Source code for

KEGG REST API Operations
|Interface for| the KEGG REST API including all its operations.
import typing as t
import enum as e
import requests as rq
import time
import inspect as ins
import logging as log
from . import kegg_url as ku
from . import _utils as u

[docs] class KEGGresponse(u.NonInstantiable): """ Class containing details of a response from the KEGG REST API. :ivar Status status: The status of the KEGG response. :ivar AbstractKEGGurl kegg_url: The URL used in the request to the KEGG REST API that resulted in the KEGG response. :ivar str text_body: The text version of the response body. :ivar bytes binary_body: The binary version of the response body. """
[docs] class Status(e.Enum): """The status of a KEGG response.""" SUCCESS = 1 FAILED = 2 TIMEOUT = 3
def __init__(self, status: Status, kegg_url: ku.AbstractKEGGurl, text_body: str = None, binary_body: bytes = None) -> None: """ :param status: The status of the KEGG response. :param kegg_url: The URL used in the request to the KEGG REST API that resulted in the KEGG response. :param text_body: The text version of the response body. :param binary_body: The binary version of the response body. :raises ValueError: Raised if the status is SUCCESS but a response body is not provided. """ super(KEGGresponse, self).__init__() if status == KEGGresponse.Status.SUCCESS and (text_body is None or binary_body is None or text_body == '' or binary_body == b''): raise ValueError('A KEGG response cannot be marked as successful if its response body is empty') self.status = status self.kegg_url = kegg_url self.text_body = text_body self.binary_body = binary_body
[docs] class KEGGrest: """Class containing methods for making requests to the KEGG REST API, including all the KEGG REST API operations.""" def __init__(self, n_tries: int | None = 3, time_out: int | None = 60, sleep_time: float | None = 5.0): """ :param n_tries: The number of times to try to make a request (can succeed the first time, or any of n_tries, or none of the tries). :param time_out: The number of seconds to wait for a request until marking it as timed out. :param sleep_time: The number of seconds to wait in between timed out requests or blacklisted requests. """ self._n_tries = n_tries if n_tries is not None else 3 self._time_out = time_out if time_out is not None else 60 self._sleep_time = sleep_time if sleep_time is not None else 5.0 if self._n_tries < 1: raise ValueError(f'{self._n_tries} is not a valid number of tries to make a KEGG request.')
[docs] def request(self, KEGGurl: type[ku.AbstractKEGGurl] = None, kegg_url: ku.AbstractKEGGurl = None, **kwargs) -> KEGGresponse: """ General KEGG request function based on a given KEGG URL (either a class that is instantiated or an already instantiated KEGG URL object). :param KEGGurl: Optional KEGG URL class (extended from AbstractKEGGurl) that's instantiated with provided keyword arguments. :param kegg_url: Optional KEGGurl object that's already instantiated (used if KEGGurl class is not provided). :param kwargs: The keyword arguments used to instantiate the KEGGurl class, if provided. :return: The KEGG response. """ kegg_url = KEGGrest._get_kegg_url(KEGGurl=KEGGurl, kegg_url=kegg_url, **kwargs) status: KEGGresponse.Status | None = None for _ in range(self._n_tries): try: response = rq.get(url=kegg_url.url, timeout=self._time_out) if response.status_code == 200: return KEGGresponse( status=KEGGresponse.Status.SUCCESS, kegg_url=kegg_url, text_body=response.text, binary_body=response.content) else: status = KEGGresponse.Status.FAILED if response.status_code == 403: # 403 forbidden. KEGG may have blocked the request due to too many requests in too little time. # In case blacklisting, sleep to allow time for KEGG to unblock further requests. time.sleep(self._sleep_time) except rq.exceptions.Timeout: status = KEGGresponse.Status.TIMEOUT time.sleep(self._sleep_time) return KEGGresponse(status=status, kegg_url=kegg_url)
@staticmethod def _get_kegg_url( KEGGurl: type[ku.AbstractKEGGurl] | None = None, kegg_url: ku.AbstractKEGGurl | None = None, **kwargs) -> ku.AbstractKEGGurl: """ Gets the KEGGurl object to be used to make the request to KEGG. :param KEGGurl: Optional KEGGurl class to instantiate a KEGGurl object using keyword arguments. :param kegg_url: Instantiated KEGGurl object that's simply returned if provided (used if the KEGGurl class is not provided). :param kwargs: The keyword arguments used to instantiate the KEGGurl object if a KEGGurl class is provided. :return: The KEGGurl object. :raises ValueError: Raised if both a class and object are provided or the class does not inherit from AbstractKEGGurl. """ if KEGGurl is None and kegg_url is None: raise ValueError( f'Either an instantiated kegg_url object must be provided or an extended class of ' f'{ku.AbstractKEGGurl.__name__} along with the corresponding kwargs for its constructor.') if kegg_url is not None and KEGGurl is not None: log.warning( 'Both an instantiated kegg_url object and KEGGurl class are provided. Using the instantiated object...') if kegg_url is not None: return kegg_url if ku.AbstractKEGGurl not in ins.getmro(KEGGurl): raise ValueError( f'The value for KEGGurl must be an inherited class of {ku.AbstractKEGGurl.__name__}. ' f'The class "{KEGGurl.__name__}" is not.') kegg_url = KEGGurl(**kwargs) return kegg_url
[docs] def test( self, KEGGurl: type[ku.AbstractKEGGurl] | None = None, kegg_url: ku.AbstractKEGGurl | None = None, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Tests if a KEGGurl will succeed upon being used in a request to the KEGG REST API. :param KEGGurl: Optional KEGGurl class used to instantiate a KEGGurl object given keyword arguments. :param kegg_url: KEGGurl object that's already instantiated (used if a KEGGurl class is not provided). :param kwargs: The keyword arguments used to instantiated the KEGGurl object from the KEGGurl class, if provided. :return: True if the URL would succeed, false if it would fail or time out. """ kegg_url = KEGGrest._get_kegg_url(KEGGurl=KEGGurl, kegg_url=kegg_url, **kwargs) for _ in range(self._n_tries): try: response = rq.head(url=kegg_url.url, timeout=self._time_out) if response.status_code == 200: return True except rq.exceptions.Timeout: time.sleep(self._sleep_time) return False
[docs] def list(self, database: str) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "list" KEGG API operation, pulling the entry IDs of the provided database. :param database: The database from which to pull entry IDs. :return: The KEGG response. """ return self.request(KEGGurl=ku.ListKEGGurl, database=database)
[docs] def get(self, entry_ids: t.List[str], entry_field: str | None = None) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "get" KEGG API operation, pulling the entries of the provided entry IDs. :param entry_ids: The IDs of entries to pull. :param entry_field: Optional field to extract from the entries. :return: The KEGG response. """ return self.request(KEGGurl=ku.GetKEGGurl, entry_ids=entry_ids, entry_field=entry_field)
[docs] def info(self, database: str) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "info" KEGG API operation, pulling information about a KEGG database. :param database: The database to pull information about. :return: The KEGG response """ return self.request(KEGGurl=ku.InfoKEGGurl, database=database)
[docs] def keywords_find(self, database: str, keywords: t.List[str]) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "find" KEGG API operation, finding entry IDs based on keywords to search in entries. :param database: The name of the database containing entries to search for. :param keywords: The keywords to search in entries. :return: The KEGG response """ return self.request(KEGGurl=ku.KeywordsFindKEGGurl, database=database, keywords=keywords)
[docs] def molecular_find( self, database: str, formula: str | None = None, exact_mass: float | tuple[float, float] | None = None, molecular_weight: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "find" KEGG API operation, finding entry IDs in chemical databases based on one (and only one) choice of three molecular attributes of the entries. :param database: The name of the chemical database to search for entries in. :param formula: The chemical formula (one of three choices) of chemical entries to search for. :param exact_mass: The exact mass (one of three choices) of chemical entries to search for (single value or range). :param molecular_weight: The molecular weight (one of three choices) of chemical entries to search for (single value or range). :return: The KEGG response """ return self.request( KEGGurl=ku.MolecularFindKEGGurl, database=database, formula=formula, exact_mass=exact_mass, molecular_weight=molecular_weight)
[docs] def database_conv(self, kegg_database: str, outside_database: str) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "conv" KEGG API operation, converting the entry IDs of a KEGG database to those of an outside database. :param kegg_database: The name of the KEGG database to pull converted entry IDs from. :param outside_database: The name of the outside database to pull converted entry IDs from. :return: The KEGG response. """ return self.request(KEGGurl=ku.DatabaseConvKEGGurl, kegg_database=kegg_database, outside_database=outside_database)
[docs] def entries_conv(self, target_database: str, entry_ids: t.List[str]) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "conv" KEGG API operation, converting provided entry IDs from one database to the form of a target database. :param target_database: The name of the database to get converted entry IDs from. :param entry_ids: The entry IDs to convert to the form of the target database. :return: The KEGG response. """ return self.request(KEGGurl=ku.EntriesConvKEGGurl, target_database=target_database, entry_ids=entry_ids)
[docs] def ddi(self, drug_entry_ids: t.List[str]) -> KEGGresponse: """ Executes the "ddi" KEGG API operation, searching for drug to drug interactions. Providing one entry ID reports all known interactions, while providing multiple checks if any drug pair in a given set of drugs is CI or P. If providing multiple, all entries must belong to the same database. :param drug_entry_ids: The IDs of the drug entries within which search for drug interactions. :return: The KEGG response """ return self.request(KEGGurl=ku.DdiKEGGurl, drug_entry_ids=drug_entry_ids)
[docs] def request_and_check_error( kegg_rest: KEGGrest | None = None, KEGGurl: type[ku.AbstractKEGGurl] | None = None, kegg_url: ku.AbstractKEGGurl = None, **kwargs) -> KEGGresponse: """ Makes a general request to the KEGG REST API using a KEGGrest object. Creates the KEGGrest object if one is not provided. Additionally, raises an exception if the request is not successful, specifying the URL that was unsuccessful. :param kegg_rest: The KEGGrest object to perform the request. If None, one is created with the default parameters. :param KEGGurl: Optional KEGG URL class (extended from AbstractKEGGurl) that's instantiated with provided keyword arguments. :param kegg_url: Optional KEGGurl object that's already instantiated (used if KEGGurl class is not provided). :param kwargs: The keyword arguments used to instantiate the KEGGurl class, if provided. :return: The KEGG response :raises RuntimeError: Raised if the request fails or times out. """ kegg_rest = kegg_rest if kegg_rest is not None else KEGGrest() kegg_response = kegg_rest.request(KEGGurl=KEGGurl, kegg_url=kegg_url, **kwargs) if kegg_response.status == KEGGresponse.Status.FAILED: raise RuntimeError(f'The KEGG request failed with the following URL: {kegg_response.kegg_url.url}') elif kegg_response.status == KEGGresponse.Status.TIMEOUT: raise RuntimeError(f'The KEGG request timed out with the following URL: {kegg_response.kegg_url.url}') return kegg_response