
MIAGIS is intended to be used solely as a command line program. This tutorial describes each command and its options. Some simple examples are given here, but examples of papers actually published are in the examples folder on GitHub.

Metadata JSON File

Details about the metadata JSON file created and validated by MIAGIS can be found in the JSON Schema section. In short there are 2 sections to the metadata, the base and the resources. The base is a few short entries describing the overall project, deposition, and products. The resources are details about each resource used or created during the project and included in the deposition. MIAGIS does the heavy lifting of filling out some of the tedious and repetitive parts in the resources section.

Deposition Directory

Although MIAGIS will work with any directory structure it has extra functionality if a certain structure is used. The expected structure is a directory named “map_data”, a directory named “layer_data”, and a directory named “other”. “map_data” contains data for whole GIS maps, “layer_data” contains files for individual layers of a map, and “other” contains any other data that is not maps or layers. Any directory that does not contain files should be deleted.

Before Running

Getting the initial metadata build to come out as close to finished to as possible with a minimum amount of manual entry needed is heavily facilitated by getting everything in order before running the command. First create a directory with the structure as described above, and put all of the files in the appropriate locations. Then create a base metadata JSON file that fills out the base metadata. Then create a resource properties file that contains information about each resource. The base metadata file and resource properties file are detailed below with examples. With all of this done the preparation for running the build command is complete.

Input Files

Base Metadata File

The base metadata file that can be input to MIAGIS through the –base_metadata option is a JSON file with the base section of the metadata. Unfortunately, much of this information must be filled out by hand because it cannot be determined or inferred programmatically.

The reason to create a separate file and deliver it to MIAGIS rather than simply filling them in after MIAGIS creates the metadata is for the case where the build command needs to be ran more than once. Although you may think you have all of the files prepared for the deposition it is not uncommon to miss or forget things and need to rebuild or modify the metadata file. Depending on the specific situation it can be easier to rebuild using MIAGIS than modifying by hand.


  "format_version": "DRAFT_MIAGIS_VERSION_0.1",
  "entry_version": 1,
  "entry_id": "KY SOP Paper",
  "description": "Data used for the paper titled \"Paper Title\"  DOI: ",
  "products": [
      "Combined map",
      "Water map",
      "Map Sewer",
      "SWAPP map Ky"
      "Hotspot Map"]

Resource Properties File

The resource properties file is either a tabular or JSON file that contains information about resources in the deposition. It serves a few purposes. One purpose is to give a more condensed view of the resources and their properties in the case of the tabular form. It can be much easier to collect and manipulate all of the resource information in Excel or Google Sheets rather than trying to manage it in JSON directly. Another purpose is to avoid repetition. Due to a variety of formats the same data may be included multiple times in multiple files. The resource properties file allows you to enter information about a resource once and MIAGIS will copy it to all files that match the resource name. Names do not have to be exact unless the –exact_name_match option is used, by default MIAGIS does fuzzy name matching.

If using the tabular form the file must have a header row on the first row and a column named “resource_name”. All other columns will be inserted into the metadata files section with the exact column name in the header. “resource_name” is not the only special column name. “alternate_locations”, “sources”, “creator”, and “creator_type” can be single entries or multiple entries separated by commas. There is further logic that looks to see if the “creator” and “creator_type” have the same number of entries in a row and prints a warning if they do not.

If using the JSON form of the file each entry should meet the schema of the resources section of the metadata. As with the tabular form all properties are simply copied into the metadata for files whose names match the key in the JSON.

Short Example Tabular:

resource_name           alternate_locations    creator                   creator_type                   description         geographical_area
<resource_name>         <URL_to_file>,...      <creator_name>,...    <organization|URL>,...     <description>           <geographical_area>

Short Example JSON:

 <resource_name>: {
  'alternate_locations': [<URL_to_file>],
  'creator': [{'name': <creator_name>, 'type': 'organization'},
              {'name': <creator_name>, 'type': 'URL'}],
  'description': <description>,
  'geographical_area': <geographical_area>}

Long Example Tabular:

file_name                                        alternate_locations                                                                                                                                                                       creator                                                                                                                          creator_type         description                                                    geographical_area
PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_and_intake_detail       https://services.arcgis.com/vQ8kO5zdqETeirEL/arcgis/rest/services/PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_data_2019/FeatureServer Kentucky                                                       Department of Environmental Protection,https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf    organization,URL     List of all water systems in which PFAS were sampled.          Kentucky
Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1 - Ohio River                 https://services8.arcgis.com/Xcpl3GIMvkCI3oFI/arcgis/rest/services/Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1/FeatureServer                                                                              ArcGIS Online                                                                                                                    organization         Publicly available layer findable on ArcGIS Online.            Kentucky
Kentucky Water Lines1                                https://kygisserver.ky.gov/arcgis/rest/services/WGS84WM_Services/Ky_Water_WGS84WM/MapServer/11, https://uky-edu.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=29713c2b8be14534943b8e2e5fa16daa    https://kygeoportal.ky.gov/                                                                                                      URL                      Locations of water lines in Kentucky.                      Kentucky

Long Example JSON:

 'PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_and_intake_detail': {
  'alternate_locations': ['https://services.arcgis.com/vQ8kO5zdqETeirEL/arcgis/rest/services/PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_data_2019/FeatureServer'],
  'creator': [{'name': 'Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection',
               'type': 'organization'},
              {'name': 'https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf',
               'type': 'URL'}],
  'description': 'List of all water systems in which PFAS were sampled.',
  'geographical_area': 'Kentucky'},

 'Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1 - Ohio River': {
  'alternate_locations': ['https://services8.arcgis.com/Xcpl3GIMvkCI3oFI/arcgis/rest/services/Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1/FeatureServer'],
  'creator': [{'name': 'ArcGIS Online', 'type': 'organization'}],
  'description': 'Publicly available layer findable on ArcGIS Online.',
  'geographical_area': 'Kentucky'},

 'Kentucky Water Lines1': {
  'alternate_locations': ['https://kygisserver.ky.gov/arcgis/rest/services/WGS84WM_Services/Ky_Water_WGS84WM/MapServer/11',
  'creator': [{'name': 'https://kygeoportal.ky.gov/', 'type': 'URL'}],
  'description': 'Locations of water lines in Kentucky.',
  'geographical_area': 'Kentucky'}

JSON Schemas File

The JSON Schemas file is a JSON file that allows you to specify different styles or formats of JSON files so that MIAGIS can accurately describe the fields in the file. MIAGIS is inherently aware of GEOJSON and ESRIJSON, but in the case of other proprietary or unique JSON formats this file may be used to let MIAGIS process them.

The first thing that is required is a way to test a given JSON file and see if it matches the format. This is accomplished using JSON Schema . A valid JSON Schema must be created for the format so that if the file under question is validated by the schema we can be reasonably sure it is of that format. The Schema does not have to be complicated and fully describe the format. It just needs to be robust enough that if a JSON file is validated by the Schema we are sure it is of our format. The Schema used to validate the GEOJSON and ESRIJSON formats are in the JSON Schema section.

The next pieces that are required depend on the style of the format. The JSON Schemas file is based off of the GEOJSON and ESRIJSON formats, so there are 2 “styles”, “mapping” and “testing”. The ESRIJSON format already has a section inside its format that describes each field and gives it a type directly. These types are not the same types as those accepted by the MIAGIS Schema, so a mapping between the ESRI types and MIAGIS types must be made. The specific path to the list of metadata fields, the key to the name of the field, and the key to the type of the field must also be given.

Mapping Style Generic Example:

 "type_map":{"unique_type_1":"str", "unique_type_2":"float"}

All of the properties in the above example are required for the mapping style. “schema” should be a valid JSON Schema that will be used to validate JSON files and match it to the format. “field_path” is a string that leads to where the fields are in the format. The path is assumed to lead to a list of dictionaries where each dictionary describes a field in the data. The string should use the familiar subscript notation for accessing dictionaries or objects in many programming languages. “name_key” is simply the key value in the field dictionary that will access the name of the field. “type _key” is simply the key value in the field dictionary that will access the type of the field. “type_map” is a dictionary that translates the format’s types into MIAGIS types. Any types not in the map will be typed as “UNKNOWN”.


// Shortened for Space
        "type":"Feature Layer",
            {"name":"Site_Types","alias":"Site Types","type":"esriFieldTypeString","length":255,"editable":true,"nullable":true,"domain":null},
            {"name":"Risk_score","alias":"Risk score","type":"esriFieldTypeInteger","editable":true,"nullable":true,"domain":null}

The GEOJSON format does not provide field type information, so the type of the fields has to be tested to determine its type.

Testing Style Generic Example:


All of the properties in the above example are required for the testing style. “features_path” is similary to “field_path” for the mapping style, but instead can lead to a list of dictionaries or a single dictionary. Each dictionary is expected to be a feature with a properties attribute that is a dictionary of properties. Each property in each feature is tested to determine the type of the property. “properties_key” is the key to the properties in each feature.

GEOJSON Excerpt:

// Shortened for Space
                  {"F__OBJECTID":1,"Sites":"Cabot Corporation","Latitude":38.715596,"Longitude":-85.096504,"Site_Types":"Chemical manufacturing","Risk_score":100}},
                  {"F__OBJECTID":2,"Sites":"Src Of Lexington","Latitude":38.047319,"Longitude":-84.462112,"Site_Types":"Chemical manufacturing","Risk_score":100}}


Command Line Signature

miagis build [options]


For each subdirectory in the current directory loop through all of the files and make a best attempt at adding it to the resources section of the metadata, filling in as much information as possible. Files found in “layer_data” automatically get a “layer” type and those found in “map_data” get a “map” type.



Supply a tabular or JSON file to MIAGIS that it will use to match file names and fill in more information in the resources section of the metadata. MIAGIS also keeps track of all files matched and updates all matches “alternate_locations”, so that every match has alternate_locations to each other.


If used MIAGIS will match file names in the resource properties file exactly rather than the default of fuzzy matching.


If used then add resources from resource_properties directly to the metadata. More specifically, MIAGIS will loop over files and match file names to resource names, using that to fill in more information about the files, but at the end each resource will also be added to the metadata with its resource_name. This option exists so that each layer and map can be added as a resource to condense information. Instead of having to pick a single layer file as a source to a map, or add all of the files you can add the layer as a resource and use that as the source. The layer then has all of its files in its resource entry.

If your resource_properties file is a mix of resources that you want to add and simple file matching that you don’t want to add there is a way to signal this. In the resource_properties file make sure there is a “location” column, and for any resource that you do not want to add directly leave this column blank. There should be a “location” anyway for any resources that you do want to add to the metadata directly.


If used then overwrite the determined format for files with what is in resource_properties. This option was created in tandem with the –add_resources option. If you use the –add_resources option you will want to give the resource its own format, but if you add a “format” column in the resource_properties file that value will be used for any matched files. To avoid this use this option. Using this option will have MIAGIS ignore the “format” column in resource_properties for any matched files and instead use the format determined by the file extension.


If used then overwrite the determined fairness for files with what is in resource_properties. This option was created in tandem with the –add_resources option. If you use the –add_resources option you will want to give the resource its own fairness, but if you add a “fairness” column in the resource_properties file that value will be used for any matched files. To avoid this use this option. Using this option will have MIAGIS ignore the “fairness” column in resource_properties for any matched files and instead use the default value of “FAIR”.


Supply a JSON file to MIAGIS that describes new JSON formats to look for and how to find the metadata fields in them.


If used all empty optional fields in the metadata will be removed.


Supply an integer starting from 1 to MIAGIS to use in the “entry_version” of the metadata.


Supply a string to MIAGIS to use in the “entry_id” of the metadata.


Supply a string to MIAGIS to use in the “description” of the metadata.


Supply a JSON file to MIAGIS that contains base metadata information. It will be copied into the metadata as is. If other options conflict with the data in the file (entry_version, entry_id, or description) the command line option will overwrite what is in the file.


Outputs a file named GIS_METADATA.json in the current directory.


Typical run.


miagis build --resource_properties file_location --base_metadata file_location --add_resources --remove_optional_fields


Any errors or warnings will be output, but there are none for this example.

Input Files:


file_name                                        location                                                                                                                                                                              creator                                                                                                                              creator_type         format          fairness    description                                                geographical_area
PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_and_intake_detail       https://services.arcgis.com/vQ8kO5zdqETeirEL/arcgis/rest/services/PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_data_2019/FeatureServer Kentucky                                                       Department of Environmental Protection,https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf    organization,URL     web         Fir         List of all water systems in which PFAS were sampled.          Kentucky
Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1 - Ohio River                 https://services8.arcgis.com/Xcpl3GIMvkCI3oFI/arcgis/rest/services/Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1/FeatureServer                                                                              ArcGIS Online                                                                                                                    organization         web         Fir         Publicly available layer findable on ArcGIS Online.            Kentucky
Kentucky Water Lines1                                https://kygisserver.ky.gov/arcgis/rest/services/WGS84WM_Services/Ky_Water_WGS84WM/MapServer/11, https://uky-edu.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=29713c2b8be14534943b8e2e5fa16daa    https://kygeoportal.ky.gov/                                                                                                      URL                      web         Fir         Locations of water lines in Kentucky.                      Kentucky


  "format_version": "DRAFT_MIAGIS_VERSION_0.1",
  "entry_version": 1,
  "entry_id": "KY SOP Paper",
  "description": "Data used for the paper titled \"Paper Title\"  DOI: ",
  "products": [
      "Map 1"]

Current Directory:

├─ layer_data/
│  ├─ PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.json
│  ├─ PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_and_intake_detail.geojson
│  ├─ PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.csv

Output Files:

  "format_version": "DRAFT_MIAGIS_VERSION_0.1",
  "entry_version": 1,
  "entry_id": "KY SOP Paper",
  "description": "Data used for the paper titled \"Paper Title\"  DOI: ",
  "products": [
      "Map 1"],
    "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.csv": {
      "location": "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.csv",
      "type": "layer",
      "description": "List of all water systems in which PFAS were sampled.",
      "fairness": "FAIR",
      "format": "csv",
      "creator": [
          "name": "Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection",
          "type": "organization"
          "name": "https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf",
          "type": "URL"
      "alternate_locations": [
        "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.csv",
        "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.json",
      "geographical_area": "Kentucky",
      "fields": {
        "__OBJECTID": {
          "name": "__OBJECTID",
          "type": "int",
          "identifier": 1,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Sample": {
          "name": "Sample",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 2,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Collected": {
          "name": "Collected",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 3,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Received": {
          "name": "Received",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 4,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PSWID": {
          "name": "PSWID",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 5,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Location": {
          "name": "Location",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 6,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Intake /purchase": {
          "name": "Intake /purchase",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 7,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Type": {
          "name": "Type",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 8,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PFBS": {
          "name": "PFBS",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 9,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "HFPO- DA": {
          "name": "HFPO- DA",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 10,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PFHpA": {
          "name": "PFHpA",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 11,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PFHxS": {
          "name": "PFHxS",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 12,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "ADONA": {
          "name": "ADONA",
          "type": "int",
          "identifier": 13,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PFOA": {
          "name": "PFOA",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 14,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PFOS": {
          "name": "PFOS",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 15,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PFNA": {
          "name": "PFNA",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 16,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "PFOA+PFOS": {
          "name": "PFOA+PFOS",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 17,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Sum of PFAS": {
          "name": "Sum of PFAS",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 18,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Units": {
          "name": "Units",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 19,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "LATITUDE": {
          "name": "LATITUDE",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 20,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "LONGITUDE": {
          "name": "LONGITUDE",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 21,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Aquifer/Source": {
          "name": "Aquifer/Source",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 22,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "River Basin": {
          "name": "River Basin",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 23,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Aquifer General": {
          "name": "Aquifer General",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 24,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "Land Use": {
          "name": "Land Use",
          "type": "str",
          "identifier": 25,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "x": {
          "name": "x",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 26,
          "identifier%type": "column"
        "y": {
          "name": "y",
          "type": "float",
          "identifier": 27,
          "identifier%type": "column"
    "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.json": {
      "location": "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.json",
      "type": "layer",
      "description": "List of all water systems in which PFAS were sampled.",
      "fairness": "FAIR",
      "format": "json",
      "creator": [
          "name": "Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection",
          "type": "organization"
          "name": "https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf",
          "type": "URL"
      "alternate_locations": [
        "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.csv",
        "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.json",
      "geographical_area": "Kentucky",
      "fields": {
        "__OBJECTID": {
          "name": "__OBJECTID",
          "type": "int"
        "Sample": {
          "name": "Sample",
          "type": "str"
        "Collected": {
          "name": "Collected",
          "type": "str"
        "Received": {
          "name": "Received",
          "type": "str"
        "PSWID": {
          "name": "PSWID",
          "type": "str"
        "Location": {
          "name": "Location",
          "type": "str"
        "Intake_purchase": {
          "name": "Intake_purchase",
          "type": "str"
        "Type": {
          "name": "Type",
          "type": "str"
        "PFBS": {
          "name": "PFBS",
          "type": "float"
        "HFPO_DA": {
          "name": "HFPO_DA",
          "type": "float"
        "PFHpA": {
          "name": "PFHpA",
          "type": "float"
        "PFHxS": {
          "name": "PFHxS",
          "type": "float"
        "ADONA": {
          "name": "ADONA",
          "type": "int"
        "PFOA": {
          "name": "PFOA",
          "type": "float"
        "PFOS": {
          "name": "PFOS",
          "type": "float"
        "PFNA": {
          "name": "PFNA",
          "type": "float"
        "PFOA+PFOS": {
          "name": "PFOA+PFOS",
          "type": "float"
        "Sum_of_PFAS": {
          "name": "Sum_of_PFAS",
          "type": "float"
        "Units": {
          "name": "Units",
          "type": "str"
        "LATITUDE": {
          "name": "LATITUDE",
          "type": "float"
        "LONGITUDE": {
          "name": "LONGITUDE",
          "type": "float"
        "Aquifer_Source": {
          "name": "Aquifer_Source",
          "type": "str"
        "River_Basin": {
          "name": "River_Basin",
          "type": "str"
        "Aquifer_General": {
          "name": "Aquifer_General",
          "type": "str"
        "Land_Use": {
          "name": "Land_Use",
          "type": "str"
    "layer_data/PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_and_intake_detail.geojson": {
      "location": "layer_data/PFAS_sampling_and_purchasing_and_intake_detail.geojson",
      "type": "layer",
      "description": "List of all water systems in which PFAS were sampled.",
      "fairness": "FAIR",
      "format": "geojson",
      "creator": [
          "name": "Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection",
          "type": "organization"
          "name": "https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf",
          "type": "URL"
      "alternate_locations": [
        "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.csv",
        "layer_data/PFAS sampling and purchasing and intake detail.json",
      "geographical_area": "Kentucky",
      "schema": "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7946",
      "fields": {
        "F__OBJECTID": {
          "name": "F__OBJECTID",
          "type": "int"
        "Sample": {
          "name": "Sample",
          "type": "str"
        "Collected": {
          "name": "Collected",
          "type": "str"
        "Received": {
          "name": "Received",
          "type": "str"
        "PSWID": {
          "name": "PSWID",
          "type": "str"
        "Location": {
          "name": "Location",
          "type": "str"
        "Intake_purchase": {
          "name": "Intake_purchase",
          "type": "str"
        "Type": {
          "name": "Type",
          "type": "str"
        "PFBS": {
          "name": "PFBS",
          "type": "float"
        "HFPO_DA": {
          "name": "HFPO_DA",
          "type": "int"
        "PFHpA": {
          "name": "PFHpA",
          "type": "float"
        "PFHxS": {
          "name": "PFHxS",
          "type": "int"
        "ADONA": {
          "name": "ADONA",
          "type": "int"
        "PFOA": {
          "name": "PFOA",
          "type": "float"
        "PFOS": {
          "name": "PFOS",
          "type": "float"
        "PFNA": {
          "name": "PFNA",
          "type": "int"
        "PFOA_PFOS": {
          "name": "PFOA_PFOS",
          "type": "float"
        "Sum_of_PFAS": {
          "name": "Sum_of_PFAS",
          "type": "float"
        "Units": {
          "name": "Units",
          "type": "str"
        "LATITUDE": {
          "name": "LATITUDE",
          "type": "float"
        "LONGITUDE": {
          "name": "LONGITUDE",
          "type": "float"
        "Aquifer_Source": {
          "name": "Aquifer_Source",
          "type": "str"
        "River_Basin": {
          "name": "River_Basin",
          "type": "str"
        "Aquifer_General": {
          "name": "Aquifer_General",
          "type": "str"
        "Land_Use": {
          "name": "Land_Use",
          "type": "str"
    "https://services8.arcgis.com/Xcpl3GIMvkCI3oFI/arcgis/rest/services/Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1/FeatureServer": {
      "location": "https://services8.arcgis.com/Xcpl3GIMvkCI3oFI/arcgis/rest/services/Ohio_River_Marinas_WFL1/FeatureServer",
      "type": "layer",
      "description": "Publicly available layer findable on ArcGIS Online.",
      "fairness": "Fir",
      "format": "web",
      "creator": [
          "name": "ArcGIS Online",
          "type": "organization"
      "geographical_area": "Kentucky"
    "https://kygisserver.ky.gov/arcgis/rest/services/WGS84WM_Services/Ky_Water_WGS84WM/MapServer/11": {
      "location": "https://kygisserver.ky.gov/arcgis/rest/services/WGS84WM_Services/Ky_Water_WGS84WM/MapServer/11",
      "type": "layer",
      "description": "Locations of water lines in Kentucky.",
      "fairness": "Fir",
      "format": "web",
      "creator": [
          "name": "https://kygeoportal.ky.gov/",
          "type": "URL"
      "alternate_locations": [
      "geographical_area": "Kentucky"


Command Line Signature

miagis validate <metadata_json_file>


Validate the input file against the metadata JSON Schema in the JSON Schema section. Additionally, perform some other logical checks such as making sure all references exist, and that keys and id attributes match.


No options at this time.


Prints messages to the console about errors in the metadata.


Typical run.


miagis validate metadata_file_path


The value for ['resources']['PFAS_detected_sites']['alternate_locations'] cannot be empty.
The product, Map 1 Potential hot-spot map, is not in "resources".
The source, https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf, for resource, PFAS_detected_sites, does not exist in resources.
The source, https://eec.ky.gov/Documents%20for%20URLs/PFAS%20Drinking%20Water%20Report%20Final.pdf, for resource, layer_data/PFAS_detected_sites.json, does not exist in resources.
The "name" property for field, LATITUDE, for resource, layer_data/PFAS_detected_sites.json, does not match its key value.

Input Files:


  "format_version": "DRAFT_MIAGIS_VERSION_0.1",
  "entry_version": 1,
  "entry_id": "KY PFAS Paper",
  "date": "2022-07-07",
  "description": "Data used for the paper titled \"A geospatial and binomial logistic regression model to prioritize sampling for per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances in public water systems\". DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ieam.4614",
  "products": [
    "Map 1 Potential hot-spot map"
  "resources": {
    "PFAS_detected_sites": {
      "location": "https://services.arcgis.com/vQ8kO5zdqETeirEL/arcgis/rest/services/PFAS_detected_sites2019/FeatureServer",
      "creator": [
          "name": "Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection",
          "type": "organization"
      "sources": [
      "fairness": "FAIR",
      "format": "web",
      "type": "layer",
      "description": "",
      "geographical_area": "Kentucky",
      "alternate_locations": []
    "layer_data/PFAS_detected_sites.json": {
      "location": "layer_data/PFAS_detected_sites.json",
      "type": "layer",
      "description": "List of the water systems in which PFAS were detected.",
      "fairness": "FAIR",
      "format": "json",
      "creator": [
          "name": "Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection",
          "type": "organization"
      "sources": [
      "geographical_area": "Kentucky",
      "alternate_locations": [
      "schema": {
        "asdf": "qwer"
      "fields": {
        "__OBJECTID": {
          "name": "__OBJECTID",
          "type": "int"
        "TYPE": {
          "name": "TYPE",
          "type": "str"
        "WATER_SYSTEM": {
          "name": "WATER_SYSTEM",
          "type": "str"
        "LATITUDE": {
          "name": "LAT",
          "type": "float"
        "LONGITUDE": {
          "name": "LONGITUDE",
          "type": "float"
        "PFAS": {
          "name": "PFAS",
          "type": "float"
        "CODE": {
          "name": "CODE",
          "type": "str"

Output Files:

This command produces no output files.