Source code for kegg_pull.kegg_url

Constructing URLs for the KEGG REST API
Classes for creating and validating KEGG REST API URLs.
import requests as rq
import logging as log
import abc
import typing as t
from . import _utils as u


[docs] class AbstractKEGGurl(abc.ABC): """ Abstract class which validates and constructs URLs for accessing the KEGG REST API and contains the base data and functionality for all KEGG URL classes. :ivar str url: The constructed and validated KEGG URL. """ _URL_LENGTH_LIMIT = 4000 _valid_kegg_databases = { 'pathway', 'brite', 'module', 'ko', 'genome', 'vg', 'vp', 'ag', 'compound', 'glycan', 'reaction', 'rclass', 'enzyme', 'network', 'variant', 'disease', 'drug', 'dgroup', 'genes', 'ligand', 'kegg'} _valid_medicus_databases = { 'disease_ja', 'drug_ja', 'dgroup_ja', 'compound_ja', 'brite_ja', 'atc', 'jtc', 'ndc', 'yj'} _organism_set: set[str] | None = None def __init__(self, rest_operation: str, base_url: str = BASE_URL, **kwargs) -> None: """ :param rest_operation: The KEGG REST API operation in the URL. :param base_url: The base URL for accessing the KEGG web API. :param kwargs: The arguments used to construct the REST options after they are validated. :raises ValueError: Raised if the given arguments cannot construct a valid KEGG URL. """ self._validate(**kwargs) url_options = self._create_rest_options(**kwargs) self.url = f'{base_url}/{rest_operation}/{url_options}' if len(self.url) > AbstractKEGGurl._URL_LENGTH_LIMIT: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error( reason=f'The KEGG URL length of {len(self.url)} exceeds the limit of {AbstractKEGGurl._URL_LENGTH_LIMIT}') # noinspection PyMethodParameters @u.staticproperty def organism_set() -> set[str]: """ Obtains the set of valid KEGG organism database names by requesting from the KEGG REST API (caches this result so the request only needs to be done once). :return: The set of organism database names. :raises RuntimeError: Raised in the unlikely case that the request fails. """ if AbstractKEGGurl._organism_set is None: url = f'{BASE_URL}/list/organism' error_message = 'The request to the KEGG web API {} while fetching the organism set using the URL: {}' try: response = rq.get(url=url, timeout=60) except rq.exceptions.Timeout: raise RuntimeError(error_message.format('timed out', url)) status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError(error_message.format(f'failed with status code {status_code}', url)) organism_list = response.text.strip().split('\n') AbstractKEGGurl._organism_set = set[str]() for organism in organism_list: [code, name, _, _] = organism.strip().split('\t') AbstractKEGGurl._organism_set.add(code) AbstractKEGGurl._organism_set.add(name) return AbstractKEGGurl._organism_set @abc.abstractmethod def _validate(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Ensures the arguments passed into the constructor result in a valid KEGG URL. :param kwargs: The arguments to validate. :raises ValueError: Raised if the given arguments cannot construct a valid KEGG URL. """ pass # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def _create_rest_options(self, **kwargs) -> str: """ Creates the string at the end part of a KEGG URL to specify the options for a REST API request. :param kwargs: The arguments used to create the options. :return: The REST API options. """ pass # pragma: no cover def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.url @staticmethod def _raise_error(reason: str) -> None: """ Raises an exception for when a URL is not valid. :param reason: The reason why the URL was not valid. :raises ValueError: The error that is raised. """ raise ValueError(f'Cannot create URL - {reason}') @staticmethod def _validate_rest_option(option_name: str, option_value: str, valid_rest_options: t.Iterable[str], add_org: bool = False) -> None: """ Raises an exception if a provided REST API option is not valid. :param option_name: The name of the type of option to check. :param option_value: The value of the REST API option provided. :param valid_rest_options: The collection of valid options to choose from. :param add_org: Whether to add the "<org>" option to the valid options in the error message. :raises ValueError: Raised when the provided option is not valid. """ if option_value not in valid_rest_options: if add_org: valid_rest_options = set(valid_rest_options) valid_rest_options.add('<org>') valid_options = ', '.join(sorted(valid_rest_options)) error_reason = f'Invalid {option_name}: "{option_value}". Valid values are: {valid_options}.' if add_org: error_reason += ' Where <org> is an organism code or T number.' AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error(reason=error_reason) @staticmethod def _validate_database(database: str, extra_databases: set[str] = set[str](), excluded_databases: set[str] = set[str]()) -> None: """ Ensures the database provided is a valid KEGG database. :param database: The name of the database to validate. :param extra_databases: Additional optional database names to add to the core KEGG databases for the validation. :param excluded_databases: Optional database names to exclude from the validation. If extra_databases overlaps excluded_databases, extra_databases has priority. :raises ValueError: Raised when the provided database is not valid. """ if database not in AbstractKEGGurl.organism_set: valid_databases = AbstractKEGGurl._valid_kegg_databases.union(AbstractKEGGurl._valid_medicus_databases) valid_databases = valid_databases - excluded_databases valid_databases = valid_databases.union(extra_databases) AbstractKEGGurl._validate_rest_option( option_name='database name', option_value=database, valid_rest_options=valid_databases, add_org=True)
[docs] class ListKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """Contains URL construction and validation functionality of the KEGG API list operation.""" def __init__(self, database: str) -> None: """ :param database: The database option for the KEGG list URL. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided database is not valid. """ super().__init__(rest_operation='list', database=database) def _validate(self, database: str) -> None: """ Ensures the database option is a KEGG database supported by the list operation. :param database: The name of the database to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided database is not valid. """ AbstractKEGGurl._validate_database( database=database, extra_databases={'organism'}, excluded_databases={'genes', 'ligand', 'kegg'}) def _create_rest_options(self, database: str) -> str: """ Implements the KEGG REST API options creation by returning the provided database name (the only option). :param database: The database option to return. :return: The database option. """ return database
[docs] class InfoKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """Contains URL construction and validation functionality of the KEGG API info operation.""" def __init__(self, database: str) -> None: """ :param database: The database option for the KEGG info URL. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided database is not valid. """ super(InfoKEGGurl, self).__init__(rest_operation='info', database=database) def _validate(self, database: str) -> None: """ Ensures the database option is a KEGG database supported by the info operation. :param database: The name of the database to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided database is not valid. """ AbstractKEGGurl._validate_database( database=database, excluded_databases=AbstractKEGGurl._valid_medicus_databases) def _create_rest_options(self, database: str) -> str: """ Implements the KEGG REST API options creation by returning the provided database name (the only option). :param database: The database option to return. :return: The database option. """ return database
[docs] class GetKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """ Contains URL construction and validation functionality for the KEGG API get operation. :cvar str MAX_ENTRY_IDS_PER_URL: The maximum number of entry IDs allowed in a single get KEGG URL. :ivar list entry_ids: The entry IDs of the get KEGG URL. """ _entry_fields = { 'aaseq': True, 'ntseq': True, 'mol': True, 'kcf': True, 'image': False, 'conf': False, 'kgml': False, 'json': False} MAX_ENTRY_IDS_PER_URL = 10 def __init__(self, entry_ids: list[str], entry_field: str | None = None) -> None: """ :param entry_ids: Specifies which entry IDs go in the first option of the URL. :param entry_field: Specifies which entry field goes in the second option. :raises ValueError: Raised if the entry IDs or entry field is not valid. """ super().__init__(rest_operation='get', entry_ids=entry_ids, entry_field=entry_field) self.entry_ids = entry_ids self._entry_field = entry_field @property def multiple_entry_ids(self) -> bool: """Determines whether the get KEGG URL has more than one entry ID.""" return len(self.entry_ids) > 1 def _validate(self, entry_ids: list, entry_field: str | None) -> None: """ Ensures valid Entry IDs and a valid entry field are provided. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs to validate. :param entry_field: The entry field to validate. :raises ValueError: Raised if the entry IDs or entry field is not valid. """ n_entry_ids = len(entry_ids) if n_entry_ids == 0: self._raise_error(reason='Entry IDs must be specified for the KEGG get operation') max_entry_ids = GetKEGGurl.MAX_ENTRY_IDS_PER_URL if n_entry_ids > max_entry_ids: self._raise_error(reason=f'The maximum number of entry IDs is {max_entry_ids} but {n_entry_ids} were provided') if entry_field is not None: AbstractKEGGurl._validate_rest_option( option_name='KEGG entry field', option_value=entry_field, valid_rest_options=GetKEGGurl._entry_fields) if self.only_one_entry(entry_field=entry_field) and n_entry_ids > 1: self._raise_error( reason=f'The KEGG entry field: "{entry_field}" only supports requests of one KEGG entry ' f'at a time but {n_entry_ids} entry IDs are provided')
[docs] @staticmethod def only_one_entry(entry_field: str | None) -> bool: """ Determines whether a KEGG entry field can only be pulled in one entry at a time for the KEGG get API operation. :param entry_field: The KEGG entry field to check. """ return entry_field is not None and not GetKEGGurl._entry_fields[entry_field]
[docs] @staticmethod def is_binary(entry_field: str | None) -> bool: """ Determines if the entry field is a binary response or not. :param entry_field: The KEGG entry field to check. """ return entry_field == 'image'
def _create_rest_options(self, entry_ids: list[str], entry_field: str | None) -> str: """ Constructs the REST options for the KEGG API get operation. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs for the first REST option. :param entry_field: The entry field for the second REST option. :return: The constructed options. """ entry_ids_url_option = '+'.join(entry_ids) if entry_field is not None: return f'{entry_ids_url_option}/{entry_field}' else: return entry_ids_url_option
[docs] class KeywordsFindKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """Contains the URL construction and validation functionality for the KEGG API find operation based on the URL form that searches entries by keywords.""" def __init__(self, database: str, keywords: list[str]) -> None: """ :param database: The database name option for the first part of the URL. :param keywords: The keyword options for the second part of the URL. :raises ValueError: Raised if the database name is invalid or keywords are not provided. """ super(KeywordsFindKEGGurl, self).__init__(rest_operation='find', database=database, keywords=keywords) def _validate(self, database: str, keywords: list[str]) -> None: """ Ensures keywords are provided and the database name is valid. :param database: The database name to check. :param keywords: The keywords to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the database name is invalid or keywords are not provided. """ if len(keywords) == 0: self._raise_error(reason='No search keywords specified') AbstractKEGGurl._validate_database(database=database, excluded_databases={'brite', 'kegg'}) def _create_rest_options(self, keywords: list[str], database: str) -> str: """ Constructs the options for the URL using the database name followed by the keywords. :param keywords: The keywords to go in the options. :param database: The database name to go in the options. :return: The constructed options. """ keywords_string = '+'.join(keywords) return f'{database}/{keywords_string}'
[docs] class MolecularFindKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """Contains the URL construction and validation functionality for the KEGG API find operation based on the URL form that uses chemical / molecular attributes of compounds.""" _valid_molecular_databases = {'compound', 'drug'} def __init__( self, database: str, formula: str | None = None, exact_mass: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, molecular_weight: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> None: """ :param database: The database name option for the first part of the URL. :param formula: The chemical formula option that can go in the second part of the URL. :param exact_mass: The exact molecule mass option that can go in the second part of the URL. :param molecular_weight: The molecular weight option that can go in the second part of the URL. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided database name or molecular attribute is invalid. """ super(MolecularFindKEGGurl, self).__init__( rest_operation='find', database=database, formula=formula, exact_mass=exact_mass, molecular_weight=molecular_weight) def _validate( self, database: str, formula: str | None = None, exact_mass: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, molecular_weight: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> None: """ Ensures a valid database name and molecular attributes are provided. :param database: The database name to check. :param formula: The chemical formula attribute to check. :param exact_mass: The exact mass attribute to check. :param molecular_weight: The molecular weight attribute to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided database name or molecular attribute is invalid. """ AbstractKEGGurl._validate_rest_option( option_name='molecular database name', option_value=database, valid_rest_options=MolecularFindKEGGurl._valid_molecular_databases) if formula is None and exact_mass is None and molecular_weight is None: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error(reason='Must provide either a chemical formula, exact mass, or molecular weight option') if formula is not None and (exact_mass is not None or molecular_weight is not None): log.warning( 'Only a chemical formula, exact mass, or molecular weight is used to construct the URL. Using formula...') elif formula is None and exact_mass is not None and molecular_weight is not None: log.warning('Both an exact mass and molecular weight are provided. Using exact mass...') MolecularFindKEGGurl._validate_range(range_values=exact_mass, range_name='Exact mass') MolecularFindKEGGurl._validate_range(range_values=molecular_weight, range_name='Molecular weight') @staticmethod def _validate_range(range_values: int | float | tuple[int, int] | tuple[float, float] | None, range_name: str) -> None: """ Ensures a given range is valid. :param range_values: The two end points of the range (start and end). :param range_name: The name of the range for the resulting error message in case of an invalid range. :raises ValueError: Raised if the range values are not valid. """ if range_values is not None and type(range_values) is tuple: if len(range_values) != 2: provided_values = ', '.join(str(range_value) for range_value in range_values) AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error( f'{range_name} range can only be constructed from 2 values but {len(range_values)} are provided: ' f'{provided_values}') min_val, max_val = range_values if not min_val < max_val: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error( reason=f'The first value in the range must be less than the second. Values provided:' f' {min_val}-{max_val}') def _create_rest_options( self, database: str, formula: str | None = None, exact_mass: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, molecular_weight: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> str: """ Constructs the options for the URL using the database name followed by a molecular attribute. :param database: The database name option in the first part of the URL. :param formula: The chemical formula option that can go in the second part of the URL. :param exact_mass: The exact mass attribute that can go in the second part of the URL. :param molecular_weight: The molecular weight attribute that can go in the second part of the URL. :return: The constructed options. """ if formula is not None: options = f'{formula}/formula' elif exact_mass is not None: options = MolecularFindKEGGurl._get_range_options(option_name='exact_mass', option_value=exact_mass) else: options = MolecularFindKEGGurl._get_range_options(option_name='mol_weight', option_value=molecular_weight) return f'{database}/{options}' @staticmethod def _get_range_options(option_name: str, option_value: float | int | tuple[int, int] | tuple[float, float]) -> str: """ Constructs options for the URL that are either a single number or a range (start and end separated by a dash). :param option_name: The name of the option to go in the third part of the URL. :param option_value: The single number or range. :return: The constructed option. """ if type(option_value) is int or type(option_value) is float: options = option_value else: minimum, maximum = option_value options = f'{minimum}-{maximum}' return f'{options}/{option_name}'
[docs] class AbstractConvKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """Abstract class containing data shared by the KEGG URL classes that validate and construct URLs for the conv KEGG REST API operation.""" _valid_outside_gene_databases = {'ncbi-geneid', 'ncbi-proteinid', 'uniprot'} _valid_kegg_molecule_databases = {'compound', 'glycan', 'drug'} _valid_outside_molecule_databases = {'pubchem', 'chebi'} def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ :param kwargs: Arguments for the URL validation and construction. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided arguments cannot construct a valid conv KEGG URL. """ super(AbstractConvKEGGurl, self).__init__(rest_operation='conv', **kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod def _validate(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Validates options for a conv KEGG URL. :param kwargs: The options to validate. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided arguments cannot construct a valid conv KEGG URL. """ pass # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def _create_rest_options(self, **kwargs) -> str: """ Constructs the options in a conv KEGG URL. :param kwargs: The arguments to create the options. :return: The constructed options. """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] class DatabaseConvKEGGurl(AbstractConvKEGGurl): """Contains the URL construction and validation functionality of the KEGG API conv operation based on the URL form that uses a KEGG database and an outside database.""" def __init__(self, kegg_database: str, outside_database: str) -> None: """ :param kegg_database: The name of the KEGG database. :param outside_database: The name of the outside database. :raises ValueError: Raised if the database names are not valid or are not of the same type. """ super(DatabaseConvKEGGurl, self).__init__(kegg_database=kegg_database, outside_database=outside_database) def _validate(self, kegg_database: str, outside_database: str) -> None: """ Ensures that the database names are valid and that they're both the same type :param kegg_database: The name of the KEGG database to check. :param outside_database: The name of the outside database to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the database names are not valid or are not of the same type. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker valid_kegg_gene_databases: set[str] = AbstractKEGGurl.organism_set valid_kegg_molecule_databases = AbstractConvKEGGurl._valid_kegg_molecule_databases valid_kegg_databases = valid_kegg_molecule_databases.union(valid_kegg_gene_databases) if kegg_database not in valid_kegg_databases: AbstractKEGGurl._validate_rest_option( option_name='KEGG database', option_value=kegg_database, valid_rest_options=valid_kegg_molecule_databases, add_org=True) valid_outside_gene_databases = AbstractConvKEGGurl._valid_outside_gene_databases valid_outside_molecule_databases = AbstractConvKEGGurl._valid_outside_molecule_databases valid_outside_databases = valid_outside_molecule_databases.union(valid_outside_gene_databases) AbstractKEGGurl._validate_rest_option( option_name='outside database', option_value=outside_database, valid_rest_options=valid_outside_databases) if kegg_database in valid_kegg_gene_databases and outside_database not in valid_outside_gene_databases: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error( reason=f'KEGG database "{kegg_database}" is a gene database but outside database ' f'"{outside_database}" is not.') if kegg_database in valid_kegg_molecule_databases and outside_database not in valid_outside_molecule_databases: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error( reason=f'KEGG database "{kegg_database}" is a molecule database but outside database ' f'"{outside_database}" is not.') def _create_rest_options(self, kegg_database: str, outside_database: str) -> str: """ Constructs the REST options by appending the outside database name to the kegg database name :param kegg_database: The KEGG database option. :param outside_database: The outside database option :return: The constructed options. """ return f'{kegg_database}/{outside_database}'
[docs] class EntriesConvKEGGurl(AbstractConvKEGGurl): """Contains the URL construction and validation functionality for the KEGG API conv operation based on the URL form that uses a target database and entry IDs.""" def __init__(self, target_database: str, entry_ids: list[str]) -> None: """ :param target_database: The target database option. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs options. :raises ValueError: Raised if the target database is invalid or entry IDs are not provided. """ super(EntriesConvKEGGurl, self).__init__(target_database=target_database, entry_ids=entry_ids) def _validate(self, target_database: str, entry_ids: list[str]) -> None: """ Ensures the target database is valid and that the entry IDs are provided. :param target_database: The name of the target database to check. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the target database is invalid or entry IDs are not provided. """ valid_databases = AbstractConvKEGGurl._valid_kegg_molecule_databases valid_databases = valid_databases.union(AbstractConvKEGGurl._valid_outside_gene_databases) valid_databases = valid_databases.union(AbstractConvKEGGurl._valid_outside_molecule_databases) valid_databases.add('genes') # noinspection PyTypeChecker if target_database not in valid_databases.union(AbstractKEGGurl.organism_set): AbstractKEGGurl._validate_rest_option( option_name='target database', option_value=target_database, valid_rest_options=valid_databases, add_org=True) if len(entry_ids) == 0: self._raise_error(reason='Entry IDs must be specified for this KEGG "conv" operation') def _create_rest_options(self, target_database: str, entry_ids: list) -> str: """ Constructs the REST options by appending the entry IDs (separated by '+') to the target database name. :param target_database: The name of the target database in the first part of the URL. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs in the second part of the URL. :return: The constructed options. """ return f'{target_database}/{"+".join(entry_ids)}'
[docs] class AbstractLinkKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """Abstract class containing the shared data for the link KEGG URLs.""" _extra_databases = {'atc', 'jtc', 'ndc', 'yj', 'pubmed'} def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ :param kwargs: The arguments to validate and construct the URL. :raises ValueError: Raised if the provided arguments are invalid. """ super(AbstractLinkKEGGurl, self).__init__(rest_operation='link', **kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod def _validate(self, **kwargs) -> None: pass # pragma: no cover @abc.abstractmethod def _create_rest_options(self, **kwargs) -> str: pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] class DatabaseLinkKEGGurl(AbstractLinkKEGGurl): """Contains the URL construction and validation functionality for the link KEGG REST API operation of the form that uses a target database and a source database.""" def __init__(self, target_database: str, source_database: str) -> None: """ :param target_database: The name of the target database option. :param source_database: The name of the source database option. :raises ValueError: Raised if the databases are invalid. """ super(DatabaseLinkKEGGurl, self).__init__(target_database=target_database, source_database=source_database) def _validate(self, target_database: str, source_database: str) -> None: """ Ensures the provided databases are valid :param target_database: The name of the target database to check. :param source_database: The name of the source database to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the databases are invalid. """ if target_database == source_database: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error( reason=f'The source and target database cannot be identical. Database selected: {source_database}.') excluded_databases = AbstractKEGGurl._valid_medicus_databases.union({'kegg', 'genes', 'ligand'}) AbstractKEGGurl._validate_database( database=target_database, extra_databases=AbstractLinkKEGGurl._extra_databases, excluded_databases=excluded_databases) AbstractKEGGurl._validate_database( database=source_database, extra_databases=AbstractLinkKEGGurl._extra_databases, excluded_databases=excluded_databases) def _create_rest_options(self, target_database: str, source_database: str) -> str: """ Constructs the options by appending the target database name to the source database name :param target_database: The target database name for the first option. :param source_database: The source database name for the second option. :return: The constructed options. """ return f'{target_database}/{source_database}'
[docs] class EntriesLinkKEGGurl(AbstractLinkKEGGurl): """Contains the URL construction and validation functionality for the link KEGG REST API operation of the form that uses a target database and entry IDs.""" def __init__(self, target_database: str, entry_ids: list[str]) -> None: """ :param target_database: The name of the target database option. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs options. :raises ValueError: Raised if the target database is invalid or entry IDs are not provided. """ super(EntriesLinkKEGGurl, self).__init__(target_database=target_database, entry_ids=entry_ids) def _validate(self, target_database: str, entry_ids: list[str]) -> None: """ Ensures the target database name is valid and that the entry IDs are provided. :param target_database: The name of the target database to check. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the target database is invalid or entry IDs are not provided. """ excluded_databases: set = AbstractKEGGurl._valid_medicus_databases.union({'kegg', 'ligand'}) AbstractKEGGurl._validate_database( database=target_database, extra_databases=AbstractLinkKEGGurl._extra_databases, excluded_databases=excluded_databases) if len(entry_ids) == 0: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error(reason='At least one entry ID must be specified to perform the link operation') def _create_rest_options(self, target_database: str, entry_ids: list[str]) -> str: """Constructs the options by appending the entry IDs (separated by '+') to the target database name. :param target_database: The name of the target database for the first options. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs as the last options. :return: The constructed options. """ return f'{target_database}/{"+".join(entry_ids)}'
[docs] class DdiKEGGurl(AbstractKEGGurl): """Contains the URL construction and validation functionality for the ddi KEGG REST operation.""" def __init__(self, drug_entry_ids: list[str]) -> None: """ :param drug_entry_ids: The entry IDs for a drug database. :raises ValueError: Raised if the drug entry IDs are not provided. """ super(DdiKEGGurl, self).__init__(rest_operation='ddi', drug_entry_ids=drug_entry_ids) def _validate(self, drug_entry_ids: list) -> None: """ Ensures the drug entry IDs are provided. :param drug_entry_ids: The drug entry IDs to check. :raises ValueError: Raised if the drug entry IDs are not provided. """ if len(drug_entry_ids) == 0: AbstractKEGGurl._raise_error(reason='At least one drug entry ID must be specified for the DDI operation') def _create_rest_options(self, drug_entry_ids: list) -> str: """ Constructs the options by separating the drug entry IDs by '+'. :param drug_entry_ids: The drug entry ID options. :return: The constructed options. """ return "+".join(drug_entry_ids)