Pulling, Parsing, and Saving KEGG Entries
|Functionality| for pulling KEGG entries from the KEGG REST API, parsing them, and saving the entries as files.
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import abc
import typing as t
import pickle as p
import logging as log
import json
import tqdm
from . import kegg_url as ku
from . import rest as r
from . import _utils as u
KEGGentryMapping = dict[str, str | bytes]
class PullResult(u.NonInstantiable):
"""The collections of entry IDs, each of which resulted in a particular KEGG Response status after a pull."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
super(PullResult, self).__init__()
self._successful_entry_ids = list[str]()
self._failed_entry_ids = list[str]()
self._timed_out_entry_ids = list[str]()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
def get_entry_ids_repr(entry_ids: tuple[str, ...]) -> str:
return ', '.join(entry_ids) if len(entry_ids) > 0 else 'none'
successful_entry_ids = get_entry_ids_repr(entry_ids=self.successful_entry_ids)
failed_entry_ids = get_entry_ids_repr(entry_ids=self.failed_entry_ids)
timed_out_entry_ids = get_entry_ids_repr(entry_ids=self.timed_out_entry_ids)
return f'Successful Entry Ids: {successful_entry_ids}\n' \
f'Failed Entry Ids: {failed_entry_ids}\n' \
f'Timed Out Entry Ids: {timed_out_entry_ids}'
def successful_entry_ids(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
"""The IDs of entries successfully pulled."""
return tuple(self._successful_entry_ids)
def failed_entry_ids(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
"""The IDs of entries that failed to be pulled."""
return tuple(self._failed_entry_ids)
def timed_out_entry_ids(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
"""The IDs of entries that timed out before being pulled."""
return tuple(self._timed_out_entry_ids)
def _add_entry_ids(self, *entry_ids, status: r.KEGGresponse.Status) -> None:
""" Adds entry IDs of a given status to the pull result.
:param entry_ids: The entry IDs to add.
:param status: The status resulting from attempting to pull the entries of the given IDs.
if status == r.KEGGresponse.Status.SUCCESS:
elif status == r.KEGGresponse.Status.FAILED:
def _merge_pull_results(self, other) -> int:
""" Combines two pull results into one.
:param other: The pull result to combine into this one.
:return: The number of entry IDs added.
n_entry_ids_processed = len(other.successful_entry_ids)
n_entry_ids_processed += len(other.failed_entry_ids)
n_entry_ids_processed += len(other.timed_out_entry_ids)
return n_entry_ids_processed
class SinglePull:
"""Class capable of performing a single request to the KEGG REST API for pulling up to a maximum number of entries."""
def __init__(self, kegg_rest: r.KEGGrest | None = None, multiprocess_lock_save: bool = False) -> None:
:param kegg_rest: Optional KEGGrest object used to make the requests to the KEGG REST API (a KEGGrest object with the default settings is created if one is not provided).
:param multiprocess_lock_save: Whether to block the code that saves KEGG entries in order to be multiprocess safe. Should not be needed unless pulling across multiple processes.
self._output = None
self._kegg_rest = kegg_rest if kegg_rest is not None else r.KEGGrest()
self._entry_field = None
self._multiprocess_lock = mp.Lock() if multiprocess_lock_save else None
self._in_memory_entries = None
def pull(self, entry_ids: list[str], output: str, entry_field: str | None = None) -> PullResult:
""" Makes a single request to the KEGG REST API to pull one or more entries and save them as files.
:param entry_ids: The IDs of the entries to pull and save.
:param output: Path to the location where entries are saved. Treated like a ZIP file if ends in ".zip", else a directory. If a directory, the directory is created if it doesn't already exist.
:param entry_field: An optional field of the entries to pull.
:return: The pull result.
if output is None:
raise ValueError('"output" cannot be None')
return self._pull(entry_ids=entry_ids, entry_field=entry_field, output=output)
def pull_dict(self, entry_ids: list[str], entry_field: str | None = None) -> tuple[PullResult, KEGGentryMapping]:
""" Rather than saving the KEGG entries to the file system, stores them in-memory as a mapping from the ID to the corresponding entry.
:param entry_ids: The IDs of the entries to pull and include in the mapping.
:param entry_field: An optional field of the entries to pull.
:return: The pull result and the mapping from entry IDs to KEGG entries as strings (or bytes if the entries are in binary format).
self._in_memory_entries = KEGGentryMapping()
pull_result = self._pull(entry_ids=entry_ids, output=None, entry_field=entry_field)
tmp = self._in_memory_entries
self._in_memory_entries = None
return pull_result, tmp
def _pull(self, entry_ids: list[str], output: str | None, entry_field: str | None) -> PullResult:
""" Generic pull helper function that saves to the file system if output is provided, otherwise saves entries in-memory.
:param entry_ids: The IDs of the entries to pull.
:param output: If set, saves to the file system location specified. Otherwise, stores in-memory.
:param entry_field: Optional KEGG entry field to pull.
:return: The pull result.
self._entry_field = entry_field
self._output = output
kegg_response: r.KEGGresponse = self._kegg_rest.get(entry_ids=entry_ids, entry_field=self._entry_field)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
get_url: ku.GetKEGGurl = kegg_response.kegg_url
pull_result = PullResult()
if kegg_response.status == r.KEGGresponse.Status.SUCCESS:
if get_url.multiple_entry_ids:
self._save_multi_entry_response(kegg_response=kegg_response, pull_result=pull_result)
self._save_single_entry_response(kegg_response=kegg_response, pull_result=pull_result)
self._handle_unsuccessful_url(kegg_response=kegg_response, pull_result=pull_result)
return pull_result
def _save_multi_entry_response(self, kegg_response: r.KEGGresponse, pull_result: PullResult) -> None:
""" Saves multiple entries within a KEGG response.
:param kegg_response: The response from KEGG with multiple entries.
:param pull_result: The pull result to update based on the status of the pull(s).
entries = self._separate_entries(concatenated_entries=kegg_response.text_body)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
get_url: ku.GetKEGGurl = kegg_response.kegg_url
if len(entries) < len(get_url.entry_ids):
# If we did not get all the entries requested, process each entry one at a time
self._pull_separate_entries(get_url=get_url, pull_result=pull_result)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
pull_result._add_entry_ids(*get_url.entry_ids, status=r.KEGGresponse.Status.SUCCESS)
for entry_id, entry in zip(get_url.entry_ids, entries):
self._save(entry_id=entry_id, entry=entry, entry_field=self._entry_field)
def _separate_entries(self, concatenated_entries: str) -> list:
""" Separates the entries in a multi-entry response from KEGG.
:param concatenated_entries: The response body with all the entries together.
:return: The separated KEGG entries.
field_to_separator = {
'aaseq': SinglePull._gene_separator, 'kcf': SinglePull._standard_separator,
'mol': SinglePull._mol_separator, 'ntseq': SinglePull._gene_separator}
if self._entry_field is None:
separator: t.Callable[[str], list[str]] = SinglePull._standard_separator
separator = field_to_separator[self._entry_field]
entries = separator(concatenated_entries=concatenated_entries)
entries = [entry for entry in entries]
return entries
def _gene_separator(concatenated_entries: str) -> list[str]:
""" Separates KEGG entries that are separated by a deliminator for nucleotide and amino acid sequence entries.
:param concatenated_entries: The response body with the gene-related entries together.
:return: The separated gene-related entries.
entries = concatenated_entries.split('>')
if len(entries) > 1:
return entries[1:]
return entries
def _mol_separator(concatenated_entries: str) -> list[str]:
""" Separates mol entries.
:param concatenated_entries: The response body with the mol entries together.
:return: The separated mole entries.
return SinglePull._split_and_remove_last(concatenated_entries=concatenated_entries, deliminator='$$$$')
def _split_and_remove_last(concatenated_entries: str, deliminator: str) -> list[str]:
""" Splits entries based on a deliminator and removes the resulting empty string at the end of the list.
:param concatenated_entries: The response body with the entries together.
:param deliminator: The deliminator that separates the entries and is at the end of the response body.
:return: The separated entries with the empty string removed.
entries = concatenated_entries.split(deliminator)
if len(entries) > 1:
return entries[:-1]
return entries
def _standard_separator(concatenated_entries: str) -> list[str]:
""" The separation method for most types of KEGG entries.
:param concatenated_entries: The response body with the KEGG entries together.
:return: The separated entries.
return SinglePull._split_and_remove_last(concatenated_entries=concatenated_entries, deliminator='///')
def _pull_separate_entries(self, get_url: ku.GetKEGGurl, pull_result: PullResult) -> None:
""" Pulls one entry at a time for a Get KEGG URL that has multiple entry IDs.
:param get_url: The Get KEGG URL with multiple entry IDs to pull one at a time.
:param pull_result: The pull result to update based on the success of the pulling.
for entry_id in get_url.entry_ids:
kegg_response = self._kegg_rest.get(entry_ids=[entry_id], entry_field=self._entry_field)
if kegg_response.status == r.KEGGresponse.Status.SUCCESS:
self._save_single_entry_response(kegg_response=kegg_response, pull_result=pull_result)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
pull_result._add_entry_ids(entry_id, status=kegg_response.status)
def _save(self, entry_id: str, entry: str | bytes, entry_field: str | None) -> None:
""" Saves a KEGG entry as a file.
:param entry_id: The entry ID (part of the file name).
:param entry: The entry to save (contents of the file).
:param entry_field: The particular field of the entry (file extension). If None, the file extension is ".txt" by default.
if self._output is None:
self._in_memory_entries[entry_id] = entry
file_extension = 'txt' if entry_field is None else entry_field
file_name = f'{entry_id}.{file_extension}'
if self._multiprocess_lock is not None:
# Writing to a zip file is not multiprocess safe since multiple processes are writing to the same file.
# So if another process is currently accessing the zip file, the code below is blocked.
u.save_file(file_location=self._output, file_content=entry, file_name=file_name)
if self._multiprocess_lock is not None:
# Unblock other processes from accessing the above code.
def _save_single_entry_response(self, kegg_response: r.KEGGresponse, pull_result: PullResult) -> None:
""" Saves the entry in a KEGG response that contains only one entry.
:param kegg_response: The KEGG response that only has one entry.
:param pull_result: The pull result to update with the successful entry ID.
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
get_url: ku.GetKEGGurl = kegg_response.kegg_url
[entry_id] = get_url.entry_ids
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
pull_result._add_entry_ids(entry_id, status=r.KEGGresponse.Status.SUCCESS)
if ku.GetKEGGurl.is_binary(entry_field=self._entry_field):
entry: bytes = kegg_response.binary_body
entry: str = kegg_response.text_body
self._save(entry_id=entry_id, entry=entry, entry_field=self._entry_field)
def _handle_unsuccessful_url(self, kegg_response: r.KEGGresponse, pull_result: PullResult) -> None:
""" Handles an unsuccessful pull (failed or timed out).
:param kegg_response: The KEGG response resulting from a pull that was not successful.
:param pull_result: The pull result to update based on how the unsuccessful response is dealt with.
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
get_url: ku.GetKEGGurl = kegg_response.kegg_url
status: r.KEGGresponse.Status = kegg_response.status
if get_url.multiple_entry_ids:
self._pull_separate_entries(get_url=get_url, pull_result=pull_result)
[entry_id] = get_url.entry_ids
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
pull_result._add_entry_ids(entry_id, status=status)
class AbstractMultiplePull(abc.ABC):
"""Abstract class that makes multiple requests to the KEGG REST API to pull and save entries of an arbitrary amount."""
ABORTED_PULL_RESULTS_PATH = 'aborted-pull-results.json'
def __init__(self, single_pull: SinglePull, unsuccessful_threshold: float | None = None) -> None:
:param single_pull: The SinglePull object used for each pull.
:param unsuccessful_threshold: If set, the ratio of unsuccessful entry IDs to total entry IDs at which execution stops. Details of the aborted process are logged.
self._single_pull = single_pull
if unsuccessful_threshold is not None and (unsuccessful_threshold <= 0.0 or unsuccessful_threshold >= 1.0):
raise ValueError(
f'Unsuccessful threshold of {unsuccessful_threshold} is out of range. Valid values are within 0.0 and 1.0, non-inclusive')
self._unsuccessful_threshold = unsuccessful_threshold
self._entry_field = None
self._force_single_entry = None
self._output = None
self._in_memory_entries = None
def pull(self, entry_ids: list[str], output: str, entry_field: str | None = None, force_single_entry: bool = False) -> PullResult:
""" Makes multiple requests to the KEGG REST API for an arbitrary amount of entry IDs.
:param entry_ids: The IDs that are split into multiple pulls, the entries of which are saved to the file system.
:param output: Path to the location where entries are saved. Treated like a ZIP file if ends in ".zip", else a directory. If a directory, the directory is created if it doesn't already exist.
:param entry_field: An optional field of the entries to pull.
:param force_single_entry: Whether to pull only one entry at a time regardless of the entry field specified. Recommended if there are Brite entry IDs.
:return: The pull result.
if output is None:
raise ValueError('"output" cannot be None')
return self._pull(entry_ids=entry_ids, output=output, entry_field=entry_field, force_single_entry=force_single_entry)
def pull_dict(self, entry_ids: list[str], entry_field: str | None = None, force_single_entry: bool = False) -> tuple[PullResult, KEGGentryMapping]:
""" Rather than saving the KEGG entries to the file system, stores them in-memory as a mapping from the ID to the corresponding entry.
:param entry_ids: The IDs that are split into multiple pulls, the entries of which are stored in the mapping.
:param entry_field: An optional field of the entries to pull.
:param force_single_entry: Whether to pull only one entry at a time regardless of the entry field specified. Recommended if there are Brite entry IDs.
:return: The pull result and the mapping from entry IDs to KEGG entries as strings (or bytes if the entries are in binary format).
self._in_memory_entries = KEGGentryMapping()
pull_result = self._pull(entry_ids=entry_ids, output=None, entry_field=entry_field, force_single_entry=force_single_entry)
tmp = self._in_memory_entries
self._in_memory_entries = None
return pull_result, tmp
def _pull(self, entry_ids: list[str], output: str | None, entry_field: str | None, force_single_entry: bool) -> PullResult:
""" Generic pull helper function that saves to the file system if output is provided, otherwise saves entries in-memory.
:param entry_ids: The IDs of the entries to pull.
:param output: If set, saves to the file system location specified. Otherwise, stores in-memory.
:param entry_field: Optional KEGG entry field to pull.
:param force_single_entry: Whether to pull only one entry at a time regardless of the entry field specified.
self._output = output
self._entry_field = entry_field
self._force_single_entry = force_single_entry
n_entry_ids = len(entry_ids)
progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=n_entry_ids)
def check_progress(single_pull_result: PullResult, multiple_pull_result: PullResult, grouped_entry_ids: list[list[str]]) -> None:
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
n_entry_ids_processed = multiple_pull_result._merge_pull_results(other=single_pull_result)
n_unsuccessful = len(multiple_pull_result.failed_entry_ids) + len(multiple_pull_result.timed_out_entry_ids)
if self._unsuccessful_threshold is not None and n_unsuccessful / n_entry_ids >= self._unsuccessful_threshold:
total_processed_entry_ids = set(multiple_pull_result.successful_entry_ids)
total_processed_entry_ids = total_processed_entry_ids.union(set(multiple_pull_result.failed_entry_ids))
total_processed_entry_ids = total_processed_entry_ids.union(set(multiple_pull_result.timed_out_entry_ids))
remaining_entry_ids = set[str]()
for entry_ids_group in grouped_entry_ids:
for entry_id in entry_ids_group:
if entry_id not in total_processed_entry_ids:
f'Unsuccessful threshold of {self._unsuccessful_threshold} met. Aborting. Details saved at '
aborted_pull_results = {
'num-remaining-entry-ids': len(remaining_entry_ids),
'num-successful': len(multiple_pull_result.successful_entry_ids),
'num-failed': len(multiple_pull_result.failed_entry_ids),
'num-timed-out': len(multiple_pull_result.timed_out_entry_ids),
'remaining-entry-ids': sorted(remaining_entry_ids),
'successful-entry-ids': multiple_pull_result.successful_entry_ids,
'failed-entry-ids': multiple_pull_result.failed_entry_ids,
'timed-out-entry-ids': multiple_pull_result.timed_out_entry_ids}
with open(AbstractMultiplePull.ABORTED_PULL_RESULTS_PATH, 'w') as file:
json.dump(aborted_pull_results, file, indent=0)
entry_ids = self._group_entry_ids(entry_ids_to_group=entry_ids)
return self._concrete_pull(grouped_entry_ids=entry_ids, check_progress=check_progress)
def _group_entry_ids(self, entry_ids_to_group: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]:
""" Splits up a list of entry IDs into a list of lists.
:param entry_ids_to_group: The entry IDs to divide into groups.
:return: The list of lists.
group_size = self._get_n_entries_per_url()
grouped_entry_ids = list[list[str]]()
for i in range(0, len(entry_ids_to_group), group_size):
entry_id_group = entry_ids_to_group[i:i + group_size]
return grouped_entry_ids
def _get_n_entries_per_url(self) -> int:
""" Gets the number of entries for each Get KEGG URL used to make the pulls.
:return: 1 if certain specifications are met, else the maximum number of entries per Get URL.
if self._force_single_entry:
return 1
elif ku.GetKEGGurl.only_one_entry(entry_field=self._entry_field):
return 1
def _concrete_pull(
self, grouped_entry_ids: list[list[str]],
check_progress: t.Callable[[PullResult, PullResult, list[list[str]]], None]) -> PullResult:
""" Pulls the entries of specified IDs in the manner of the extended concrete class.
:param grouped_entry_ids: List of lists of entry IDs, with each list being below or equal to the number allowed per Get KEGG URL.
:param check_progress: Function that updates the progress bar and pull result if the unsuccessful threshold either isn't set or hasn't been reached. Else aborts.
:return: The pull result.
pass # pragma: no cover
class SingleProcessMultiplePull(AbstractMultiplePull):
"""Class that makes multiple requests to the KEGG REST API to pull entries within a single process."""
def __init__(self, kegg_rest: r.KEGGrest | None = None, unsuccessful_threshold: float | None = None) -> None:
:param kegg_rest: Optional KEGGrest object used to make the requests to the KEGG REST API (a KEGGrest object with the default settings is created if one is not provided).
:param unsuccessful_threshold: If set, the ratio of unsuccessful entry IDs to total entry IDs at which execution stops. Details of the aborted process are logged.
single_pull = SinglePull(kegg_rest=kegg_rest)
super(SingleProcessMultiplePull, self).__init__(single_pull=single_pull, unsuccessful_threshold=unsuccessful_threshold)
def _concrete_pull(
self, grouped_entry_ids: list[list[str]],
check_progress: t.Callable[[PullResult, PullResult, list[list[str]]], None]) -> PullResult:
""" Makes multiple requests to the KEGG REST API to pull entries within a single process.
:param grouped_entry_ids: List of lists of entry IDs, with each list being below or equal to the number allowed per Get KEGG URL.
:param check_progress: Function that updates the progress bar and pull result if the unsuccessful threshold either isn't set or hasn't been reached. Else aborts.
:return: The pull result
multiple_pull_result = PullResult()
for entry_id_group in grouped_entry_ids:
if self._output is not None:
single_pull_result = self._single_pull.pull(entry_ids=entry_id_group, output=self._output, entry_field=self._entry_field)
single_pull_result, in_memory_entries = self._single_pull.pull_dict(
entry_ids=entry_id_group, entry_field=self._entry_field)
check_progress(single_pull_result, multiple_pull_result, grouped_entry_ids)
return multiple_pull_result
class MultiProcessMultiplePull(AbstractMultiplePull):
"""Class that makes multiple requests to the KEGG REST API to pull entries within multiple processes."""
def __init__(self, kegg_rest: r.KEGGrest | None = None, unsuccessful_threshold: float | None = None, n_workers: int | None = None):
:param kegg_rest: Optional KEGGrest object used to make the requests to the KEGG REST API (a KEGGrest object with the default settings is created if one is not provided).
:param unsuccessful_threshold: If set, the ratio of unsuccessful entry IDs to total entry IDs at which execution stops. Details of the aborted process are logged.
:param n_workers: The number of processes to use. If None, defaults to the number of cores available.
single_pull = SinglePull(kegg_rest=kegg_rest, multiprocess_lock_save=True)
super(MultiProcessMultiplePull, self).__init__(single_pull=single_pull, unsuccessful_threshold=unsuccessful_threshold)
self._n_workers = n_workers if n_workers is not None else os.cpu_count()
def _concrete_pull(
self, grouped_entry_ids: list[list[str]],
check_progress: t.Callable[[PullResult, PullResult, list[list[str]]], None]) -> PullResult:
""" Makes multiple requests to the KEGG REST API to pull entries within multiple processes.
:param grouped_entry_ids: List of lists of entry IDs, with each list being below or equal to the number allowed per Get KEGG URL.
:param check_progress: Function that updates the progress bar and pull result if the unsuccessful threshold either isn't set or hasn't been reached. Else aborts.
:return: The pull result.
multiple_pull_result = PullResult()
# Passing in _set_single_pull as the "initializer" allows setting the SinglePull object as a global variable.
# We need to set it as a global since pickling its Lock member is not allowed.
# Also, this makes it available to each process without pickling it every time it's passed to a worker.
with mp.Pool(self._n_workers, initializer=_set_single_pull, initargs=(self._single_pull, self._entry_field, self._output)) as pool:
async_results = [
pool.apply_async(_get_single_pull_result, (entry_ids,)) for entry_ids in grouped_entry_ids]
for async_result in async_results:
result: bytes = async_result.get()
if self._output is not None:
single_pull_result: PullResult = p.loads(result)
single_pull_result, in_memory_entries = p.loads(result)
check_progress(single_pull_result, multiple_pull_result, grouped_entry_ids)
return multiple_pull_result
_global_single_pull: SinglePull | None = None
_global_entry_field: str | None = None
_global_output: str | None = None
def _set_single_pull(single_pull: SinglePull, entry_field: str | None, output: str | None) -> None:
""" Sets global variables to be used in each process within a multiprocessing pool.
:param single_pull: The SinglePull object to set such that it's accessible to each process.
:param entry_field: The entry field to make available to each process.
:param output: The output variable to make available to each process.
global _global_single_pull
global _global_entry_field
global _global_output
_global_single_pull = single_pull # pragma: no cover
_global_entry_field = entry_field # pragma: no cover
_global_output = output # pragma: no cover
def _get_single_pull_result(entry_ids: list) -> bytes:
""" Makes a request to the REST KEGG API to pull one or more entries.
:param entry_ids: The IDs of the entries to pull.
:return: The pull result.
if _global_output is not None:
return p.dumps(_global_single_pull.pull(
entry_ids=entry_ids, output=_global_output, entry_field=_global_entry_field))
return p.dumps(_global_single_pull.pull_dict(entry_ids=entry_ids, entry_field=_global_entry_field))