Source code for academic_tracker.athr_srch_webio

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author Search Webio

Internet interfacing for author_search.

import time
import copy
import traceback

import pymed
import orcid
import scholarly
import habanero

from . import helper_functions
from . import webio

TOOL = webio.TOOL


## TODO get with pymed and add grants and pmcid to PubMedArticle class.
[docs]def search_PubMed_for_pubs(running_pubs, authors_json, from_email, prev_query=None): """Searhes PubMed for publications by each author. For each author in authors_json PubMed is queried for the publications. The list of publications is then filtered by affiliations and cutoff_year. If the publication is in the of running_pubs then it tries to fill in missing information from this source. If the author doesn't have at least one matching affiliation then the publication is skipped. If the publication was published before the cutoff_year then it is skipped. If prev_query is given, then publications will be taken from it instead of querying PubMed again. Args: running_pubs (dict): dictionary of publications matching the JSON schema for publications. authors_json (dict): keys are authors and values are author attributes. Matches Authors section of configuration JSON schema. from_email (str): used in the query to PubMed. prev_query (dict|None): a dictionary containing publications from a previous call to this function. {author1: [pub1, ...], ...} Returns: running_pubs (dict): keys are publication ids and values are a dictionary with publication attributes all_pubs (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the authors in authors_json and the values are a list of the publications queried for them. """ ## Some helpful code to get the xml back as text. import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET ET.tostring(Element) ET.ElementTree(element).write('path') # initiate PubMed API pubmed = pymed.PubMed(tool=TOOL, email=from_email) all_pubs = {} ######################## # loop through list of authors and request a list of their publications ######################## for author, author_attributes in authors_json.items(): all_pubs[author] = [] publications = pubmed.query(author_attributes["pubmed_name_search"], max_results=500) if not prev_query else prev_query[author] ## Unpacking pub from publications appears to be the slowest part of the code. ## publications is an iterator that is broken up into batches and there are noticeable slow downs each time a new batch is fetched. for pub in publications: if not isinstance(pub, pymed.article.PubMedArticle): continue all_pubs[author].append(pub) pub_id, pub_dict = helper_functions.create_pub_dict_for_saving_PubMed(pub) if matching_pub_id := helper_functions.get_pub_id_in_publication_dict(pub_id, pub.title, running_pubs): if "PubMed" in running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"]: continue helper_functions._merge_pub_dicts(running_pubs[matching_pub_id], pub_dict) running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"].append("PubMed") else: ## Sometimes the publication_date can be None, so just skip it. if not pub.publication_date: continue publication_date = int(str(pub.publication_date)[:4]) ## if the publication date is before the cutoff year then skip. if publication_date < author_attributes["cutoff_year"]: continue author_list = helper_functions.match_pub_authors_to_config_authors(authors_json, pub_dict["authors"]) ## If no authors were matched then go to the next publication. Note that this is not uncommon because PubMed returns publications for authors who were just colloborators. if not author_list: continue pub_dict["authors"] = author_list pub_dict["queried_sources"] = ["PubMed"] running_pubs[pub_id] = pub_dict # don't piss off NCBI time.sleep(1) return running_pubs, all_pubs
[docs]def search_ORCID_for_pubs(running_pubs, ORCID_key, ORCID_secret, authors_json, prev_query=None): """Searhes ORCID for publications by each author. For each author in authors_json ORCID is queried for the publications. The list of publications is then filtered by affiliations and cutoff_year. If the author doesn't have at least one matching affiliation, then the publication is skipped. If the publication was published before the cutoff_year, then it is skipped. If prev_query is given, then publications will be taken from it instead of querying ORCID again. Args: running_pubs (dict): dictionary of publications matching the JSON schema for publications. ORCID_key (str): string of the app key ORCID gives when you register the app with them ORCID_secret (str): string of the secret ORCID gives when you register the app with them authors_json (dict): keys are authors and values are author attributes. Matches authors JSON schema. prev_query (dict|None): a dictionary containing publications from a previous call to this function. {author1: [pub1, ...], ...} Returns: running_pubs (dict): keys are publication ids and values are a dictionary with publication attributes all_pubs (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the authors in authors_json and the values are a list of the publications queried for them. """ if prev_query is None: api = orcid.PublicAPI(ORCID_key, ORCID_secret) search_token = api.get_search_token_from_orcid() all_pubs = {} for author, authors_attributes in authors_json.items(): all_pubs[author] = [] if not "ORCID" in authors_attributes: continue works = api.read_record_public(authors_attributes["ORCID"], 'works', search_token)["group"] if prev_query is None else prev_query[author] for work in works: all_pubs[author].append(work) title = None doi = None external_url = None publication_year = None publication_month = None publication_day = None pmid = None ## If the work is not a journal article then skip it. work_is_a_journal_article = True work_before_relevant_year = False for work_summary in work["work-summary"]: if work_summary["type"] != "JOURNAL_ARTICLE": work_is_a_journal_article = False if work_summary["publication-date"]: if not publication_year and work_summary["publication-date"]["year"]: publication_year = int(work_summary["publication-date"]["year"]["value"]) if not publication_month and work_summary["publication-date"]["month"]: publication_month = int(work_summary["publication-date"]["month"]["value"]) if not publication_day and work_summary["publication-date"]["day"]: publication_day = int(work_summary["publication-date"]["day"]["value"]) if publication_year is not None and publication_year < authors_attributes["cutoff_year"]: work_before_relevant_year = True if work_summary["title"] and not title: title = work_summary["title"]["title"]["value"] if not doi: for external_id in work_summary["external-ids"]["external-id"]: if external_id["external-id-type"] == "doi": doi = external_id["external-id-value"].lower() elif external_id["external-id-url"]: external_url = external_id["external-id-url"]["value"] elif external_id["external-id-type"] == "pmid": pmid = external_id["external-id-value"] if title and doi and publication_year and publication_month and publication_day: break ## Try to find a way to give the publication an ID. if doi: pub_id = DOI_URL + doi elif external_url: pub_id = external_url elif pmid: pub_id = pmid elif not prev_query and title is not None: helper_functions.vprint("Warning: Could not find a DOI, URL, or PMID for a publication when searching ORCID. It will not be in the publications", verbosity=1) helper_functions.vprint("Title: " + title, verbosity=1) continue else: continue ## Pretty sure the title is never None, but if it is then there will be an error, so skip. if title is None: continue ## Pull out relevant information from ORCID. pub_dict = copy.deepcopy(PUBLICATION_TEMPLATE) if doi: pub_dict["doi"] = doi if title: pub_dict["title"] = title if publication_year: pub_dict["publication_date"]["year"] = publication_year if publication_month: pub_dict["publication_date"]["month"] = publication_month if publication_day: pub_dict["publication_date"]["day"] = publication_day if pmid: pub_dict["pubmed_id"] = pmid authors_dict = {} authors_dict["ORCID"] = authors_attributes.get("ORCID") authors_dict["author_id"] = author if "collective_name" in authors_attributes: authors_dict["collectivename"] = authors_attributes["collective_name"] else: authors_dict["affiliation"] = "\n".join(authors_attributes["affiliations"]) if authors_attributes["affiliations"] else None authors_dict["firstname"] = authors_attributes["first_name"] authors_dict["initials"] = None authors_dict["lastname"] = authors_attributes["last_name"] pub_dict["authors"] = [authors_dict] ## If the publication is already in running_pubs then try to update missing information. if matching_pub_id := helper_functions.get_pub_id_in_publication_dict(pub_id, title, running_pubs): if "ORCID" in running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"]: continue helper_functions._merge_pub_dicts(running_pubs[matching_pub_id], pub_dict) running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"].append("ORCID") else: if work_before_relevant_year or not work_is_a_journal_article or not publication_year: continue pub_dict["queried_sources"] = ["ORCID"] running_pubs[pub_id] = pub_dict time.sleep(1) return running_pubs, all_pubs
[docs]def search_Google_Scholar_for_pubs(running_pubs, authors_json, mailto_email, prev_query=None): """Searhes Google Scholar for publications by each author. For each author in authors_json Google Scholar is queried for the publications. The list of publications is then filtered by affiliations and cutoff_year. If the author doesn't have at least one matching affiliation, then the publication is skipped. If the publication was published before the cutoff_year, then it is skipped. If prev_query is given, then publications will be taken from it instead of querying Google Scholar again. Args: running_pubs (dict): dictionary of publications matching the JSON schema for publications. authors_json (dict): keys are authors and values are author attributes. Matches authors JSON schema. mailto_email (str): used in the query to Crossref when trying to find DOIs for the articles. prev_query (dict|None): a dictionary containing publications from a previous call to this function. {author1: [pub1, ...], ...} Returns: running_pubs (dict): keys are pulication ids and values are a dictionary with publication attributes all_pubs (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the authors in authors_json and the values are a list of the publications queried for them. """ all_pubs = {} for author, authors_attributes in authors_json.items(): all_pubs[author] = [] if not "scholar_id" in authors_attributes: continue ## Either query Google Scholar or use the prev_query parameter. if not prev_query: try: queried_author = scholarly.scholarly.search_author_id(authors_attributes["scholar_id"]) except: message = "Warning: The \"scholar_id\" for author " + author + " is probably incorrect, an error occured when trying to query Google Scholar.\n" message += traceback.format_exc() helper_functions.vprint(message, verbosity=1) continue if not queried_author["scholar_id"] == authors_attributes["scholar_id"]: continue ## Note that fill modifies the passed dictionary directly, but this is easier to mock in unit tests. queried_author = scholarly.scholarly.fill(queried_author, sections=["publications"]) publications = queried_author["publications"] else: publications = prev_query[author] ## Loop over queried publications. for i, pub in enumerate(publications): all_pubs[author].append(pub) ## Determine the pub_id title = pub["bib"]["title"] doi = webio.get_DOI_from_Crossref(title, mailto_email) if prev_query is None else pub["doi"] all_pubs[author][i]["doi"] = doi if doi: pub_id = DOI_URL + doi else: if prev_query is None: pub = scholarly.scholarly.fill(pub) ## The fill method modifies the original pub I think, so this line isn't necessary. # all_pubs[author][-1] = pub if "pub_url" in pub: pub_id = pub["pub_url"] elif not prev_query: helper_functions.vprint("Warning: Could not find a DOI, URL, or PMID for a publication when searching Google Scholar. It will not be in the publications.", verbosity=1) helper_functions.vprint("Title: " + title, verbosity=1) continue else: continue ## Build pub_dict publication_year = int(pub["bib"]["pub_year"]) if "pub_year" in pub["bib"] else None pub_dict = copy.deepcopy(PUBLICATION_TEMPLATE) if doi: pub_dict["doi"] = doi if title: pub_dict["title"] = title if publication_year: pub_dict["publication_date"]["year"] = publication_year authors_dict = {} authors_dict["ORCID"] = authors_attributes.get("ORCID") authors_dict["author_id"] = author if "collective_name" in authors_attributes: authors_dict["collectivename"] = authors_attributes["collective_name"] else: authors_dict["affiliation"] = "\n".join(authors_attributes["affiliations"]) if authors_attributes["affiliations"] else None authors_dict["firstname"] = authors_attributes["first_name"] authors_dict["initials"] = None authors_dict["lastname"] = authors_attributes["last_name"] pub_dict["authors"] = [authors_dict] ## If the publication is already in running_pubs then try to update missing information. if matching_pub_id := helper_functions.get_pub_id_in_publication_dict(pub_id, title, running_pubs): if "Google Scholar" in running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"]: continue helper_functions._merge_pub_dicts(running_pubs[matching_pub_id], pub_dict) running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"].append("Google Scholar") else: ## Check if the publication year is in range. if not publication_year or publication_year < authors_attributes["cutoff_year"]: continue pub_dict["queried_sources"] = ["Google Scholar"] running_pubs[pub_id] = pub_dict time.sleep(1) return running_pubs, all_pubs
[docs]def search_Crossref_for_pubs(running_pubs, authors_json, mailto_email, prev_query=None): """Searhes Crossref for publications by each author. For each author in authors_json Crossref is queried for the publications. The list of publications is then filtered by affiliations and cutoff_year. If the author doesn't have at least one matching affiliation, then the publication is skipped. If the publication was published before the cutoff_year, then it is skipped. Each publication is then determined to have citations for any of the grants in the author's grants. If prev_query is given, then publications will be taken from it instead of querying Crossref again. Args: running_pubs (dict): dictionary of publications matching the JSON schema for publications. authors_json (dict): keys are authors and values are author attributes. Matches authors JSON schema. mailto_email (str): used in the query to Crossref. prev_query (dict|None): a dictionary containing publications from a previous call to this function. {author1: [pub1, ...], ...} Returns: running_pubs (dict): keys are pulication ids and values are a dictionary with publication attributes all_pubs (dict): a dictionary where the keys are the authors in authors_json and the values are a list of the publications queried for them. """ cr = habanero.Crossref(ua_string = "Academic Tracker (mailto:" + mailto_email + ")") all_pubs = {} for author, authors_attributes in authors_json.items(): all_pubs[author] = [] ## Query Crossref or use prev_query. if not prev_query: results = = authors_attributes["pubmed_name_search"], filter = {"type":"journal-article", "from-pub-date":str(authors_attributes["cutoff_year"])}, limit = 300) publications = results["message"]["items"] else: publications = prev_query[author] ## Loop over publications. for work in publications: all_pubs[author].append(work) pub_id, pub_dict = helper_functions.create_pub_dict_for_saving_Crossref(work, prev_query) if pub_id is None: continue ## If the publication is already in running_pubs then try to update missing information. if matching_pub_id := helper_functions.get_pub_id_in_publication_dict(pub_id, pub_dict["title"], running_pubs): if "Crossref" in running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"]: continue helper_functions._merge_pub_dicts(running_pubs[matching_pub_id], pub_dict) running_pubs[matching_pub_id]["queried_sources"].append("Crossref") else: if not pub_dict["publication_date"]["year"] or pub_dict["publication_date"]["year"] < authors_attributes["cutoff_year"]: continue author_list = helper_functions.match_pub_authors_to_config_authors(authors_json, pub_dict["authors"]) ## If the author_list is empty then there were no matching authors, continue. if not author_list: continue pub_dict["authors"] = author_list pub_dict["queried_sources"] = ["Crossref"] running_pubs[pub_id] = pub_dict time.sleep(1) return running_pubs, all_pubs