
MESSES is intended to be used solely as a command line program. This tutorial describes each command and its options. Before running the program you will likely want to review the Experiment Description Specification page and the Tagging page, as well as the examples in the examples folder on the GitHub repository.

Top-Level Usage

    messes -h | --help     print this screen.
    messes --full-help     help documentation on all commands.
    messes --version       print the version.
    messes extract ...     extract data from Excel workbooks, csv files, and JSON.
    messes validate ...    validate JSON files.
    messes convert ...     convert JSON to other file formats.

For help on a specific command, use the command option -h or --help.
For example:
    messes extract --help   for help documentation about the extract command.

MESSES is broken into 3 main commands, extract, validate, and convert, with convert broken up further for each supported conversion. The highest level usage is simply a gateway to the other commands and has very few options. You can see the version with the -v option, print the usage with -h option or print all of the commands usage’s with the –full-help option.


    messes extract <metadata_source>... [--delete <metadata_section>...] [options]
    messes extract --help

    <metadata_source> - tagged input metadata source as csv/json filename or 
                        xlsx_filename[:worksheet_name|regular_expression] or 
                        "#export" worksheet name is the default.

    -h, --help                          - show this help documentation.
    -v, --version                       - show the version.
    --silent                            - print no warning messages.
    --output <filename_json>            - output json filename.
    --compare <filename_json>           - compare extracted metadata to given JSONized metadata.
    --modify <source>                   - modification directives worksheet name, regular expression, csv/json filename, or 
                                          xlsx_filename:[worksheet_name|regular_expression] or 
                                          [default: #modify].
    --end-modify <source>               - apply modification directives after all metadata merging. Requires csv/json filename or 
                                          xlsx_filename:[worksheet_name|regular_expression] or 
    --automate <source>                 - automation directives worksheet name, regular expression, csv/json filename, or 
                                          xlsx_filename:[worksheet_name|regular_expression] or 
                                          [default: #automate].
    --save-directives <filename_json>   - output filename with modification and automation directives in JSON format.
    --save-export <filetype>            - output export worksheet with suffix "_export" and with the indicated xlsx/csv format extension.
    --show <show_option>                - show a part of the metadata. See options below.
    --delete <metadata_section>...      - delete a section of the JSONized metadata. Section format is tableKey or tableKey,IDKey or tableKey,IDKey,fieldName. These can be regular expressions.
    --keep <metadata_tables>            - only keep the selected tables.  Delete the rest.  Table format is tableKey,tableKey,... The tableKey can be a regular expression.
    --file-cleaning <remove_regex>      - a string or regular expression to remove characters in input files, removes unicode and \r characters by default, enter "None" to disable [default: _x([0-9a-fA-F]{4})_|\r].

Show Options:
  tables    - show tables in the extracted metadata.
  lineage   - show parent-child lineages per table.
  all       - show every option.

Regular Expression Format:
  Regular expressions have the form "r'...'" on the command line.
  The re.match function is used, which matches from the beginning of a string, meaning that a regular expression matches as if it starts with a "^".

 Directives JSON Format:
    "modification" : { table : { field :  { "(exact|regex|levenshtein)\-(first|first\-nowarn|unique|all)" :
                      { field_value : { "assign" : { field : value,... }, "append" : { field : value,... }, "prepend" : { field : value,... },
                                        "regex" : { field : regex_pair,... }, "delete" : [ field,... ], "rename" : { old_field : new_field } } } } } }
    "automation" : [ { "header_tag_descriptions" : [ { "header" : column_description, "tag" : tag_description, "required" : true|false } ],   "exclusion_test" : exclusion_value, "insert" : [ [ cell_content, ... ] ] } ]

The extract command is used to extract tabular data in an Excel workbook or CSV file to JSON. It has several hard to describe options and functionality.



This option will silence all warning messages. Errors will still be printed.


This option is used to specify the name of the JSON file that will be output. If this option is not specified there will be no output file.


This option allows you to compare the resulting JSON file with the one provided with this option. It will show differences such as missing and extra tables and fields.


This option is used to specify the Excel worksheet name, the Excel file and worksheet name, or the CSV or JSON file name that contains the modification tags. The default assumption for MESSES is that the input file is an Excel workbook, so the default sheet name for the modify option is ‘#modify’. Be sure any input Excel files do not have a worksheet with this name if it does not contain modification tags. To specify a separate Excel file and sheet name as the location of modification tags, the file name/path and sheet name need to be separated by a semicolon. Ex. Modification_tags.xlsx:sheet1. The sheet name can also be a regular expression. Ex. Modification_tags.xlsx:r’.*dify’ or just r’.*dify’ to specify a regex for a sheetname in the input data file. File types other than Excel are specified as normal. If multiple input data files are given, the specified file or sheet name given to –modify is used for all of them. Details about modification tags are in the Tagging section.


The same as –modify, but modifications are done at the end, after all input data files have been parsed and merged into one JSON file. There is no default value.


The same as –modify, but for automation tags. The default sheet name is ‘#automate’. Details about automation tags are in the Tagging section.


This option allows you to save any modification or automation directives as JSON to the specified file path. Note that –end-modify directives will overwrite –modify directives, so only –end-modify directives will be in the output if specified.


This option lets you save the version of the data that has all automations applied just before parsing into JSON. It can be useful for debugging. The export file will be saved with the same name as the input file with ‘_export’ added to the end. Choose ‘csv’ to save as a CSV file, and ‘xlsx’ to save as an Excel file. Note that this file will likely not look pretty.


This option allows you to see tables or lineages in the input data. Specify ‘tables’ to see tables, ‘lineages’ to see lineages, or ‘all’ to see both.


Use this option to delete tables, records, or fields from the JSONized input. Note that fields can also be deleted using modification tags. This option is limited and only allows the deletion of one table, record, or field at a time. Ex. –delete protocol will delete the protocol table. Tables, records, and fields can also be specified with regular expressions. Ex. –delete r’.*tocol’ will delete all tables that match the regular expression. If you would like to delete all records besides those that match a certain pattern you can use a more advanced regular expression. Ex. entity,r’^(?!.*(-ICMS_A|-protein))’ will delete all entities that do not have “-ICMS_A” or “-protein” in the id. The (?!…) special grouping matches if the pattern inside is not found. You can see more complex examples of this option in the mwtab examples found in the examples folder of the GitHub repository.


Use this option to keep only the indicated tables in the JSONized output. These are tables only, but multiple tables can be specified. Ex. –keep protocol,measurement will keep only the protocol and measurement tables. Tables can also specified with regular expressions Ex. –keep r’.*tocl’,r’measure.*’ will keep all the tables that match the regular expressions.


Basic Run

Input File:





KO labelled_1



KO labelled_2



Command Line:

messes extract input_file.csv --output output_file.json

Output JSON:

  "sample": {
    "KO labelled_1": {
      "id": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_1-media-0h": {
      "dry_weight": "4.2",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_1-media-0h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_1-media-3h": {
      "dry_weight": "8.5",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_1-media-3h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_2": {
      "id": "KO labelled_2"
    "KO labelled_2-media-0h": {
      "dry_weight": "4.7",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_2-media-0h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_2"
    "KO labelled_2-media-3h": {
      "dry_weight": "9.7",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_2-media-3h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_2"

Compare Option

Input File:





KO labelled_1



KO labelled_2

















Comparison JSON:

  "measurement": {
    "measurement_1": {
      "field1": "value1",
      "id": "measurement_1"
    "measurement_2": {
      "field1": "value2",
      "id": "measurement_2"
  "protocol": {
    "protocol_1": {
      "field1": "value1",
      "id": "protocol_1"
    "protocol_2": {
      "field1": "value2",
      "id": "protocol_2"
  "sample": {
    "KO labelled_1": {
      "id": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_1-media-0h": {
      "dry_weight": "4.2",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_1-media-0h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_1-media-3h": {
      "dry_weight": "8.5",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_1-media-3h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_3": {
      "id": "KO labelled_3"
    "KO labelled_3-media-0h": {
      "dry_weight": "4.8",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_3-media-0h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_3"
    "KO labelled_3-media-3h": {
      "dry_weight": "8.8",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_3-media-3h",
      "parentID": "KO labelled_3"

Command Line:

messes extract input_file.csv --compare comparison.json


Missing Tables: measurement
Extra Tables: factor
Table protocol id protocol_1 with different fields: field1, field2
Table protocol id protocol_2 with different fields: field1, field2
Table sample with missing records:
   KO labelled_3 KO labelled_3-media-0h KO labelled_3-media-3h
Table sample with extra records:
   KO labelled_2 KO labelled_2-media-0h KO labelled_2-media-3h

Modify Option

#export Sheet:




KO labelled_1


KO labelled_2


#modify sheet:




r’KO labelled.*’

r’KO labelled’,r’KO_labelled’

Command Line:

messes extract input_file.xlsx --output output.json

Output JSON:

  "sample": {
    "KO_labelled_1": {
      "dry_weight": "4.2",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO_labelled_1"
    "KO_labelled_3": {
      "dry_weight": "4.8",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO_labelled_3"

Automate Option

#export Sheet:

Sample ID


KO labelled_1


KO labelled_3


#automate Sheet:




Sample ID




Command Line:

messes extract input_file.xlsx --output output.json

Output JSON:

  "sample": {
    "KO labelled_1": {
      "dry_weight": "4.2",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_3": {
      "dry_weight": "4.8",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_3"

Save Directives Option

#export Sheet:

Sample ID


KO labelled_1


KO labelled_3


#automate Sheet:




Sample ID




#modify Sheet:




r’KO labelled.*’

r’KO labelled’,r’KO_labelled’

Command Line:

messes extract input_file.xlsx --output output.json --save-directives directives.json

Output JSON:

  "sample": {
    "KO_labelled_1": {
      "dry_weight": "4.2",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO_labelled_1"
    "KO_labelled_3": {
      "dry_weight": "4.8",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO_labelled_3"

Output Directives:

  "automation": [
      "header_tag_descriptions": [
          "header": "Sample ID",
          "required": true,
          "tag": "#sample.id"
          "header": "Weight",
          "required": true,
          "tag": "#.dry_weight;#.dry_weight%units=mg"
  "modification": {
    "sample": {
      "id": {
        "regex-all": {
          "r'KO labelled.*'": {
            "regex": {
              "id": [
                "r'KO labelled'",

Save Export Option

#export Sheet:

Sample ID


KO labelled_1


KO labelled_3


#automate Sheet:




Sample ID




Command Line:

messes extract input_file.xlsx --output output.json --save-export csv

Output JSON:

  "sample": {
    "KO labelled_1": {
      "dry_weight": "4.2",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_1"
    "KO labelled_3": {
      "dry_weight": "4.8",
      "dry_weight%units": "mg",
      "id": "KO labelled_3"

Export Output:


Sample ID





KO labelled_1


KO labelled_3


Show Option

Input File:





KO labelled_1



KO labelled_2

















Command Line:

messes extract input_file.csv --show tables


Tables:  sample protocol factor

Command Line:

messes extract input_file.csv --show lineage


sample :
  KO labelled_1 :
    KO labelled_1-media-0h, KO labelled_1-media-3h
  KO labelled_2 :
    KO labelled_2-media-0h, KO labelled_2-media-3h

Command Line:

messes extract input_file.csv --show all


Tables:  sample protocol factor
 sample :
   KO labelled_1 :
     KO labelled_1-media-0h, KO labelled_1-media-3h
   KO labelled_2 :
     KO labelled_2-media-0h, KO labelled_2-media-3h


    messes validate json <input_JSON> [--pds=<pds> [--csv | --xlsx | --json | --gs] | --no_base_schema] 
    messes validate save-schema <output_schema> [--input=<input_JSON>] 
                                                [--pds=<pds> [--csv | --xlsx | --json | --gs]] 
    messes validate schema <input_schema>
    messes validate pds <pds> [--csv | --xlsx | --json | --gs] [--silent=<level>] [--save=<output_name>]
    messes validate pds-to-table <pds_json> <output_name> [<output_filetype>]
    messes validate pds-to-json <pds_tabular> [--csv | --xlsx | --gs] <output_name>
    messes validate cd-to-json-schema <conversion_directives> [--csv | --xlsx | --json | --gs] <output_schema>
    messes validate --help
    <input_JSON> - if '-' read from standard input.
    <pds> - can be a JSON, csv, xlsx, or Google Sheets file. If xlsx or Google Sheets, the default sheet name to read in is #validate, 
           to specify a different sheet name separate it from the file name with a colon ex: file_name.xlsx:sheet_name.
           If '-' read from standard input.
    <input_schema> - must be a valid JSON Schema file. If '-' read from standard input.
    <output_schema> - if '-' save to standard output.
    <output_name> - path to save tabular pds to, if '-' save to standard output as CSV.
    <output_filetype> - "xlsx" or "csv", defaults to "csv".
    <conversion_directives> - can be a JSON, csv, xlsx, or Google Sheets file. If xlsx or Google Sheets, 
                              the default sheet name to read in is #convert, to specify a different 
                              sheet name separate it from the file name with a colon ex: file_name.xlsx:sheet_name.
                              If '-' read from standard input.

    -h, --help                           - show this screen.
    -v, --version                        - show version.
    --silent <level>                     - if "full" silence all warnings, 
                                           if "nuisance" silence warnings that are more likely to be a nuisance,
                                           if "none" do not silence warnings [default: none].
    --pds <pds>                            - a protocol-dependent schema file, can be a JSON, csv, or xlsx file. 
                                           If xlsx the default sheet name to read in is #validate, to specify 
                                           a different sheet name separate it from the file name with a colon 
                                           ex: file_name.xlsx:sheet_name.
    --csv                                - indicates that the protocol-dependent schema file is a csv (comma delimited) file.
    --xlsx                               - indicates that the protocol-dependent schema file is an xlsx (Excel) file.
    --json                               - indicates that the protocol-dependent schema file is a JSON file.
    --gs                                 - indicates that the protocol-dependent schema file is a Google Sheets file.
                                           If a file type is not given then it will be guessed from the file extension.
    --additional <add_schema>            - an additional JSON Schema file that will be used to validate <input_JSON>.
    --format <format>                    - additional validation done for the desired supported format. 
                                           Current supported formats: 
    --no_base_schema                     - don't validate with the base JSON schema.
    --no_extra_checks                    - only do JSON Schema validation and nothing else.
    --input <input_JSON>                 - optionally give an input JSON file to save-schema to reproduce the 
                                           schema used to validate in the json command.
    --save <output_name>                 - save the JSON Schema created from the protocol-dependent schema.

The "json" command will validate the <input_JSON> against the internal base_schema, and optional schema provided 
by the --pds and --additional options. To validate only against a provided schema, use the --additional and --no_base_schema options.

The "save-schema" command will save the internal base_schema to the <output_schema> location. If --pds is given 
then it will be parsed and placed into the base_schema. If --input is given, the protocols table will be added 
in with the PDS to reproduce what happens in the json command. If --format is used, then that format schema is 
saved instead of the base_schema.

The "schema" command will validate the <input_schema> against the JSON Schema meta schema.

The "pds" command will validate that the <pds> file is a valid protocol-dependent schema file. 
If the --save option is given, then save the built JSON Schema.

The "pds-to-table" command will read in a protocol-dependent schema in JSON form and save it out in a tabular form.

The "pds-to-json" command will read in a protocol-dependent schema in tabular form and save it out in a JSON form. 

The "cd-to-json-schema" command will read in conversion directives and create a JSON Schema 
template file that can be filled in and used to validate files that will be converted using those directives.

Validation can be broken down into layers. The first layer is making sure the data is valid against the Experiment Description Specification. This includes things such as making sure every protocol is one of the 5 types, making sure every sample entity has a parent, and all records have the required fields. This layer is built into the validate command and does not require any user input. The second layer is a layer that validates fields in table records based on their protocol(s). This layer does require the user to generate what is called a Protocol-Dependent Schema (PDS) that defines what fields are required for records with the protocols that are in it. The protocol-dependent schema can be a JSON file or a tagged tabular file detailed below. The protocol-dependent schema is not required, but it is highly recommended to minimize problems in the conversion step.

The validate command is used to validate extracted data. It is not guaranteed to catch everything wrong, but it makes a best attempt to check for common issues. This can be highly influenced by the user through the –pds and –additional options, which allow the user to specify a protocol-dependent schema and additional JSON schema, respectively. The protocol-dependent schema (PDS) is detailed in the Protocol-Dependent Schema section of the documentation, and allows users to specify additional validation based on the protocols of records. The additional JSON schema is any arbitrary valid JSON schema and it is simply used as is as additional validation.

While the “json” command is the reason validate was created the other commands were added to support it. The “save-schema” command was added so that users can see the JSON schema being created and used by the “json” command and possibly modify it for use with the –additional option. The “schema” command was added as an easy way for users to check that any JSON schemas they create are valid. Similarly, the “pds” command was added so users can check that the protocol-dependent schemas they create are valid. The “pds-to-table” command was created so that a JSONized protocol-dependent schema can be transformed into a tabular form that may be easier to edit and view. The “pds-to-json” command is the inverse of the “pds-to-table” command and will take a protocol-dependent schema in tabular form and convert it to JSON. Note that this is just the protocol-dependent schema in JSON form, and not the protocol-dependent schema built into a JSON Schema. To build the protocol-dependent schema into a JSON Schema and save it, use the “–save” option of the “pds” command. The “cd-to-json-schema” command will take a conversion directives file for the convert command and create a JSON Schema template from it that can be used as a start to creating a schema that can be used to validate data before those conversion directives are used on it. The command goes through the conversion directives and finds all fields used and required by the directives to create the JSON Schema template. The template alone is not enough and additional checks on the fields such as type checks need to be added manually to the template, but it is a good place to start.

Although the validate command uses JSON schema, it also introduces 4 new formats. The “integer” and “numeric” formats were introduced so that string type values can be treated as numeric type values. It allows you to use JSON schema keywords such as “minimum” even if the value is a string type. This is accomplished by converting the string value to an integer or floating point type before validating those keywords. As an example, say we have an “intensity” field whose value is “1234” as a string type. If you would like to validate that all intensity fields are greater than 0 you can use the “minimum” keyword in JSON schema. Normally, this wouldn’t work as the value is a string type, but if you add a “format” keyword and set the format to “numeric” then the validate command will convert intensity fields to floats before doing the normal JSON schema validation. The import thing to be aware of here is NOT to set the “type” keyword to “string” for any field that you use the “integer” or “numeric” format on because it will throw a wrong type validation error after the conversion to a numeric type. If you need to enforce a string type and also want the benefits of the “integer” and “numeric” formats, then use the “str_integer” and “str_numeric” formats. They operate the same as their “integer” and “numeric” counterparts, but also validate that the value is a string type. Again, DO NOT set a “type” field equal to “string” at the same time when using any of these formats because it will throw a wrong type validation error. “string” can be included in a list of types, but cannot be the only type.



This option specifies what warnings should be printed. “full” will silence all warnings, “nuisance” will only silence warnings that have been deemed to be a nuisance in some circumstances, and “none” will silence no warnings which is the default.


This option specifies that a protocol-dependent schema should be used with the command and where to read the file from. If “-” is given, the PDS will be read from stdin, anything else is interpreted as a filepath. If the PDS is an Excel file, the default sheet name to read in is #validate, to specify a different sheet name separate it from the file name with a colon ex: file_name.xlsx:sheet_name.


This option specifies that the PDS file is a CSV (comma delimited) file. If the PDS file is read from stdin, it is required to indicate what type of file it is, otherwise it will be determined from the file extension if not specified.


This option specifies that the PDS file is an Excel file. This type of file cannot be read from stdin, but can still be specified to indicate that the PDS file is an Excel file.


This option specifies that the PDS file is a JSON file. If the PDS file is read from stdin, it is required to indicate what type of file it is, otherwise it will be determined from the file extension if not specified.


This option specifies that the PDS file is a Google Sheets file. This type of file cannot be read from stdin, but can still be specified to indicate that the PDS file is a Google Sheets file.


This option specifies that an additional JSON schema file should be used with the command and where to read the file from. If “-” is given, the file will be read from stdin, anything else is interpreted as a filepath.


This option specifies that additional validation should be done with the assumption that the input JSON is going to be converted into the given format.


This option specifies that validation against the base schema should not be done. Use this along with the –no_extra_checks option to validate against only your own schema supplied with the –additional option.


This option specifies that extra validation beyond the base schema should not be done. Use this along with the –no_base_schema option to validate against only your own schema supplied with the –additional option.


This option specifies that an input JSON file should be used with the “save-schema” command and where to read the file from. If “-” is given, the file will be read from stdin, anything else is interpreted as a filepath. If a PDS is given, protocols from the input protocol table are added to the parent_protocol table in the PDS, which changes the final schema used for validation. So you may need to specify an input JSON file to reproduce the schema from the “json” command exactly.


This option specifies that the JSON Schema created from the PDS should be saved out to the indicated file path.


The inputs and outputs are too large to demonstrate readily inline, but there are examples available in the examples folder on the GitHub repository.

Basic JSON Validation

Command Line:

messes validate json input.json

JSON Validation Against A Supported Format

Command Line:

messes validate json input.json --format mwtab_MS

JSON Validation With A Protocol-Dependent Schema

Command Line:

messes validate json input.json --pds PDS_file.json

JSON Validation With Added User Schema

Command Line:

messes validate json input.json --additional user_schema.json

JSON Validation With Only Added User Schema

Command Line:

messes validate json input.json --additional user_schema.json --no_base_schema --no_extra_checks

Read Input JSON From STDIN

Command Line:

messes validate json -

Read Protocol-Dependent Schema From STDIN

Command Line:

messes validate json input.json --pds - --json

Save Base Schema

Command Line:

messes validate save-schema output_name.json

Save Composite Schema

Command Line:

messes validate save-schema output_name.json --pds PDS_file.json --input input.json

Save Format Schema

Command Line:

messes validate save-schema output_name.json --format mwtab_MS

Validate A JSON Schema

Command Line:

messes validate schema input_schema.json

Validate A Protocol-Dependent Schema

Command Line:

messes validate pds PDS_file.json

Save The JSON Schema Created From The Protocol-Dependent Schema

Command Line:

messes validate pds PDS_file.json --save PDS_JSON_Schema.json

Transform A JSONized Protocol-Dependent Schema To A Table

Command Line:

messes validate pds-to-table PDS_file.json tabular_PDS_file.csv

Transform A Tabular Protocol-Dependent Schema To JSON

Command Line:

messes validate pds-to-json PDS_file.csv JSONized_PDS_file.json

Create A JSON Schema From Conversion Directives

Command Line:

messes validate cd-to-json-schema directives.json directives_schema.json


    messes convert mwtab (ms | nmr | nmr_binned) <input_JSON> <output_name> [--update <conversion_directives> | --override <conversion_directives>] [--silent]
    messes convert save-directives mwtab (ms | nmr | nmr_binned) <output_filetype> [<output_name>]
    messes convert generic <input_JSON> <output_name> <conversion_directives> [--silent]
    messes convert --help
    <conversion_directives> - can be a JSON, csv, xlsx, or Google Sheets file. If xlsx or Google Sheets the default sheet name to read in is #convert, 
                              to specify a different sheet name separate it from the file name with a colon ex: file_name.xlsx:sheet_name.
    <output_filetype> - "json", "xlsx", or "csv"

    -h, --help                           - show this screen.
    -v, --version                        - show version.
    --silent                             - silence all warnings.
    --update <conversion_directives>     - conversion directives that will be used to update the built-in directives for the format.
                                           This is intended to be used for simple changes such as updating the value of 
                                           the analysis ID. You only have to specify what needs to change, any values 
                                           that are left out of the update directives won't be changed. If you need to remove 
                                           directives then use the override option.
    --override <conversion_directives>   - conversion directives that will be used to override the built-in directives for the format.
                                           The built-in directives will not be used and these will be used instead.

The general command structure for convert is convert <format> which will convert an input JSON file over to the supported format. 
The outputs of these commands will save both the JSON conversion and the final format file.

The generic command is the same as the supported formats except the user is required to input conversion directives specifying how to 
convert the input JSON to the desired output JSON. Only an output JSON is saved.

The save-directives command is used to print the default conversion directives used by convert for any of the supported formats. <output-filetype> 
can be one of "json", "xlsx", or "csv". The file is saved as "format_conversion_directives.ext" where ".ext" is replaced with ".json", ".xlsx", 
or ".csv" depending on the value of <output-format>, unless <output_name> is given.

The convert command is used to convert extracted and validated data from it’s intermediate JSON form to the final desired format. There are commands for each supported format, detailed in the Supported Conversion Formats section, that use built-in conversion directives, and the “generic” command that requires the user supply conversion directives. The supported formats may have additional sub-commands depending on the complexity of the format. Details about each supported format are in the Supported Conversion Formats section, and it is HIGHLY recommended to read through that section and look at examples before attempting a conversion.



For supported formats, allows the user to specify a file of conversion directives that will be used to update the built-in directives for the format. This is intended to be used for simple changes such as updating the value of the analysis ID. You only have to specify what needs to change. Any values that are left out of the update directives won’t be changed. If you need to remove directives, then use the override option.


For supported formats, allows the user to override the built-in directives for the format. The built-in directives will not be used and these will be used instead.


This option will silence all warning messages. Errors will still be printed.


The inputs and outputs are too large to demonstrate readily inline, but there are examples available in the examples folder on the GitHub repository.

Basic Supported Format Run

Command Line:

messes convert mwtab ms input_file.json my_output_name

Updating Built-In Directives For Supported Format Run

Command Line:

messes convert mwtab ms input_file.json my_output_name --update directive_changes.json

Overriding Built-In Directives For Supported Format Run

Command Line:

messes convert mwtab ms input_file.json my_output_name --override new_directives.json

Save Built-In Directives For Supported Formats

Command Line:

messes convert save-directives ms json

Basic Generic Run

Command Line:

messes convert generic input_file.json my_output_name my_conversion_directives.json