tokenized as the title of the publication in the reference line.

The “PMID” property is what was tokenized as the PMID of the publication in the reference line. To pull a PMID out Academic Tracker looks for “pmid: <pmid>” in the tail end of the reference line. Where case is not sensitive.

The “DOI” property is what was tokenized as the DOI of the publication in the reference line. To pull a DOI out Academic Tracker looks for “doi: <doi>” in the tail end of the reference line. Where case is not sensitive.

The “reference_line” property is the raw string that was tokenized into the other properties.

The “pub_dict_key” property is the key to the matching publication in the publication JSON that was found during reference_search queries. This can be empty if there was no matching publication found or if the tokenized reference JSON was generated on its own.

Validating Schema

 "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema",
 "title": "Tokenized Citations JSON",
 "description": "Input file that contains the tokenized data of a reference file.",

 "type": "array",
 "items": {"type": "object",
           "properties": {"authors": {"type": "array",
                                      "items": {"type": "object",
                                                "properties": {"last": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                                                               "initials": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                                                               "first": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                                                               "middle": {"type":["string", "null"]}},
                                                "required": ["last"]}},
                          "title": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                          "PMID": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                          "DOI": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                          "reference_line": {"type":["string", "null"]},
                          "pub_dict_key": {"type":["string", "null"]}},
           "required": ["authors", "title", "PMID", "DOI", "reference_line", "pub_dict_key"]}


    "DOI": "10.3390/metabo11030163",
    "PMID": "",
    "authors": [
        "initials": "C",
        "last": "Powell"
        "initials": "H",
        "last": "Moseley"
    "pub_dict_key": "https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo11030163",
    "reference_line": "Powell C, Moseley H. The mwtab Python Library for RESTful Access and Enhanced Quality Control, Deposition, and Curation of the Metabolomics Workbench Data Repository. Metabolites. 2021 March; 11(3):163-. doi: 10.3390/metabo11030163.",
    "title": "The mwtab Python Library for RESTful Access and Enhanced Quality Control, Deposition, and Curation of the Metabolomics Workbench Data Repository."
    "DOI": "10.3390/metabo10090368",
    "PMID": "",
    "authors": [
        "initials": "H",
        "last": "Jin"
        "initials": "J",
        "last": "Mitchell"
        "initials": "H",
        "last": "Moseley"
    "pub_dict_key": "https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo10090368",
    "reference_line": "Jin H, Mitchell J, Moseley H. Atom Identifiers Generated by a Neighborhood-Specific Graph Coloring Method Enable Compound Harmonization across Metabolic Databases. Metabolites. 2020 September; 10(9):368-. doi: 10.3390/metabo10090368.",
    "title": "Atom Identifiers Generated by a Neighborhood-Specific Graph Coloring Method Enable Compound Harmonization across Metabolic Databases."