# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions For mwtab Format
import sys
import operator
[docs]def create_sample_lineages(input_json: dict, entity_table_name: str="entity", parent_key: str="parent_id") -> dict:
"""Determine all the ancestors, parents, and siblings for each entity in the entity table.
The returned dictionary is of the form:
{entity_id:{"ancestors":[ancestor0, ancestor1, ...],
"parents":[parent0, parent1, ...],
"siblings":[sibling0, sibling1, ...]}
parents are the immediate ancestors an entity comes from. They are also included in the ancestors list.
input_json: the dictionary where the entity table is.
entity_table_name: the name of the entity table in input_json.
parent_key: the field name for the field that points to the entity's parent.
a dictionary where the keys are the entity ids and the values are a dictionary
of it's ancestors, parents, and siblings.
lineages = {}
for entity_name, entity_attributes in input_json[entity_table_name].items():
ancestors = []
immediate_parents = []
if parents := entity_attributes.get(parent_key):
parents = parents if isinstance(parents, list) else [parents]
immediate_parents = parents
next_parents = parents
while next_parents:
parents = next_parents
next_parents = []
for parent_name in parents:
if parent_name not in ancestors:
if parent_name not in input_json[entity_table_name]:
print("Error: The parent entity, \"" + parent_name + "\", pulled from the entity \"" + entity_name + \
"\" in the \"" + entity_table_name + "\" table is not in the \"" + entity_table_name + "\" table. " +\
"Parent entities must be in the table with thier children.", file=sys.stderr)
if grandparents := input_json[entity_table_name][parent_name].get(parent_key):
grandparents = grandparents if isinstance(grandparents, list) else [grandparents]
next_parents += grandparents
lineages[entity_name] = {"ancestors": ancestors, "parents": immediate_parents}
for entity_name in lineages:
siblings = []
if not lineages[entity_name]["ancestors"]:
lineages[entity_name]["siblings"] = []
parents = lineages[entity_name]["parents"]
for sibling_name, entity_attributes in input_json[entity_table_name].items():
if sibling_name != entity_name and (sibling_parents := entity_attributes.get(parent_key)):
sibling_parents = sibling_parents if isinstance(sibling_parents, list) else [sibling_parents]
if set(sibling_parents).intersection(parents):
lineages[entity_name]["siblings"] = siblings
return lineages
[docs]def create_subject_sample_factors(input_json: dict,
measurement_table_name: str="measurement",
sibling_match_field: str="protocol.id",
sibling_match_value: str="protein_extraction",
sample_id_key: str="entity.id",
entity_table_name: str="entity",
entity_type_key: str="type",
subject_type_value: str="subject",
parent_key: str="parent_id",
factor_table_name: str="factor",
factor_field_key: str="field",
factor_allowed_values_key: str="allowed_values",
protocol_table_name: str="protocol",
protocol_field: str="protocol.id",
protocol_type_field: str="type",
measurement_type_value: str="measurement",
data_files_key: str="data_files",
data_files_attribute_key: str="data_files%entity_id",
lineage_field_exclusion_list: list[str]|tuple[str] =("study.id", "project.id", "parent_id")) -> list[dict]:
"""Create the SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS section of the mwTab JSON.
input_json: the data to build from.
measurement_table_name: the name of the table in input_json where the measurements are.
sibling_match_field: the field to use to determine if a sibling should be added to the SSF.
sibling_match_value the value to use to determine if a sibling should be added to the SSF.
sample_id_key: the field in the measurement that has the sample id associated with it.
entity_table_name: the name of the table in input_json where the entities are.
entity_type_key: the field in entity records where the type is located.
subject_type_value: the value in the type key that means the entity is a subject.
parent_key: the field that points to the parent of the record.
factor_table_name: the name of the table in input_json where the factors are.
factor_field_key: the field in factor records that tells what the factor field is in other records.
factor_allowed_values_key: the field in factor records where the allowed values for that factor are.
protocol_table_name: the name of the table in input_json where the protocols are.
protocol_field: the field in records that contains the protocol(s) of the record.
protocol_type_field: the field in protocol records where the type is located.
measurement_type_value: the value in the type key that means the protocol is a measurement type.
data_files_key: the field in a measurement type protocol record where the file names are located.
data_files_attribute_key: the field in a measurement type protocol record where the corresponding entity_id to raw file names are located.
lineage_field_exclusion_list: the fields in entity records that should not be added as additional data.
samples = set()
protocols = set()
for measurement_name, measurement_attributes in input_json[measurement_table_name].items():
if sample_id := measurement_attributes.get(sample_id_key):
if protocol := measurement_attributes.get(protocol_field):
if isinstance(protocol, list):
## Determine the measurement protocol to look for raw_files.
raw_file_dict = {}
for protocol in protocols:
if (protocol_attributes := input_json[protocol_table_name].get(protocol)) and \
(protocol_type := protocol_attributes.get(protocol_type_field)) and \
protocol_type == measurement_type_value and \
(data_files := protocol_attributes.get(data_files_key)) and \
(data_files_attribute := protocol_attributes.get(data_files_attribute_key)):
data_files_len = len(data_files)
data_files_attribute_len = len(data_files_attribute)
if data_files_len != data_files_attribute_len:
print("Warning: The protocol, \"" + protocol + "\", has a " + data_files_key +
" field that is not the same length as its " + data_files_attribute_key +
" field. The raw files for the subject-sample-factors may be incorrect.", file=sys.stderr)
if data_files_len < data_files_attribute_len:
raw_file_dict = {data_files_attribute[i]:raw_file for i, raw_file in enumerate(data_files)}
raw_file_dict = {entity:data_files[i] for i, entity in enumerate(data_files_attribute)}
if not samples == set(data_files_attribute):
print("Warning: The entities found in the measurement records and those found in the " +
data_files_attribute_key + " field of the " + protocol + " protocol are not the same.", file=sys.stderr)
lineages = create_sample_lineages(input_json, entity_table_name=entity_table_name, parent_key=parent_key)
factor_fields = {factor_attributes[factor_field_key]:{"name":factor, "allowed_values":factor_attributes[factor_allowed_values_key]} for factor, factor_attributes in input_json[factor_table_name].items()}
ss_factors = []
for sample in samples:
if sample not in lineages:
print("Error: The sample, \"" + sample + "\", pulled from the \"" + measurement_table_name + \
"\" table is not in the \"" + entity_table_name + "\" table. Thus the subject-sample-factors cannot be determined.", file=sys.stderr)
additional_sample_data = {}
# raw_files = []
factors = {}
subject_id = ""
lineage_count = 0
## Loop over all of the sample's ancestors and add them to additional data as well find all the factors, and the closest subject.
for ancestor in lineages[sample]["ancestors"]:
for field, field_value in input_json[entity_table_name][ancestor].items():
if field in lineage_field_exclusion_list:
additional_sample_data["lineage" + str(lineage_count) + "_" + field] = str(field_value)
if field in factor_fields and factor_fields[field]["name"] not in factors:
if isinstance(field_value,str) and field_value in factor_fields[field]["allowed_values"]:
factors[factor_fields[field]["name"]] = field_value
elif isinstance(field_value,list) and (field_values := [value for value in field_value if value in factor_fields[field]["allowed_values"]]):
factors[factor_fields[field]["name"]] = field_values[0] if len(field_values) == 1 else str(field_values)
if not subject_id and field == entity_type_key and field_value == subject_type_value:
subject_id = ancestor
lineage_count += 1
## Look for siblings to add to additional data if sibling_match_field is given.
if sibling_match_field and sibling_match_value:
for sibling in lineages[sample]["siblings"]:
match_field_value = input_json[entity_table_name][sibling][sibling_match_field]
if sibling_match_field in input_json[entity_table_name][sibling] and \
((isinstance(match_field_value, str) and sibling_match_value == match_field_value) or\
(isinstance(match_field_value, list) and sibling_match_value in match_field_value)):
for field, field_value in input_json[entity_table_name][sibling].items():
if field in lineage_field_exclusion_list:
additional_sample_data["lineage" + str(lineage_count) + "_" + field] = str(field_value)
lineage_count += 1
## Look for factors on the sample itself.
for field, field_value in input_json[entity_table_name][sample].items():
if field in factor_fields and factor_fields[field]["name"] not in factors:
if isinstance(field_value,str) and field_value in factor_fields[field]["allowed_values"]:
factors[factor_fields[field]["name"]] = field_value
elif isinstance(field_value,list) and (field_values := [value for value in field_value if value in factor_fields[field]["allowed_values"]]):
factors[factor_fields[field]["name"]] = field_values[0] if len(field_values) == 1 else str(field_values)
## Add raw files as a key to additional sample data.
if raw_file := raw_file_dict.get(sample):
additional_sample_data["RAW_FILE_NAME"] = raw_file
ss_factors.append({"Subject ID":subject_id, "Sample ID":sample, "Factors":factors, "Additional sample data":additional_sample_data})
## Run some error checking on factors found.
found_factors = {factor for ss_factor in ss_factors for factor in ss_factor["Factors"]}
missing_factors = set(input_json[factor_table_name]) - found_factors
if missing_factors:
print("Warning: There are factors in the \"" + factor_table_name +\
"\" table that were not found when determining the subject-sample-factors. These factors are: " +\
", ".join(missing_factors), file=sys.stderr)
samples_without_all_factors = [ss_factor["Sample ID"] for ss_factor in ss_factors if found_factors - set(ss_factor["Factors"])]
if samples_without_all_factors:
print("Warning: The following samples do not have the full set of factors: \n" + "\n".join(samples_without_all_factors), file=sys.stderr)
## Sort ss_factors.
ss_factors = sorted(ss_factors, key = operator.itemgetter(*["Subject ID", "Sample ID"]))
return ss_factors