Source code for academic_tracker.user_input_checking

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
User Input Checking

Functions that check the user input for errors.

import sys
import re
import copy

import jsonschema

from . import tracker_schema
from . import helper_functions

[docs]def tracker_validate(instance, schema, pattern_messages={}, cls=None, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper around jsonchema.validate to give better error messages. Args: instance (dict): JSON as a dict to validate schema (dict): JSON schema as a dict to validate instance against pattern_messages (dict): if the instance has a ValidationError of the pattern type then look up the attribute that failed the pattern in this dict and see if there is a custom message Raises: jsonshcema.ValidationError: If an unexpected jsonschema error happens this is raised rather than a system exit. """ try: jsonschema.validate(instance=instance, schema=schema, cls=cls, *args, **kwargs) except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: ## code to easily see the contents of the error for building a better message. # for key, value in e._contents().items(): # print(key, value) # print() message = "ValidationError: An error was found in the " + schema["title"] + ". \n" custom_message = "" if e.validator == "minProperties": message += "The " + schema["title"] + " cannot be empty." elif e.validator == "required": required_property = re.match(r"(\'.*\')", e.message).group(1) if len(e.relative_path) == 0: message += "The required property " + required_property + " is missing." else: message += "The entry " + "[%s]" % "][".join(repr(index) for index in e.relative_path) + " is missing the required property " + required_property + "." ## In an older version of JSON Schema the keyword was "dependencies" instead of "dependentRequired". elif e.validator == "dependencies": message += "The entry " + "[%s]" % "][".join(repr(index) for index in e.relative_path) + " is missing a dependent property.\n" message += e.message elif e.validator == "dependentRequired": message += "The entry " + "[%s]" % "][".join(repr(index) for index in e.relative_path) + " is missing a dependent property.\n" message += e.message elif e.validator == "minLength": custom_message = " cannot be an empty string." elif e.validator == "maxLength": custom_message = " is too long." elif e.validator == "minItems": custom_message = " cannot be empty." elif e.validator == "type": if type(e.validator_value) == list: custom_message = " is not any of the allowed types: [" for allowed_type in e.validator_value: custom_message += "\'" + allowed_type + "\', " custom_message = custom_message[:-2] custom_message += "]." else: custom_message = " is not of type \"" + e.validator_value + "\"." elif e.validator == "enum": custom_message = " is not one of [" + "%s" % ", ".join(repr(index) for index in e.validator_value) + "]" elif e.validator == "format": custom_message = " is not a valid " + e.validator_value + "." elif e.validator == "pattern" and e.relative_path[-1] in pattern_messages: custom_message = pattern_messages[e.relative_path[-1]] elif e.validator == "minimum": custom_message = " must be greater than or equal to " + str(e.validator_value) elif e.validator == "maximum": custom_message = " must be less than or equal to " + str(e.validator_value) else: raise e if custom_message: message = message + "The value for " + "[%s]" % "][".join(repr(index) for index in e.relative_path) + custom_message print(message) sys.exit()
[docs]def cli_inputs_check(args): """Run input checking on the CLI inputs. Uses jsonschema to validate the inputs. Args: args (dict): dict from docopt. """ # list_args = ["--grants", "--affiliations", "--cc_email"] # # for arg in list_args: # if args[arg]: # args[arg] = args[arg].split(",") # # int_args = ["--cutoff_year"] # # for arg in int_args: # if args[arg]: # try: # args[arg] = int(args[arg]) # except: # pass tracker_validate(instance=args, schema=tracker_schema.cli_schema, format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker())
[docs]def config_file_check(config_json, no_ORCID, no_GoogleScholar, no_Crossref, no_PubMed): """Check that the configuration JSON file is as expected. The validational jsonschema is in the tracker_schema module. Args: config_json (dict): dict with the same structure as the configuration JSON file. no_ORCID (bool): if True delete the part of the schema that checks ORCID attributes. no_GoogleScholar (bool): if True and no_Crossref is True delete the part of the schema that checks Crossref attributes. no_Crossref (bool): if True and no_GoogleScholar is True delete the part of the schema that checks Crossref attributes. no_PubMed (bool): if True delete the part of the schema that checks PubMed attributes. """ schema = copy.deepcopy(tracker_schema.config_schema) if no_ORCID: del schema["properties"]["ORCID_search"] schema["required"].remove("ORCID_search") if no_Crossref and no_GoogleScholar: del schema["properties"]["Crossref_search"] schema["required"].remove("Crossref_search") if no_PubMed: del schema["properties"]["PubMed_search"] schema["required"].remove("PubMed_search") pattern_messages = {"ORCID":" is not a valid ORCID. It must match the regex \d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{3}[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,X]"} tracker_validate(instance=config_json, schema=schema, pattern_messages=pattern_messages, format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker())
[docs]def ref_config_file_check(config_json, no_Crossref, no_PubMed): """Check that the configuration JSON file is as expected. The validational jsonschema is in the tracker_schema module. Args: config_json (dict): dict with a truncated structure of the configuration JSON file. no_Crossref (bool): if True delete the part of the schema that checks Crossref attributes. no_PubMed (bool): if True delete the part of the schema that checks PubMed attributes. """ schema = copy.deepcopy(tracker_schema.ref_config_schema) if no_Crossref: del schema["properties"]["Crossref_search"] schema["required"].remove("Crossref_search") if no_PubMed: del schema["properties"]["PubMed_search"] schema["required"].remove("PubMed_search") tracker_validate(instance=config_json, schema=schema, format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker())
[docs]def config_report_check(config_json): """Check that the report attributes don't have conflicts. Make sure that the values in sort and column_order are in columns, and that every column is in column_order. Args: config_json (dict): dict with the same structure as the configuration JSON file. """ ## Make sure sort and column_order only have values in columns for any report. attributes_to_check = ["sort", "column_order"] for attribute in attributes_to_check: if "summary_report" in config_json and "columns" in config_json["summary_report"] and attribute in config_json["summary_report"]: names_not_in_columns = [name for name in config_json["summary_report"][attribute] if not name in config_json["summary_report"]["columns"]] if names_not_in_columns: helper_functions.vprint("ValidationError: The \"" + attribute + "\" attribute for the summary_report has values that are not column names in \"columns\".") helper_functions.vprint("The following names in \"" + attribute + "\" could not be matched to a column in \"columns\":\n\n" + "\n".join(names_not_in_columns)) sys.exit() if attribute == "column_order": if len(config_json["summary_report"]["column_order"]) != len(config_json["summary_report"]["columns"]): helper_functions.vprint("ValidationError: The \"column_order\" attribute for the summary_report does not have all of the column names in \"columns\". Every column in \"columns\" must be in \"column_order\".") sys.exit() if "project_descriptions" in config_json: report_keys = ["collaborator_report", "project_report"] for project, project_attributes in config_json["project_descriptions"].items(): for report_key in report_keys: for attribute in attributes_to_check: if report_key in project_attributes and "columns" in project_attributes[report_key] and attribute in project_attributes[report_key]: names_not_in_columns = [name for name in project_attributes[report_key][attribute] if not name in project_attributes[report_key]["columns"]] if names_not_in_columns: helper_functions.vprint("ValidationError: The \"" + attribute + "\" attribute for the " + report_key + " in project " + project + " has values that are not column names in \"columns\".") helper_functions.vprint("The following names in \"" + attribute + "\" could not be matched to a column in \"columns\":\n\n" + "\n".join(names_not_in_columns)) sys.exit() if attribute == "column_order": if len(project_attributes[report_key]["column_order"]) != len(project_attributes[report_key]["columns"]): helper_functions.vprint("ValidationError: The \"column_order\" attribute for the " + report_key + " in project " + project + " does not have all of the column names in \"columns\". Every column in \"columns\" must be in \"column_order\".") sys.exit() if "Authors" in config_json: for author, author_attributes in config_json["Authors"].items(): for report_key in report_keys: for attribute in attributes_to_check: if report_key in author_attributes and "columns" in author_attributes[report_key] and attribute in author_attributes[report_key]: names_not_in_columns = [name for name in author_attributes[report_key][attribute] if not name in author_attributes[report_key]["columns"]] if names_not_in_columns: helper_functions.vprint("ValidationError: The \"" + attribute + "\" attribute for the " + report_key + " for author " + author + " has values that are not column names in \"columns\".") helper_functions.vprint("The following names in \"" + attribute + "\" could not be matched to a column in \"columns\":\n\n" + "\n".join(names_not_in_columns)) sys.exit() if attribute == "column_order": if len(author_attributes[report_key]["column_order"]) != len(author_attributes[report_key]["columns"]): helper_functions.vprint("ValidationError: The \"column_order\" attribute for the " + report_key + " for author " + author + " does not have all of the column names in \"columns\". Every column in \"columns\" must be in \"column_order\".") sys.exit()
[docs]def prev_pubs_file_check(prev_pubs): """Run input checking on prev_pubs dict. The validational jsonschema is in the tracker_schema module. Args: prev_pubs (dict): dict with the same structure as the previous publications JSON file. """ tracker_validate(instance=prev_pubs, schema=tracker_schema.publications_schema, format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker())
[docs]def tok_reference_check(tok_ref): """Run input checking on tok_ref dict. The validational jsonschema is in the tracker_schema module. Args: tok_ref (dict): dict with the same structure as the tokenized reference JSON file. """ tracker_validate(instance=tok_ref, schema=tracker_schema.tok_schema, format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker())