Source code for academic_tracker.athr_srch_emails_and_reports

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author Search Emails and Reports

Functions to create emails and reports for author_search.

import datetime
import re
import os
import copy

import pandas

from . import helper_functions
from . import fileio
from . import emails_and_reports_helpers

DEFAULT_SUMMARY_TEMPLATE = "<project_loop><project_name>\n<author_loop>\t<author_first> <author_last>:<pub_loop>\n\t\tTitle: <title> \n\t\tAuthors: <authors> \n\t\tJournal: <journal> \n\t\tDOI: <DOI> \n\t\tPMID: <PMID> \n\t\tPMCID: <PMCID> \n\t\tGrants: <grants>\n</pub_loop>\n</author_loop></project_loop>"
DEFAULT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE = "<author_loop><author_first> <author_last>:<pub_loop>\n\tTitle: <title> \n\tAuthors: <authors> \n\tJournal: <journal> \n\tDOI: <DOI> \n\tPMID: <PMID> \n\tPMCID: <PMCID> \n\tGrants: <grants>\n</pub_loop>\n</author_loop>"
DEFAULT_AUTHOR_TEMPLATE = "<author_loop><author_first> <author_last>:<pub_loop>\n\tTitle: <title> \n\tAuthors: <authors> \n\tJournal: <journal> \n\tDOI: <DOI> \n\tPMID: <PMID> \n\tPMCID: <PMCID> \n\tGrants: <grants>\n</pub_loop>\n</author_loop>"

simple_publication_keywords_map = emails_and_reports_helpers.simple_publication_keywords_map

pub_authors_keyword_map = emails_and_reports_helpers.pub_authors_keyword_map

references_keyword_map = emails_and_reports_helpers.references_keyword_map

publication_date_keywords_map = emails_and_reports_helpers.publication_date_keywords_map

authors_keywords_map = emails_and_reports_helpers.authors_keywords_map

pub_keywords = emails_and_reports_helpers.pub_keywords

[docs]def create_pubs_by_author_dict(publication_dict): """Create a dictionary with authors as the keys and values as the pub_ids and grants Organizes the publication information in an author focused way so other operations are easier. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. Returns: pubs_by_author_dict (dict): dictionary where the keys are authors and the values are a dictionary of pub_ids with thier associated grants. """ pubs_by_author_dict = {} for pub_id, pub_attributes in publication_dict.items(): for author_attributes in pub_attributes["authors"]: if author_id := author_attributes["author_id"]: if author_id in pubs_by_author_dict: pubs_by_author_dict[author_id][pub_id] = pub_attributes["grants"] else: pubs_by_author_dict[author_id] = {pub_id : pub_attributes["grants"]} return pubs_by_author_dict
[docs]def create_project_reports_and_emails(authors_by_project_dict, publication_dict, config_dict, save_dir_name): """Create project reports and emails for each project. For each project in config_dict create a report and optional email. Reports are saved in save_dir_name as they are created. Args: authors_by_project_dict (dict): keys are project names from the config file and values are pulled from config_dict["Authors"]. publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. save_dir_name (str): directory to save the reports in. Returns: email_messages (dict): keys and values match the email JSON file. """ # dict for email messages. email_messages = {"creation_date" : str([0:16]} email_messages["emails"] = [] pubs_by_author_dict = create_pubs_by_author_dict(publication_dict) for project, project_attributes in config_dict["project_descriptions"].items(): if "project_report" in project_attributes: report_attributes = project_attributes["project_report"] else: continue ## If to_email is in project then send one email with all authors for the project. if "to_email" in report_attributes or not "from_email" in report_attributes: if "columns" in report_attributes: file_format = report_attributes["file_format"] if "file_format" in report_attributes else "csv" if "filename" in report_attributes: filename = report_attributes["filename"] else: if file_format == "csv": filename = project + "_project_report.csv" else: filename = project + "_project_report.xlsx" report, filename = create_tabular_project_report(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, pubs_by_author_dict, project, report_attributes, save_dir_name, filename) else: template = report_attributes["template"] if "template" in report_attributes else DEFAULT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE filename = report_attributes["filename"] if "filename" in report_attributes else project + "_project_report.txt" report = create_project_report(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, project, template) fileio.save_string_to_file(save_dir_name, filename, report) if "from_email" in report_attributes: email_messages["emails"].append({"body":report_attributes["email_body"], "subject":report_attributes["email_subject"], "from":report_attributes["from_email"], "to":",".join([email for email in report_attributes["to_email"]]), "cc":",".join([email for email in report_attributes["cc_email"]]) if "cc_email" in report_attributes else "", "attachment":report, "attachment_filename": filename}) else: ## If authors is in project send an email to each author in the project. ## If neither authors nor to_email is in the project then send emails to all authors that have publications. authors = project_attributes["authors"] if "authors" in project_attributes else pubs_by_author_dict for author in authors: report_attributes = authors_by_project_dict[project][author]["project_report"] if not author in pubs_by_author_dict: continue if "columns" in report_attributes: file_format = report_attributes["file_format"] if "file_format" in report_attributes else "csv" if "filename" in report_attributes: filename = report_attributes["filename"] else: if file_format == "csv": filename = project + "_" + author + "_project_report.csv" else: filename = project + "_" + author + "_project_report.xlsx" report, filename = create_tabular_project_report(publication_dict, config_dict, {project:{author:authors_by_project_dict[project][author]}}, pubs_by_author_dict, project, report_attributes, save_dir_name, filename) else: template = report_attributes["template"] if "template" in report_attributes else DEFAULT_AUTHOR_TEMPLATE filename = report_attributes["filename"] if "filename" in report_attributes else project + "_" + author + "_project_report.txt" report = create_project_report(publication_dict, config_dict, {project:{author:authors_by_project_dict[project][author]}}, project, template, config_dict["Authors"][author]["first_name"], config_dict["Authors"][author]["last_name"]) fileio.save_string_to_file(save_dir_name, filename, report) if "from_email" in report_attributes and "email" in authors_by_project_dict[project][author]: email_messages["emails"].append({"body":authors_by_project_dict[project][author]["project_report"]["email_body"], "subject":authors_by_project_dict[project][author]["project_report"]["email_subject"], "from":authors_by_project_dict[project][author]["project_report"]["from_email"], "to":authors_by_project_dict[project][author]["email"], "cc":",".join([email for email in authors_by_project_dict[project][author]["project_report"]["cc_email"]]) if "cc_email" in authors_by_project_dict[project][author]["project_report"] else "", "attachment": report, "attachment_filename": filename, "author":author}) return email_messages
[docs]def create_project_report(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, project_name, template_string=DEFAULT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE, author_first = "", author_last = ""): """Create the project report for the project. The details of creating project reports are outlined in the documentation. Use the information in the config_dict, publication_dict, and authors_by_project_dict to fill in the information in the template_string. If author_first is given then it is assumed the report is actually for a single author and not a whole project. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. authors_by_project_dict (dict): keys are project names from the config file and values are pulled from config_dict["Authors"]. project_name (str): The name of the project. template_string (str): Template used to create the project report. author_first (str): First name of the author. If not "" the report is assumed to be for 1 author. author_last (str): Last name of the author. Returns: template_string (str): The template_string with the appropriate tags replaced with relevant information. """ project_authors = build_author_loop(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, project_name, template_string) template_string = re.sub(r"(?s)<author_loop>.*</author_loop>", project_authors, template_string) if author_first: template_string = template_string.replace("<author_first>", author_first) template_string = template_string.replace("<author_last>", author_last) return template_string
[docs]def create_summary_report(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, template_string=DEFAULT_SUMMARY_TEMPLATE): """Create the summary report for the run. The details of creating summary reports are outlined in the documentation. Use the information in the config_dict, publication_dict, and authors_by_project_dict to fill in the information in the template_string. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. authors_by_project_dict (dict): keys are project names from the config file and values are pulled from config_dict["Authors"]. template_string (str): Template used to create the project report. Returns: report_string (str): The report built by replacing the appropriate tags in template_string with relevant information. """ project_template = helper_functions.regex_group_return(helper_functions.regex_match_return(r"(?s).*<project_loop>(.*)</project_loop>.*", template_string), 0) report_string = "" for project_name in config_dict["project_descriptions"]: project_template_copy = project_template project_authors = build_author_loop(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, project_name, template_string) project_template_copy = re.sub(r"(?s)<author_loop>.*</author_loop>", project_authors, project_template_copy) project_template_copy = project_template_copy.replace("<project_name>", project_name) report_string += project_template_copy report_string = re.sub(r"(?s)<project_loop>.*</project_loop>", report_string, template_string) return report_string
[docs]def build_author_loop(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, project_name, template_string): """Replace tags in template_string with the appropriate information. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. authors_by_project_dict (dict): keys are project names from the config file and values are pulled from config_dict["Authors"]. project_name (str): The name of the project. template_string (str): Template used to create the project report. Returns: project_authors (str): The string built by looping over the authors in authors_by_project_dict and using the template_string to build a report. """ pubs_by_author_dict = create_pubs_by_author_dict(publication_dict) author_template = helper_functions.regex_group_return(helper_functions.regex_match_return(r"(?s).*<author_loop>(.*)</author_loop>.*", template_string), 0) pub_template = helper_functions.regex_group_return(helper_functions.regex_match_return(r"(?s).*<pub_loop>(.*)</pub_loop>.*", template_string), 0) pub_author_template = helper_functions.regex_group_return(helper_functions.regex_match_return(r"(?s).*<pub_author_loop>(.*)</pub_author_loop>.*", template_string), 0) reference_template = helper_functions.regex_group_return(helper_functions.regex_match_return(r"(?s).*<reference_loop>(.*)</reference_loop>.*", template_string), 0) project_authors = "" for author in authors_by_project_dict[project_name]: if not author in pubs_by_author_dict: continue author_template_copy = author_template authors_pubs = "" for pub in pubs_by_author_dict[author]: pub_template_copy = pub_template pub_template_copy = emails_and_reports_helpers._replace_pub_author_and_reference_loops(publication_dict, pub, pub_template_copy, pub_author_template, reference_template) pub_template_copy = emails_and_reports_helpers._replace_keywords({"1":pub_template_copy}, publication_dict, config_dict, pub=pub)["1"] authors_pubs += pub_template_copy author_template_copy = re.sub(r"(?s)<pub_loop>.*</pub_loop>", authors_pubs, author_template_copy) author_template_copy = emails_and_reports_helpers._replace_keywords({"1":author_template_copy}, publication_dict, config_dict, author=author)["1"] project_authors += author_template_copy return project_authors
[docs]def create_tabular_collaborator_report(publication_dict, config_dict, author, pubs, filename, file_format, save_dir_name): """Create a table for a collaborator report and save as either csv or xlsx. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. author (str): The key to the author in config_dict["Authors"]. pubs (dict): Keys are publications for the author and values are the grants associated with that pub. filename (str): filename to save the publication under. file_format (str): csv or xlsx, determines what format to save in. save_dir_name (str): directory to save the report in. Returns: report (str): The text of the report, empty string, or path to the saved xlsx file. filename (str): Filename of the report. Made have had an .xlsx added to the end. """ default_columns = {"Name":"<pub_author_last>, <pub_author_first>", "Affiliations":"<pub_author_affiliations>"} default_sort = ["Name"] default_order = ["Name", "Affiliations"] if "separator" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: separator = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["separator"] else: separator = "," ## Determine whether to build the report to user specifications or use the deaults. if "columns" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: columns = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["columns"] if "sort" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: sort = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["sort"] else: sort = [] if "column_order" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: column_order = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["column_order"] else: column_order = list(columns.keys()) else: columns = default_columns sort = default_sort column_order = default_order authors_already_added = [] collaborators = [] for pub in pubs: for pub_author in publication_dict[pub]["authors"]: if ("author_id" in pub_author and pub_author["author_id"] == author) or pub_author in authors_already_added: continue temp_dict = {} for column_name, value in columns.items(): for keyword, pub_author_key in pub_authors_keyword_map.items(): value = value.replace(keyword, str(pub_author[pub_author_key]) if pub_author_key in pub_author else "None") temp_dict[column_name] = value collaborators.append(temp_dict) authors_already_added.append(pub_author) report, filename = emails_and_reports_helpers._save_rows_to_file(collaborators, filename, sort, column_order, file_format, separator, save_dir_name) return report, filename
[docs]def create_collaborator_report(publication_dict, template, author, pubs, filename, save_dir_name): """Create a collaborator report from a formatted string. Loop over all of the author's publications and create a Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. author (str): The key to the author in config_dict["Authors"]. pubs (dict): Keys are publications for the author and values are the grants associated with that pub. filename (str): filename to save the publication under. save_dir_name (str): directory to save the report in. Returns: report (str): The text of the report or an empty string. """ authors_already_added = [] pub_author_template = helper_functions.regex_group_return(helper_functions.regex_match_return(r"(?s).*<pub_author_loop>(.*)</pub_author_loop>.*", template), 0) report = "" for pub in pubs: for pub_author in publication_dict[pub]["authors"]: if ("author_id" in pub_author and pub_author["author_id"] == author) or pub_author in authors_already_added: continue pub_author_template_copy = pub_author_template for keyword, pub_author_key in pub_authors_keyword_map.items(): pub_author_template_copy = pub_author_template_copy.replace(keyword, str(pub_author[pub_author_key]) if pub_author_key in pub_author else "None") report += pub_author_template_copy authors_already_added.append(pub_author) if report: report = re.sub(r"(?s)<pub_author_loop>.*</pub_author_loop>", report, template) fileio.save_string_to_file(save_dir_name, filename, report) return report
[docs]def create_collaborators_reports_and_emails(publication_dict, config_dict, save_dir_name): """Create a report of collaborators for authors in publication_dict. For each author in publication_dict with an author_id create a csv file with the other authors on their publicaitons. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. save_dir_name (str): directory to save the reports in. Returns: email_messages (dict): keys and values match the email JSON file. """ pubs_by_author_dict = create_pubs_by_author_dict(publication_dict) # dict for email messages. email_messages = {"creation_date" : str([0:16]} email_messages["emails"] = [] for author, pubs in pubs_by_author_dict.items(): ## Skip if the author isn't in the config dict or if the author doesn't have a collaborator report. if not author in config_dict["Authors"]: continue elif not "collaborator_report" in config_dict["Authors"][author]: continue if "template" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: template = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["template"] if "filename" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: filename = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["filename"] else: filename = author + "_collaborators.txt" report = create_collaborator_report(publication_dict, template, author, pubs, filename, save_dir_name) else: if "file_format" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: file_format = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["file_format"] else: file_format = "csv" if "filename" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: filename = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["filename"] else: if file_format == "csv": filename = author + "_collaborators.csv" else: filename = author + "_collaborators.xlsx" report, filename = create_tabular_collaborator_report(publication_dict, config_dict, author, pubs, filename, file_format, save_dir_name) if report: if "from_email" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: if "to_email" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]: to_email = config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["to_email"] else: to_email = config_dict["Authors"][author]["email"] if "email" in config_dict["Authors"][author] else "" if to_email: email_messages["emails"].append({"body":config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["email_body"], "subject":config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["email_subject"], "from":config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["from_email"], "to":to_email, "cc":",".join([email for email in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"]["cc_email"]]) if "cc_email" in config_dict["Authors"][author]["collaborator_report"] else "", "attachment": report, "attachment_filename": filename, "author":author}) return email_messages
[docs]def create_tabular_summary_report(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, save_dir_name): """Create a pandas DataFrame and save it as Excel or CSV. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. authors_by_project_dict (dict): keys are project names from the config file and values are pulled from config_dict["Authors"]. save_dir_name (str): directory to save the report in. Returns: report (str): Either the text of the report if csv or a relative filepath to where the Excel file is saved. filename (str): Filename of the report. Made have had an .xlsx added to the end. """ pubs_by_author_dict = create_pubs_by_author_dict(publication_dict) row_template = copy.deepcopy(config_dict["summary_report"]["columns"]) if "separator" in config_dict["summary_report"]: separator = config_dict["summary_report"]["separator"] else: separator = "," if "sort" in config_dict["summary_report"]: sort = config_dict["summary_report"]["sort"] else: sort = [] if "column_order" in config_dict["summary_report"]: column_order = config_dict["summary_report"]["column_order"] else: column_order = list(row_template.keys()) if "file_format" in config_dict["summary_report"]: file_format = config_dict["summary_report"]["file_format"] else: file_format = "csv" if "filename" in config_dict["summary_report"]: filename = config_dict["summary_report"]["filename"] else: filename = "summary_report.csv" if file_format == "csv" else "summary_report.xlsx" rows = [] for project_name, project_attributes in config_dict["project_descriptions"].items(): rows += _build_report_rows(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, pubs_by_author_dict, row_template, project_name) report, filename = emails_and_reports_helpers._save_rows_to_file(rows, filename, sort, column_order, file_format, separator, save_dir_name) return report, filename
[docs]def create_tabular_project_report(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, pubs_by_author_dict, project_name, report_attributes, save_dir_name, filename): """Create a pandas DataFrame and save it as Excel or CSV. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. authors_by_project_dict (dict): keys are project names from the config file and values are pulled from config_dict["Authors"]. pubs_by_author_dict (dict): dictionary where the keys are authors and the values are a dictionary of pub_ids with thier associated grants. project_name (str): Name of the project. report_attributes (dict): Dictionary of the report attributes. Could come from project_descriptions or an author. save_dir_name (str): directory to save the report in. filename (str): Filename of the report. Returns: report (str): Either the text of the report if csv or a relative filepath to where the Excel file is saved. filename (str): Filename of the report. Made have had an .xlsx added to the end. """ row_template = copy.deepcopy(report_attributes["columns"]) separator = report_attributes["separator"] if "separator" in report_attributes else "," sort = report_attributes["sort"] if "sort" in report_attributes else [] column_order = report_attributes["column_order"] if "column_order" in report_attributes else list(row_template.keys()) file_format = report_attributes["file_format"] if "file_format" in report_attributes else "csv" rows = _build_report_rows(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, pubs_by_author_dict, row_template, project_name) report, filename = emails_and_reports_helpers._save_rows_to_file(rows, filename, sort, column_order, file_format, separator, save_dir_name) return report, filename
def _build_report_rows(publication_dict, config_dict, authors_by_project_dict, pubs_by_author_dict, row_template, project_name): """Build the rows for a tabular report. Args: publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. authors_by_project_dict (dict): keys are project names from the config file and values are pulled from config_dict["Authors"]. pubs_by_author_dict (dict): dictionary where the keys are authors and the values are a dictionary of pub_ids with thier associated grants. row_template (list[dict]): list of dictionaries to base each row on, values are replaced based on input data. project_name (str): name of the project. Returns: rows (list[dict]): list of dictionaries based on row_template with values replaced. """ row_string = "".join(row_template.values()) has_pub_keywords = True if any([pub_keyword in row_string for pub_keyword in pub_keywords]) else False has_pub_author_keywords = False if any([pub_author_keyword in row_string for pub_author_keyword in pub_authors_keyword_map.keys()]): has_pub_author_keywords = True has_reference_keywords = False if any([reference_keyword in row_string for reference_keyword in references_keyword_map.keys()]): has_reference_keywords = True rows = [] for author, author_attributes in authors_by_project_dict[project_name].items(): if not author in pubs_by_author_dict: continue if has_reference_keywords or has_pub_author_keywords or has_pub_keywords: for pub in pubs_by_author_dict[author]: rows += emails_and_reports_helpers._build_pub_author_and_reference_rows(publication_dict, config_dict, has_pub_author_keywords, has_reference_keywords, row_template, project_name, author, pub, None, None) else: rows.append(emails_and_reports_helpers._replace_keywords(row_template, publication_dict, config_dict, project_name, author)) return rows # def _save_rows_to_file(rows, filename, sort, column_order, file_format, separator, save_dir_name): # """Turn a list of dicts into a DataFrame and save it to file. # Args: # rows (list[dict]): list of dictionaries to save. # filename (str): filename to save the DataFrame as, '.csv' or '.xlsx' will be added as needed. # sort (list[str]): list of column names to sort the DataFrame by, passes into DataFrame.sort_values(). # column_order (list[str]): list of column names to reorder the DataFrame columns. # file_format (str): either 'csv' or 'xlsx' to save in CSV or Excel format, respectively. # separator (str): the separator to use if file_format is 'csv'. # save_dir_name (str): the directory name to save the file in. # Returns: # report (str): if file_format is 'csv', then the DataFrame in CSV form, else the path to the Excel file. # filename (str): the filename the DataFrame was ultimately saved under. # """ # report = "" # if rows: # df = pandas.DataFrame(rows) # if sort: # df = df.sort_values(by=sort) # df = df.drop_duplicates() # df = df[column_order] # if file_format == "csv": # report = df.to_csv(index=False, sep=separator, lineterminator="\n") # fileio.save_string_to_file(save_dir_name, filename, report) # else: # ## If the file extension isn't .xlsx then there will be an error, so force it. # extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower() # if not extension == "xlsx": # filename += ".xlsx" # report = os.path.join(save_dir_name, filename) # df.to_excel(report, index=False) # return report, filename # def replace_keywords(template, publication_dict, config_dict, project_name="", author="", pub="", pub_author={}, reference={}): # """Replace keywords in the values of the template dictionary. # Args: # template (dict): keys are column names and values are what the elements of the column should be. # publication_dict (dict): keys and values match the publications JSON file. # config_dict (dict): keys and values match the project tracking configuration JSON file. # project_name (str): the name of the project to replace. # author (str): the key to the author in config_dict["Authors"]. # pub (str): the key to the pub in publication_dict. # pub_author (dict): The author in pub. # Returns: # template_copy (dict): template with the keywords replaced in its values. # """ # template_copy = copy.deepcopy(template) # for key in template_copy: # ## Project keywords # if project_name: # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace("<project_name>", project_name) # ## Authors keywords # if author: # for keyword, auth_key in authors_keywords_map.items(): # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace(keyword, str(config_dict["Authors"][author][auth_key]) if auth_key in config_dict["Authors"][author] else "None") # ## Publication keywords # if pub: # for keyword, pub_key in simple_publication_keywords_map.items(): # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace(keyword, str(publication_dict[pub][pub_key])) # ## build first and last author # first_author = str(publication_dict[pub]["authors"][0]["lastname"]) + ", " + str(publication_dict[pub]["authors"][0]["firstname"]) # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace("<first_author>", first_author) # last_author = str(publication_dict[pub]["authors"][-1]["lastname"]) + ", " + str(publication_dict[pub]["authors"][-1]["firstname"]) # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace("<last_author>", last_author) # authors = ", ".join([str(author["firstname"]) + " " + str(author["lastname"]) for author in publication_dict[pub]["authors"]]) # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace("<authors>", authors) # grants = ", ".join(publication_dict[pub]["grants"]) if publication_dict[pub]["grants"] else "None Found" # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace("<grants>", grants) # queried_sources = ", ".join(publication_dict[pub]["queried_sources"]) # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace("<queried_sources>", queried_sources) # for keyword, date_key in publication_date_keywords_map.items(): # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace(keyword, str(publication_dict[pub]["publication_date"][date_key])) # ## Pub authors keywords # if pub_author: # for keyword, pub_author_key in pub_authors_keyword_map.items(): # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace(keyword, str(pub_author[pub_author_key])) # ## references keywords # if reference: # for keyword, reference_key in references_keyword_map.items(): # template_copy[key] = template_copy[key].replace(keyword, str(reference[reference_key])) # return template_copy