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Principal components analysis (PCA) and related methods are very useful data decomposition methods. However, when one has hundreds or thousands of variables as many -omics methods do, any information beyond just examining PC1 and PC2 is often lost.

However, there may be opportunities to examine the association of sample scores on each principal component to see if they are associated with any particular sample variable of interest. Following that, we can test the loadings of the variables on that PC to see if any are significantly associated with that PC. These variables may describe something important about the data that doesn’t just come from statistically significant differential differences.


The data we will use is completely artificial, in that the differences are extreme and completely made up. We have 20 samples, 10 in each class, and 1000 variables.

data_matrix = grp_exp_data$data
rownames(data_matrix) = paste0("f", seq(1, nrow(data_matrix)))
colnames(data_matrix) = paste0("s", seq(1, ncol(data_matrix)))

sample_info <- data.frame(id = colnames(data_matrix), class = grp_exp_data$class)

#> [1] 1000   20

This data has a proportional variance structure, where the variance increases with the value. We can see this by examining a plot of two columns in raw and log-transformed values.

data_df =[, c(1, 2)])
data_df$type = "raw"
log_df =[, c(1, 2)]))
log_df$type = "log"

all_df = rbind(data_df, log_df)
all_df$type = factor(all_df$type, levels = c("raw", "log"), ordered = TRUE)

ggplot(all_df, aes(x = s1, y = s2)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~ type, scales = "free")


We will use the log-transformed values, because PCA doesn’t do well with proportional variance data.

log_pca = prcomp(t(log1p(data_matrix)), center = TRUE)

We can summarize the variances of each principal component.

log_variances = visqc_score_contributions(log_pca$x)
pc variance percent cumulative labels
PC1 PC1 630.300641 0.7474956 0.7474956 PC1 (75%)
PC2 PC2 15.260619 0.0180981 0.7655937 PC2 (1.8%)
PC3 PC3 14.393039 0.0170692 0.7826629 PC3 (1.7%)
PC4 PC4 13.998044 0.0166008 0.7992637 PC4 (1.7%)
PC5 PC5 13.624605 0.0161579 0.8154216 PC5 (1.6%)
PC6 PC6 13.191010 0.0156437 0.8310653 PC6 (1.6%)
PC7 PC7 12.649098 0.0150010 0.8460663 PC7 (1.5%)
PC8 PC8 12.395460 0.0147002 0.8607665 PC8 (1.5%)
PC9 PC9 11.904228 0.0141176 0.8748841 PC9 (1.4%)
PC10 PC10 11.803515 0.0139982 0.8888823 PC10 (1.4%)
PC11 PC11 11.425450 0.0135498 0.9024322 PC11 (1.4%)
PC12 PC12 11.294834 0.0133949 0.9158271 PC12 (1.3%)
PC13 PC13 10.735845 0.0127320 0.9285591 PC13 (1.3%)
PC14 PC14 10.627450 0.0126035 0.9411626 PC14 (1.3%)
PC15 PC15 10.585936 0.0125542 0.9537168 PC15 (1.3%)
PC16 PC16 10.338576 0.0122609 0.9659777 PC16 (1.2%)
PC17 PC17 10.188966 0.0120835 0.9780612 PC17 (1.2%)
PC18 PC18 9.646507 0.0114401 0.9895013 PC18 (1.1%)
PC19 PC19 8.852683 0.0104987 1.0000000 PC19 (1%)
PC20 PC20 0.000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 PC20 (0.00000000000000000000000000000011%)

And we can add the scores to the sample info so we can plot them by sample type.

log_scores = cbind($x), sample_info)
ggplot(log_scores, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = class)) + geom_point()

Great, our class variable is definitely associated with PC1. What if there was some variable we were interested in knowing if there was a PC associated with it?

Test PCs

The only one here should be PC1, but lets go through and test them anyway.

pc_stats = visqc_test_pca_scores(log_pca$x, sample_info[, c("class"), drop = FALSE])

term df sumsq meansq statistic p.value PC variable
x 1 1.196857e+04 1.196857e+04 3.01577e+04 0.0000000 PC1 class
x 1 3.780000e-05 3.780000e-05 2.30000e-06 0.9987946 PC2 class
x 1 7.243800e-03 7.243800e-03 4.76800e-04 0.9828191 PC3 class
x 1 1.084890e-02 1.084890e-02 7.34300e-04 0.9786802 PC4 class
x 1 1.150000e-05 1.150000e-05 8.00000e-07 0.9992956 PC5 class
x 1 7.713200e-03 7.713200e-03 5.54000e-04 0.9814812 PC6 class
x 1 1.605300e-03 1.605300e-03 1.20200e-04 0.9913719 PC7 class
x 1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.00000e+00 0.9999533 PC8 class
x 1 1.384000e-04 1.384000e-04 1.10000e-05 0.9973883 PC9 class
x 1 5.684000e-04 5.684000e-04 4.56000e-05 0.9946852 PC10 class
x 1 1.231200e-02 1.231200e-02 1.02090e-03 0.9748619 PC11 class
x 1 5.503900e-03 5.503900e-03 4.61700e-04 0.9830942 PC12 class
x 1 2.510000e-04 2.510000e-04 2.22000e-05 0.9962966 PC13 class
x 1 2.671100e-03 2.671100e-03 2.38100e-04 0.9878581 PC14 class
x 1 1.366700e-03 1.366700e-03 1.22300e-04 0.9912975 PC15 class
x 1 2.072800e-02 2.072800e-02 1.89960e-03 0.9657156 PC16 class
x 1 5.379520e-02 5.379520e-02 5.00330e-03 0.9443896 PC17 class
x 1 2.221000e-04 2.221000e-04 2.18000e-05 0.9963248 PC18 class
x 1 3.670000e-05 3.670000e-05 3.90000e-06 0.9984416 PC19 class
x 1 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.20010e-03 0.9631051 PC20 class

As this is an artificial data-set, we expect that only PC1 is going to come back with something significant. We can double check the ANOVA results by plotting the scores in one-dimension as well.

ggplot(log_scores, aes(x = PC1, fill = class)) + geom_histogram(bins = 30, position = "identity")

Again, this is a contrived example, so things separate really, really well.

Test Loadings

We can also run a statistical test on the loadings for each variable on each PC. The way this works is to construct a null distribution of loadings from all of the other variables in all of the other PCs outside of the current one being tested. We will test both PC1 and PC2 here, because we don’t really expect that there should be that many on PC2. Note that for a large number of variables, this will take some time, because a slightly different null is created for each variable by excluding that variables loadings in the other PCs.

loading_sig = visqc_test_pca_loadings(log_pca$rotation, test_columns = c("PC1", "PC2"), progress = FALSE)
purrr::map_dbl(loading_sig, ~ sum(.x$p.value <= 0.05))
#> PC1 PC2 
#>  57  49