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This vignette shows how the various functions in this package can be used for basic quality control, in addition to advocating a particular workflow for examining experimental data prior to analysis. These steps consist of:

  • Principal components analysis
  • Correlation heatmap
  • Median correlation
  • Feature outliers

In all of the examples, we will compare and contrast a dataset that is composed of two different conditions, and the same dataset wherein two samples have had their class labels switched by mistake, and how the visualizations above can illustrate potential problems.


exp_data <- grp_exp_data$data
rownames(exp_data) <- paste0("f", seq(1, nrow(exp_data)))
colnames(exp_data) <- paste0("s", seq(1, ncol(exp_data)))

sample_info <- data.frame(id = colnames(exp_data), class = grp_exp_data$class)
sample_classes <- sample_info$class

mix_data <- exp_data
mix_data[, 5] <- exp_data[, 19]
mix_data[, 19] <- exp_data[, 5]

The data used here are from a simulated experiment, where there are two classes of samples. 1000 features measured, across 20 samples from 2 groups, with 10 in each group.

The actual values we are going to use are in exp_data. The classes of samples are defined in sample_classes. We will also create a version of the data that has two samples completely switched by accident, labels and all, in mix_data.

##  num [1:1000, 1:20] 0.833 3.826 15.87 0.842 1.87 ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : chr [1:1000] "f1" "f2" "f3" "f4" ...
##   ..$ : chr [1:20] "s1" "s2" "s3" "s4" ...
exp_data[1:5, 1:5]
##            s1       s2        s3        s4       s5
## f1  0.8326984 1.795155 0.9698029  0.000000 0.000000
## f2  3.8262483 3.103851 1.9064043  3.446350 6.217429
## f3 15.8695770 7.078666 5.6856675 11.138222 7.580068
## f4  0.8422794 0.000000 1.8026048  0.171272 0.000000
## f5  1.8696869 7.724530 3.9550344  1.919573 1.087596
##     id class
## 1   s1  grp1
## 2   s2  grp1
## 3   s3  grp1
## 4   s4  grp1
## 5   s5  grp1
## 6   s6  grp1
## 7   s7  grp1
## 8   s8  grp1
## 9   s9  grp1
## 10 s10  grp1
## 11 s11  grp2
## 12 s12  grp2
## 13 s13  grp2
## 14 s14  grp2
## 15 s15  grp2
## 16 s16  grp2
## 17 s17  grp2
## 18 s18  grp2
## 19 s19  grp2
## 20 s20  grp2

Data Transformation

Before we do anything else, we need to transform the data. This is because this and other -omics data frequently have a distribution and error structure that many statistical methods will completely choke on, or at least give you incorrect results.

Make sure to ask if data has been transformed in any way!

Here I will show what the raw and transformed data looks like.

exp_df =
ggplot(exp_df, aes(x = s1, y = s2)) + geom_point() + labs(title = "Raw Data")

Notice the dispersion in the values as the actual values increase. Most statistical methods don’t like this.

log_data <- log(exp_data)
log_df =
ggplot(log_df, aes(x = s1, y = s2)) + geom_point() + labs(title = "Log Transform")

But, lots of other methods don’t deal well with NA or Inf values, which is what you get when you do a log-transform on negative or zero values. There are a couple of solutions:

  • If have negatives, add the most negative + small offset
  • If have zeros, use log1p to handle zero and small values
log1_data <- log1p(exp_data)

small_value <- min(exp_data[exp_data != 0]) / 100
log2_data <- log2(exp_data + small_value)

Most of the methods in this package can handle the presence of NA or Inf, except for the principal components analysis (PCA). Because we have physical data, the lowest value should be zero. Therefore we can use log1p, which will keep the zeros as zeros. Alternatively, we could use log1p for PCA, and log for the correlations.

log_data <- log1p(exp_data)
log_mix <- log1p(mix_data)

Principal Components Analysis

As a first step, we will use principal components analysis (PCA) to decompose the data. PCA is trying to find linear combinations of the original variables that account for the maximum amount of variance, and then finding the next combination that is orthogonal to the first, and so on and so on. It is extemely useful for confirming that the largest source of variance is the biological one, and for examining if any confounds can explain some sources of variance.

pca_data <- prcomp(t(log_data), center = TRUE)
pca_mixed <- prcomp(t(log_mix), center = TRUE)

Visualize Them

To visualize the data, we plot the scores. If we want to know how much a PC contributes to the variances, we can get a summary of them using visqc_score_contributions.

gd_scores = cbind($x), sample_info)
gd_pca = ggplot(gd_scores, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = class)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Good Data")

pc variance percent cumulative labels
PC1 PC1 630.300641 0.7474956 0.7474956 PC1 (75%)
PC2 PC2 15.260619 0.0180981 0.7655937 PC2 (1.8%)
PC3 PC3 14.393039 0.0170692 0.7826629 PC3 (1.7%)
PC4 PC4 13.998044 0.0166008 0.7992637 PC4 (1.7%)
PC5 PC5 13.624605 0.0161579 0.8154216 PC5 (1.6%)
PC6 PC6 13.191010 0.0156437 0.8310653 PC6 (1.6%)
PC7 PC7 12.649098 0.0150010 0.8460663 PC7 (1.5%)
PC8 PC8 12.395460 0.0147002 0.8607665 PC8 (1.5%)
PC9 PC9 11.904228 0.0141176 0.8748841 PC9 (1.4%)
PC10 PC10 11.803515 0.0139982 0.8888823 PC10 (1.4%)
PC11 PC11 11.425450 0.0135498 0.9024322 PC11 (1.4%)
PC12 PC12 11.294834 0.0133949 0.9158271 PC12 (1.3%)
PC13 PC13 10.735845 0.0127320 0.9285591 PC13 (1.3%)
PC14 PC14 10.627450 0.0126035 0.9411626 PC14 (1.3%)
PC15 PC15 10.585936 0.0125542 0.9537168 PC15 (1.3%)
PC16 PC16 10.338576 0.0122609 0.9659777 PC16 (1.2%)
PC17 PC17 10.188966 0.0120835 0.9780612 PC17 (1.2%)
PC18 PC18 9.646507 0.0114401 0.9895013 PC18 (1.1%)
PC19 PC19 8.852683 0.0104987 1.0000000 PC19 (1%)
PC20 PC20 0.000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 PC20 (0.00000000000000000000000000000011%)
bad_scores = cbind($x), sample_info)
bad_pca <- ggplot(bad_scores, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = class)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Bad Data")

pc variance percent cumulative labels
PC1 PC1 630.300641 0.7474956 0.7474956 PC1 (75%)
PC2 PC2 15.260619 0.0180981 0.7655937 PC2 (1.8%)
PC3 PC3 14.393039 0.0170692 0.7826629 PC3 (1.7%)
PC4 PC4 13.998044 0.0166008 0.7992637 PC4 (1.7%)
PC5 PC5 13.624605 0.0161579 0.8154216 PC5 (1.6%)
PC6 PC6 13.191010 0.0156437 0.8310653 PC6 (1.6%)
PC7 PC7 12.649098 0.0150010 0.8460663 PC7 (1.5%)
PC8 PC8 12.395460 0.0147002 0.8607665 PC8 (1.5%)
PC9 PC9 11.904228 0.0141176 0.8748841 PC9 (1.4%)
PC10 PC10 11.803515 0.0139982 0.8888823 PC10 (1.4%)
PC11 PC11 11.425450 0.0135498 0.9024322 PC11 (1.4%)
PC12 PC12 11.294834 0.0133949 0.9158271 PC12 (1.3%)
PC13 PC13 10.735845 0.0127320 0.9285591 PC13 (1.3%)
PC14 PC14 10.627450 0.0126035 0.9411626 PC14 (1.3%)
PC15 PC15 10.585936 0.0125542 0.9537168 PC15 (1.3%)
PC16 PC16 10.338576 0.0122609 0.9659777 PC16 (1.2%)
PC17 PC17 10.188966 0.0120835 0.9780612 PC17 (1.2%)
PC18 PC18 9.646507 0.0114401 0.9895013 PC18 (1.1%)
PC19 PC19 8.852683 0.0104987 1.0000000 PC19 (1%)
PC20 PC20 0.000000 0.0000000 1.0000000 PC20 (0.00000000000000000000000000000014%)

Note in this case PC1 contains a large proportion of variance, and separates the samples very well. The PCA plots rarely look this good in practice!

Correlation Heatmap

Correlation heatmaps show much of the same information as the PCA plots, but in a different way.

Calculate Correlations

We recommend to use our information-content-informed Kendall-tau {ICIKendallTau::ici_kendalltau} correlation, that is scale invariant, and includes some effects of missing values. Note that we take the transpose of the data, because this function assumes that data are organized with features as columns and samples as rows.

data_cor <- ICIKendallTau::ici_kendalltau(exp_data)

This returns a list with some useful information, the actual correlations in cor, the number of points in each correlation in count, and which points pass the various filters in keep. We are really only interested in cor in this case.

We can also check that we did the right correlations by looking at the dimensions of the matrix, in this case we expect a 20 by 20 matrix.

data_cor <- data_cor$cor
## [1] 20 20

We also do the same for our mixed-up data.

mix_cor <- ICIKendallTau::ici_kendalltau(mix_data)$cor

Reorder Correlations

To make the heatmap more useful, we also do clustering within each of the sample classes and reorder the correlations, this highlights sub-groups within classes as well as potential outliers.

data_order <- similarity_reorderbyclass(data_cor, sample_info[, "class", drop = FALSE],
                                        transform = "sub_1")
mix_order <- similarity_reorderbyclass(mix_cor, sample_info[, "class", drop = FALSE],
                                       transform = "sub_1")

Color by Class

We also want to color them by their class.

data_legend <- generate_group_colors(2)
names(data_legend) <- c("grp1", "grp2")

row_data <- sample_info[, "class", drop = FALSE]
row_annotation <- list(class = data_legend)

Map Correlation to Color

Correlation values are mapped to colors using the colorRamp2 function, by specifying the range of correlations, and what colors to map them to. Here the viridis color-scale is used because it is perceptually uniform and is good for those suffering from various types of color blindness. Other choices might be black -> white, or the other color maps in the viridis package. More information about viridis is available here.

colormap <- colorRamp2(seq(0.5, 1, length.out = 20), viridis::viridis(20))


Finally we can make the heatmaps!

visqc_heatmap(data_cor, colormap, "Good Data", row_color_data = row_data,
              row_color_list = row_annotation, col_color_data = row_data,
              col_color_list = row_annotation, row_order = data_order$indices,
              column_order = data_order$indices)

visqc_heatmap(mix_cor, colormap, "Bad Data", row_color_data = row_data,
              row_color_list = row_annotation, col_color_data = row_data,
              col_color_list = row_annotation, row_order = mix_order$indices,
              column_order = mix_order$indices)

Note in the second example, s5 and s19 look odd.

Median Correlation

Lets also calculate the median correlation within each class.


data_medcor <- median_correlations(data_cor, sample_info$class)

And plot it using facets in ggplot2.

ggplot(data_medcor, aes(x = sample_id, y = med_cor)) + geom_point() + 
  facet_grid(. ~ sample_class, scales = "free") + ggtitle("Good Data")


mix_medcor <- median_correlations(mix_cor, sample_info$class)

Plot it!

ggplot(mix_medcor, aes(x = sample_id, y = med_cor)) + geom_point() +
  facet_grid(. ~ sample_class, scales = "free") + ggtitle("Bad Dat")

Proportion of Outlier Features

For every feature (the rows in our matrix), within each sample-class, calculate the trimmed (remove the x highest and lowest values) mean and sd, which features are outside a given number of sd’s, and then calculate the proportion of outliers in each sample. Samples with a deviated proportion of outliers should be examined more closely.

If you are using metabolomics data with a large number of zeros, you probably want to ignore zeros.


data_outlier <- outlier_fraction(log_data, sample_info$class, remove_missing = NA)

Plot them!

ggplot(data_outlier, aes(x = sample_id, y = frac)) + geom_point() + 
  facet_grid(. ~ sample_class, scales = "free") + ggtitle("Good Data")


mix_outlier <- outlier_fraction(mix_data, sample_info$class, remove_missing = 0)

Plot them.

ggplot(mix_outlier, aes(x = sample_id, y = frac)) + geom_point() + 
  facet_grid(. ~ sample_class, scales = "free") + ggtitle("Mix Data")


Hopefully this has shown how you can use the various tools to examine your high-througput -omics data for potential problems.