.. |Functionality| replace:: Provides commandline functionality .. |Interface for| replace:: Provides commandline functionality for accessing CLI === **Note:** Many KEGG entry IDs contain colons and ``kegg_pull`` saves KEGG entry files with their ID in the file name. When running on Windows, all file names with colons will have their colons replaced with underscores. kegg_pull Commandline Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Top-level commandline interface. .. literalinclude:: ../src/kegg_pull/__main__.py :start-at: Usage: :end-before: """ :language: none .. include:: ../src/kegg_pull/pull.py :start-after: """ :end-before: """ A JSON file, called ``pull-results.json``, is saved, describing the results of the pull. Below is the interpretation of each of the fields: **percent-success:** The percentage of the requested entries that were successfully pulled and saved in a file. **pull-minutes:** The number of minutes that the pull took to complete. **num-successful:** The number of entries that were successfully pulled and saved in a file. **num-failed:** The number of entries that failed to be pulled. **num-timed-out:** The number of entries that timed out when requested. **num-total:** The number of total entry IDs requested. **successful-entry-ids:** The list of successful entry IDs. **failed-entry-ids:** The list of failed entry IDs. **timed-out-entry-ids:** The list of timed out entry IDs. If the ``--unsuccessful-threshold`` option is set and surpassed, an ``aborted-pull-results.json`` file is instead output with the following fields: **num-remaining-entry-ids:** The number of requested entries remaining after the process aborted. The process aborted before ``kegg_pull`` could even try to pull these entries. **num-successful:** The number of entries that were successfully pulled before the process aborted. **num-failed:** The number of entries that failed by the time the process aborted. **num-timed-out:** The number of entries that timed out by the time the process aborted. **remaining-entry-ids:** The IDs of the remaining entries. **successful-entry-ids:** The IDs of the successful entries. **failed-entry-ids:** The IDs of the failed entries. **timed-out-entry-ids:** The IDs of the timed out entries. .. literalinclude:: ../src/kegg_pull/pull_cli.py :start-at: Usage: :end-before: """ :language: none .. include:: ../src/kegg_pull/entry_ids.py :start-after: """ :end-before: """ .. literalinclude:: ../src/kegg_pull/entry_ids_cli.py :start-at: Usage: :end-before: """ :language: none .. include:: ../src/kegg_pull/map.py :start-after: """ :end-before: """ .. literalinclude:: ../src/kegg_pull/map_cli.py :start-at: Usage: :end-before: """ :language: none .. include:: ../src/kegg_pull/pathway_organizer.py :start-after: """ :end-before: """ .. literalinclude:: ../src/kegg_pull/pathway_organizer_cli.py :start-at: Usage: :end-before: """ :language: none .. include:: ../src/kegg_pull/rest.py :start-after: """ :end-before: """ .. literalinclude:: ../src/kegg_pull/rest_cli.py :start-at: Usage: :end-before: """ :language: none